American Manga God

Chapter 357: Mei's resentment

If this **** is the kind of unrestrained, who wants to destroy whoever wants to destroy whoever, who has nothing to do with a group of bastards, oh, God envoy goes to the street, and if you see a beautiful beauty, you will give divine inspiration, Mei's integrity will definitely be ten thousand Nod and say "I do!" out loud.

Forget bosses like Odin or Dormammu.

Ordinary bosses can also leave a letter: "You deprived me of the time to pick up girls, and you didn't give me the body to pick up girls and the money to marry a daughter-in-law. Why do you want me to do it for nothing? Boss, get out of my way!" .

But this kind of conferred **** is immortal, the Protoss is immortal, you don't want to run away.

This is all too real.

Besides, the dignified messenger of fate, I'm giving you a **** as an aborigines.

Don't do it!

Do not add 10,000 times the code!

May, who refused from the bottom of her heart, did not welcome Dormam's understanding.

The proud king of darkness has intensified.

"I should really increase my stake in you." After that, Dormammu grinned at his mouth, which should be bigger than the Pacific Ocean, and spat out a 'light spot' that was thicker and darker than the entire dark space. 'Come.

That should not be called light. It was simply a small black hole miniaturized to the extreme.

It wasn't until the little black hole flew in front of Mei Jiecao that he noticed that it was not much bigger than an eyeball.

Carefully savoring the dark energy fluctuations escaping above, and cooperating with the system scan, Mei came to a conclusion. Once this 'little' black hole touches the entity, it will produce a violent energy reaction and swallow a solar system.

"Fuck! This is..."

Dormammu sneered: "Hey hey! Isn't it divine power? Odin can call himself the king of gods and the gods, and so can I. The so-called gods are just a group of people who have mastered a small part of the laws of the universe. Existence. If I want, it is very simple to get a Dark Protoss out. Mmmm, good idea, just do it, start with you today."

"Wait! I have no intention of working for you." Thinking of Casillas' ugly appearance, split eyes, pus on his cheeks, etc.

I'm sorry, please forgive my ugly refusal!

"It's up to you!" Dormammu roared out a dark language. Although the original text was not like that, it was translated into Chinese through telepathy.

The violent dark breath came pouring out like a mountain.

Mei Jiedao instinctively refused, but the difference in energy levels was too great, no matter whether he mustered Kael'thas' flame power, or even took it out to hedge against that black hole with prominence energy, it would be of no avail.

After just one second, in this deep and vast dark space, what was left at last was a fleeting picture scroll with mottled golden light.

The intertwined ultra-high-purity dark law threads are weaving the body of Mei Mumu in a strange way.

These dark forces are not enough to invade the time gems, but they have not spared every corner of Mei Mumu's body.

It invaded recklessly, rewriting all the laws of power within him.

Without a real confrontation, Mei Juncao, who is a frog at the bottom of the well, will never know how powerful the powerhouse standing at the top of the universe can be.

It was only at this moment that Mei Mumu realized that the strength she had accumulated after traveling through so many times was still insignificant in front of a Heavenly Father like Dormammu.

Can this be blamed on him?

Of course not!

At this point in 20 years, Dormammu's strength is the best in this universe, even Thanos is weaker. There is no way, until the Infinity Stones are collected, Thanos with only one or two Infinity Stones can't beat Dormammu.

Mei Mumu resisted.

The robe he exchanged disintegrated immediately.

It disintegrated within a tenth of a second that I managed to save.

He could even hear a sigh before Sister Bu's soul was annihilated.

The only thing that can resist a little bit is the divinity and godhead fragments in his body. The charm of the divine power from Amora is also a kind of law.

It only took less than one-third of a second, and all the fragments of the deity and godhead of the charm system were polluted by the dark power and turned into fragments of the dark godhead and the dark godhead, full of the power of destruction and chaos.

And then... not then...

Someone set it up early in the morning. If he loses his mind, or all power is forcibly replaced with darkness, he will also start the cycle of time gems.

Clearly, Dormammu went too far.

"Hohohoho! How does the dark power feel?" Dormammu, who was looping again, didn't realize that he had already done an empowering practice.

Someone just roars when he's in karaoke.

Someone Mei left a memory, as well as Sister Bu.

"Oh! My master! So this is the infinite nightmare you are facing?" Brunnhilde said quietly in the spiritual connection.

"Well, that's right, it's miserable, isn't it?" What else can I do, I can only smile He said, "I'm glad your spirit didn't collapse."

"It would have collapsed before it collapsed. The Valkyrie troops that were invincible back then had only a dozen or so sane. Besides, it wasn't me who was targeted first. With the disintegration of the Holy Grail of the Sun, I was instantly sane. Perished. I thought I was just out of the tiger's den and into the wolf's den, and it was over."

"This is the power of power." Mei Jiexao shrugged in the sea of ​​spirit: "I tried my best to just pull the situation into a stalemate."

"Master, do you think that my sister and I will be the 'variables' you want?" Sister Bu showed a face of 'I am also very helpless' in the mental picture: "If so, I am afraid that the master will be disappointed. Even if we take back our bodies through miracles, with our souls greatly weakened, our combat power can only recover to 50% of the peak period at most, and even Hela can’t do anything, let alone Dormammu.”

"No, your power is to be used in the future."


Mei Mumu said lightly: "Boil it up! Until my spirit can't bear it, or until the time gem is recharged again."

Brynhild suddenly felt a heartache, and she was the one who could truly feel the pain of this endless reincarnation. I can't see hope, and I can't see the future. I just endure pain that mortals can't imagine over and over again.

"Master, is it worth it?"

"Worth it? I don't know. I only remember that when I first entered the dark space, I was still very weak. Fortunately, I found the flaw, I could go back in time and run out to catch my breath. Now that I think about it, it's really not worth it. Why? Of the billions of people on earth, I am the only one who stands up, and I am the only one to suffer?" Someone Mei's resentment can be felt with a little sense.

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