American Manga God

Chapter 565: T-five hundred

(Moe master gavamepower plus 35/35)


Ultron grabbed the vision that completed the sealing mission with a mechanical arm, stuck his neck, and scolded: "What about closing me? Do you think I care? Well, this will indeed cause me trouble. But that So what? Damn humans have to be cleaned out. I just lost the means to move around the web. I can still kill the Avengers!"

Ultron is like throwing a bag of garbage and throwing Vision on the ground.

He let out a loud roar: "Come out, my clone! Kill all humans!"

Suddenly, the whole city shook.

There were earthquake-like vibrations everywhere.

This is not a real earthquake, but countless skeleton-shaped robots, starting to break through the last layer of camouflage on the surface from the predetermined secret passage and climb to the ground.

From the rivers on the edge of the city, from the seemingly abandoned ancient wells, from the underground of the cars parked by the road, from the dark corners of the basements of the residential areas.

The people who had been evacuating in an orderly manner suddenly fell into panic.



"Robots! Robots kill people!"

The people hurriedly ran towards the outside of the city.

In the past, spiritual induction was also required, but now it is not needed.

Captain America immediately shouted in the communication: "The Avengers and Hercules, enter the battle!"

Most of the people who can assist the Avengers are retired soldiers and officers from various countries, and some even gave up active duty and joined this just war.

Although the heroes of the Avengers begrudge their lives and seldom let them join the frontal battlefield, in this chaotic situation, they don't care so much.

Maria's order was quick and accurate: "Teams a to h hold the predetermined location. Don't use light firepower, don't need firepower density, replace all grenades and grenades."

Although the robots produced by the Hydra factory have relatively weak armor, even 7.62mm bullets are difficult to cause enough damage to these metal creations.

Big bombing is the most effective tactics.

Of course, this is limited to areas where people are evacuated.

"Bend over and run! Don't stand up," shouted the human soldier.

Ultron inherited the legacy of Hydra, and his robots are all equipped with laser cannons. However, due to government regulation, Higglers' soldiers still used traditional firearms, which suffered a big loss in firepower.

Fortunately, there are Avengers here.

Erica flashed beautifully through several robots.

The robot attempted to turn its gun and shoot at the unscientific human being. But the movement of their turn was quickly twisted and deformed. Because the mechanical components that supported their movements had already been cut off by an unbelievably sharp dagger in that instant.

The energy core under the breastplate was pierced at some point.

These robots did not simply fall down, they were very anthropomorphic, making subconscious movements to cover their chests.

This kind of behavior is actually meaningless, like grabbing the ethereal air, but what they hold down is only the black oil flowing out of their chest.

The gradually malfunctioning body twisted, like the last nerve twitch of a human corpse that was about to lose its life.

The increasingly dim blue light of the eyes is like someone who has been wrongly killed, and the gradually dimming light can easily remind people of the deep unwillingness that some people had before they died.

This gave the Avengers a very strange feeling, as if they were not killing people, but a new living race called mechanical creatures.

A moment ago, the entire city fell into a false silence because of the orderly evacuation of people.

At this time, a chaotic fighting atmosphere broke out in the city.

Exploding fireballs can be seen everywhere.

Every robot is destroyed, it will trigger a blue light rain that is not gorgeous.

But if one is knocked down, more robots will come rushing over on the remnants of their companions.

Not only did they charge human soldiers on the street, they also climbed walls and up pillars that were ninety degrees to the ground.

Some robots with heavy firepower fired wildly.

When the light cannon hits the car, the car explodes into the sky, hits the beam, the beam shatters, and when it hits the brick, the brick turns to powder.

After the destructive laser rain, the shards flying in the air are taken over by the fiery blood.

Under this extraordinary power, only the Avengers can go upstream, along the ground, walls, and shattered ruins destroyed by laser cannons, and rush into the most chaotic urban areas in the direction of explosions and shock waves. Save those people who are too late to escape.

The sound of battle, the shriek of destruction, it all combined to pierce the eardrums, clamoring.

Faced with thousands of robots, the Avengers felt a little overwhelmed for the first time.

But because of the existence of a large number of innocent people, Mei Jiecai did not dare to use mass destruction tactics.

Suddenly, an extremely dense sound of artillery sounded on the outskirts of the city.

The continuous "chuchuchu" bullets of the six-barreled Vulcan cannon were so harsh, the momentum seemed to shred everything.

When this sound swept across the battlefield, the shock caused was no less than the stormy waves.

"What the **** are these robots?"

On the battlefield, another kind of robot suddenly appeared.

Compared with the human-like Ultron robots, the new ones are even more terrifying. They look like black human-shaped skeletons. It's just that they have metal baffles on the chest and abdomen to protect the more important parts.

A pure bracket-type arm, carrying a heavy machine gun that should have been installed on a helicopter or a Hummer jeep, madly shooting Ultron's robots.

"Tony, is this your new toy?" Hawkeye shouted in the newsletter.

"No, I don't know what the **** it is?" Tony took time to answer while entangled with Hey! Is this thing your own? They don't fire on us and ignore the presence of civilians. "

In the communication circuit of the Avengers, everyone's words are full of question marks.

Only on a remote command plane converted from a Kun-style transport plane, Maria suddenly found that a paw touched her ball.

"No, not at this time." Maria protested weakly.

Who knows, the witch's other slender hand stretched out from behind and said that a USB flash drive was inserted into the podium.

Maria suddenly found that her tactical computer display had changed, and ten more troops were on her tactical sand table.

She subconsciously read out the name of the unit: "t-500?"

Amora gave Maria a sip: "Don't worry about it, it's a gift from my master anyway, you can play with it. We are just trying to verify the power of this thing!"


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