American Manga God

Chapter 363: What is [planet level]

In thousands of worlds, endless magic sticks are possessed by Mei Jiexiao.

Whether it was three relatives, who claimed to be Daluo Jinxian in the village, and then put out a few fake gods by the police.

There are thousands of believers, known as the pope of a certain organization under one **** and above ten thousand people.

Their perceptions and their temperament are all attached to Mei Jiedao.

Yes, it's just the momentum.

If you just want momentum, this thing can be exchanged for a few fragments of destiny.

Originally, the Dark King was still a little unbelievable. After all, the little **** in front of him just seemed to be very resilient, and he never felt that he had much firm belief. After all, most of the mage professions were atheists and research madmen.

Who knew he would have such a powerful divine aura?

Suddenly moved, Dormammu is also angry.

"I can't believe it!"

Generally speaking, it is someone who has fallen for evil.

It's like a drunk alcoholic shouting "I'm not drunk".

It's like losing a red-eyed gambler who believes 'I can make a comeback'.

Another example is "I can kill", one of the three major illusions in life.

May's failure to defeat Dormammu time and time again, smashing his sense of superiority that can fill the entire star cluster, made Dormammu's eyes red with urgency, like a rabbit.


"No one can resist the temptation of darkness—" Dormammu roared like this, and then hundreds of thin dark threads flew over, not allowing May to resist, piercing into his body in the blink of an eye, connecting to his soul .

Like a trickle.

Like a dragon going out to sea.

Like a river pouring down.

In just one breath, the amount of Dormammu's dark element poured in, which was close to the limit that Mei's integrity soul could bear.

"Hahaha! Fall into the arms of darkness! Come under my command - your resistance is pale! Your struggles will only be the embellishment of my victory!" Dormammu was so excited and frenzied.

Too bad someone doesn't feel it at all.

After all, he has done so much fart, and the translation into Chinese is: Sao Nian, this is my thousand-year-old dark magic.

For this kind of guy who feels good about himself, although he has no interest in becoming a boundless 'suffering', Mei Jiecao just wants to say: "Come on when you come!"

If Sister Bu, who was hiding in the Holy Grail of the Sun, was not afraid of being discovered by Dormammu, she would have already wanted to laugh.

However, there is a saying called "quantitative change to qualitative change".

He's not at all afraid of being pushed to the so-called limit, anyway, if he exceeds the limit, he'll blow up like a balloon that's been blown into too much air.

It resets when you die anyway, so it's not that big of a deal.

May also underestimated Dormammu's methods.

"Hey, don't think about dying so easily."

A dark palm as big as Poyang Lake appeared out of nowhere, grabbing at Mei Jiexao, it was meaningless to dodge, and Mei Jiexao obeyed obediently.

Then, he was surprised to find that the dark energy palm that grabbed him seemed to melt into his soul.

How many kilograms of rice can a person take with his hands?

Probably not much.

With a backpack, it's different.

What Dormammu is doing now is to put a soul 'backpack' on Meimumu.

The plug-in of this artifact suddenly raised the upper limit of the dark divine power that his soul could contain, easily surpassing his limit.

"No...this..." Mei's face suddenly turned pale.

At this moment, as if in the lake in his heart, a circle of peculiar ripples rippled in the darkness.

It was not an isolated water wave. From one point, it quickly set off a huge wave, expanding in all directions, quickly stirring up all his thoughts and turning over all his memories hidden in the bottom of his heart. come out, present in the mind.

According to legend, when the real Holy Grail was filled with water:

The pure can see the realm of the gods above the clouds and hear the oracles given by the gods.

The devout can see a worry-free afterlife and are given hope.

Greedy people can see their ugly desires and feel disgusted with themselves.

The filth can only see the sins they have committed in this life, and cry bitterly and beg the gods for mercy and forgiveness.

What Mei Mumu sees now is the complete opposite of all this.

Because the dark power is searching for every shred of dark desire in his heart, agitating it, amplifying it, and then venting it out in the form of madness, destruction, and plunder.


In this dark world where time is almost still, all you see are planets devoured by the dark power of Dormammu.

As if to let Meimumu experience the greatness of darkness, Dormammu grinned and re-enlarged a shrunk dark planet and placed it in front of Meimumu.

It's a big planet, about the size of the moon.

When Meimumu was less than 500 kilometers away from it, he could no longer see the whole picture of the planet.

Mei Mumu made a block gesture with his left arm subconsciously, and the excessive dark power in his hand swayed He was stunned to see that the dark planet was covered in pieces. Flakes of mountains are blown away like dry flour.

In fact, when his eyesight focused on a certain area, he could clearly see the mountains crumbling, the earth crumbling, the plains shattered, the land sinking below the sea level, leaving an incomparably terrifying chasm that was then shrouded in darkness. The ocean pours into the black sea with overwhelming momentum...

The earth roared, and the shaking mountains echoed only a death hymn.

Mei Mumu couldn't believe it, that's what he did.

He discovered a dark city with a large number of humanoids in motion.

Is this a Dormammu follower?

Mei Mumu poked lightly.

The solid earth collapsed in an instant, obviously not directly hitting the city, but the huge city, because of the huge hole suddenly poked out in the surrounding earth, followed the collapse of the surrounding earth and rolled into the abyss that appeared 'out of thin air'. And in the process, it was dismembered, making a thunderous sound.

Mei Mumu stared dumbfounded at all this,

The entire plain had turned into a canyon, and even the cliffs on all sides continued to disintegrate. Huge boulders the size of cruise ships were sliding down like quicksand, disappearing into the huge hole he poked with one hand.

"This, this is too scary." Mei Mumu gasped.

Although his attack was terrifying, it was naturally the change in his body that brought about this result.

The light emitted by every magical circuit in his body has reached its limit, but every circuit has been expanded, connecting to the additional circuit that Dormammu "kindly gave him". All the power he had before was once again taken away by the darkness.

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