American Manga God

Chapter 250: Can't count on Iron Man

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Weighing more than one ton and standing more than six meters high, it was a giant like a miniature version of King Kong, and the glass of the experimental building fell from the sky!

That scene was absolutely shocking.

The roof of a taxi is only big enough for one of his feet.

At the moment when the hatred fell, two disfigured American soldiers fell, one hanging from the southeast branch, the body hanging on the five-meter-high street lamp, and the other falling violently, the twisted body, a Humvee. The windshield of the car was completely crushed, and even the hood was knocked off.

"Report! Report! Another Hulk found! This one is bigger and more aggressive. He just killed two of our brothers." The soldier reported to General Ross.


The general is a 'black question mark' expression: "This is impossible! Hulk's symbiote is sitting in front of me."

General Ross's eyelids jumped, and in front of him, his precious daughter was holding hands with Bruce. Bruce, who has not transformed, is completely a weak man, making the general unpleasant to look at.

"General! That's not the Hulk. It should be something like the Hulk, but more powerful." After that, the soldier turned on the camera installed on the helmet.

On the screen in the helicopter cabin, General Ross saw the disaster that happened in New York.

A storm of destruction swept across the bustling Northside of Manhattan.

The two-story-tall giant was wanton destruction and slaughter.

He lifted a large truck with one hand, and the flying car hit the second floor of a building on the side of the road. The fuel tank was twisted and deformed under the violent impact, and then burst and exploded.

There are explosions and spreading flames everywhere, the temperature of the whole block is rising, and the turbulence created by the air carries the flying flames. As soon as the lit gasoline falls on any combustible material, a raging flame is immediately raised.

What burst out from the lungs, which said less than 100,000 milliliters of vital capacity, was a long and distant whistle. This scream seems to come from the distant Jurassic World. A Tyrannosaurus Rex is declaring its dominance to all creatures, declaring that the land under its feet is its territory.

The terrifying roar pierced into the hearts of the civilians.

The heart of an old woman who was driving by was constricted into a ball because of her fear, blood poured from all over her body, and her vision suddenly became pitch black.

She opened her mouth like a fish out of water, trying to breathe fresh air.

But what she waited for was not redemption, but death.

"Haha! Too weak! Too old! Weak creatures are not qualified to survive!" The passing hater slapped the old lady away, like throwing a bag of garbage into the trash can.

Emil, who was once a human, is a feisty guy. He has been chasing strength and excitement all his life, and he is also disgusting with the aging self who is no longer as neat as 18 years old.

After his broken mind was amplified by the degraded version of the serum, it was even more distorted.

On the other side, after seeing this scene in the helicopter, everyone was silent.

Betty pressed her chest, and an angry flush appeared on her fair face. She stared at this scene closely, as if for fear of missing a detail.

She wanted to imprint this unscrupulously destroying civilized society in her mind.

"Sir! Please instruct! Sir!?" The soldier's request came hurriedly over the phone.

In the picture, many brave policemen and soldiers approached and opened fire on the abomination with light weapons.

It's a pity that even the Hulk can't handle weapons with a caliber of less than 20 mm, let alone this enhanced version hates it.

A BMW 5 Series sedan weighing a ton and a half was swung out.

It was not a slow parabola, but a direct hit like a cannonball, completely beyond the ability of mortals to react. Those soldiers and policemen had no time to dodge and were already knocked away. A large piece of flesh and blood was spattered under the reversed car, and three human legs were still twitching.

Abomination then turned around.

Under the magnification of the camera, you can see that his green eyes are like a pair of dull sapphire, with supreme arrogance and contempt, as if he is not a monster giant at all, but a person who can look down on the world. High spirits.

It stared coldly at the few soldiers here, but it gave everyone in the helicopter an illusion, as if these terrifying eyes were looking down at themselves condescendingly through the camera.

At this time, another communication came in. It was a video call from the top U.S. military. An old man with a four-star epaulette was roaring: "Ross, are you on the scene in Manhattan? Did you make a mess?"

"No! I have captured the target." General Ross moved away from the camera with a blank expression, revealing Bruce Banner behind him, who was locked in reinforced shackles: "This is another matter, in fact, I have no mind."

This is not to blame, Ross really did not know that Emil Bronski, who was temporarily seconded to him, made such a big deal.

The first-level official crushed people to death, not to mention that the four-star general represented the White House.

Ross said this, and the admiral was helpless: "Okay! Now is not the time to be held accountable. I order your people to stop that monster immediately. I will transfer troops into New York as soon as possible."

"Understood, sir!"

Ross has dispatched troops.

It's a pity that conventional force is destined to deliver food in front of such monsters.

When the second Apache gunship was shot down at a furious speed of 100 kilometers per hour by the disgustingly unplugged telephone pole as a javelin, General Ross's face was completely blank.

Everyone in the cabin lost their blood.

Looking down from the helicopter's porthole, several streets in the northern part of Manhattan have turned into a long river of flames, and the sparks from the electrical equipment are filled with golden light.

The screams of civilians fleeing in the city were so loud that it reached the helicopters hovering hundreds of meters above the ground.

Just one hate turned the bustling city into a purgatory on earth.

Looking at the pain on his girlfriend Betty's face, Bruce, who always hated violence, had the idea of ​​violence for the first time.

He stood up and said to General Ross, "Let me go! Only I can deal with that monster."

General Ross stared at him coldly: "You are a monster yourself!"

This kind of humiliation, in the past, Bruce was definitely very upset. But his benevolence inspired his compassion for the victims of civilians. The sense of justice in his heart drives him even more.

"Okay! Don't you think only monsters can deal with monsters?" Bruce said.

"Wait! Bruce!" Betty stopped him: "You finally changed back. If you forcibly change, you might lose all your achievements. By the way, isn't there an Iron Man in New York?"

Bruce smiled. "I can't expect a rich **** to save the world."

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