American Manga God

Chapter 579: will be very painful

Cover the field!

Can handle the knife!

Teach disciples!

Where can you find such a master?

Who knows, God has come to a turning point.

"I don't care if you want to mess with the girls of the Asa. If you want to make troubles all over the world, I don't care. I only care about the reproduction of human beings. But you, do you really think that I am your master?" The words were very heavy, and with Gu Yi's terrifying aura that was not angry and self-righteous, Mei Jiexao broke out in cold sweat.

What did i do wrong?

Where is the old man unhappy?

It's over, her old man is upset, is the end of the world coming?

The next sentence made Mei Jiecao unable to argue: "Tell me, what's the matter with the seal in your magic circuit? This thing can already be called a curse, right?"

Mei Jiecao shrank her neck: "You... did you discover it so far?"

Gu Yi's expression is like a smile but not a smile: "I have already remembered your soul fluctuations, and I can feel it every time you come back to Earth. If you are well, I will let you do it. You are like this now, you are not Come to me. Do you still have my master?"

"I...I...I..." After saying the word 'I' three times in a row, Mei Juncao still bowed her head: "I was wrong. Please don't be angry, Master."

"Angry? Of course I'm angry! After getting angry, time still flows. I exhausted all my secret techniques, but I still can't see the future after my failure. What can I do?"

"..." Mei Jiexiao bowed her head like a child who made a mistake.

"That's right, maybe in 2016, the year you 'prophesied', I'll have to hand Kama Taj into your hands. But don't forget, until that day comes, it's me who will hold up the sky— - Supreme Master Gu Yi! This is not my pride, but my duty! Do you understand?"

After training Mei Jiexao, Mei Jiexiao didn't feel the slightest disgust, but could really appreciate Gu Yi's concern and love.

"Understood. Master!" After all, Mei Jiecao raised his head and looked directly at Gu Yi's kind gaze.

"Hands out. Two!"

Mei Jiecao obediently handed over his paws.

No mage will casually let others peep into his magic circuit. That is the ultimate secret of a mage, involving the composition of all the magic sources of the mage, and even the specialization of certain spells. Strictly speaking, this is 10,000 times worse than a pure girl being peeped at by a man.

Gu Yi is not 'others'.

Gu Yi's body began to change, a mysterious energy unknown to Mei Jiexiao filled Gu Yi's whole body, her slender body that was not burly, not even fit, looked like it was made of platinum at this moment.

After a certain power was poured into her eyes, they became like burning white gold flames, and her white eyebrows were like the flames of a torch held high.

And her originally blue eyes, now the white iris is like a translucent ring.

She is deeply looking into the soul of Mei Jiezao and the magic circuit attached to it.

After a while, Gu Yi frowned: "You brat, if it wasn't for your background, I Kama Taj, I really thought you came in from somewhere else."

"Uh." Someone was ashamed, he didn't have any fixed way, he was exchanged by the system. At the core is Kama Taj's way of absorbing elements across space, specific to usage... The arcane circuit is Khadgar's, the flame circuit is Kael'thas, and there was no one in Frost, but now I have encountered the [Frozen Treasure Box] ], and used it according to that.

The funny thing is that the body he built for himself, the growth template is the old man Gandalf, all the way through the absorption of massive elements, he is stunned to borrow the fragments of the godhead and shape it into a demigod-level elemental body.

Normally, he would have died a long time ago.

But the balance system helped him arrange it clearly, and there was no conflict.

This is the most amazing thing.

"It's a bit messy, but the ideas and practices are quite amazing. There are exaggerations, and they secretly match the elements. If I hadn't fixed all the circuits, I would like to try it like you."

"do not……"

Please don't waver! One big wave is enough. The two masters and apprentices will wave together, and they will wave out of the sky.

Gu Yi's words changed: "However, it's really a sin, our two masters and apprentices have been used the same secret hand."

Mei Jiecao's heart suddenly tightened.


"It's a very clever blockade, just like when I was exploring whether I could use the dark power. Dormammu's dark power is facing the powerful opposite attribute power. When it realizes that it can't be matched, it will choose to be intimidated, and even switch on the surface. Its own element attributes make it look not so... uncontrollable." Gu Yi explained.

Then she took a breath: "I was so proud of myself back then that I could truly transform the power of darkness. Unfortunately, this is a trap. All I can do is change the form of the power of darkness, while the essential attributes of darkness are still there. There is no fundamental change... Back then, I was too careless."


"If you are blindly seeking to break the game, you will accidentally use the dark power after Dormammu's transformation. When you use it as the core power of the soul, it will certainly bring you a physical improvement and deny the body. aging. That way..."

Mei Jiexiao continued: "It's about to be controlled by Dormammu. It's like putting a remote control bomb into your heart."

I have to admit that this is the genius idea of ​​Dormammu and the perfect action force, and this is the only way.

Even a peerless powerhouse like Gu Yi was recruited, one can imagine how old Domamu is.

Gu Yi said sternly: "You want to preserve my It's a pity that Odin is gradually approaching the end, which is a signal to remind Domamu to do something. Instead of being passive, even his only disciple who has high hopes is included. Trick, why don't I take all the darkness?"

Mei Jiezhao was in awe.

"The age of mythology, it was the age when countless alien races fought for hegemony on the earth. But after thousands of years, it was human beings who finally stood on this earth, not the powerful so-called 'gods'. I think, This just proves that as long as human beings really struggle, no matter how humble they were at the beginning, they can still have the opportunity to stand at the top. I have always believed in this."

"It is because of the struggles of mankind that such a splendid civilization has been born on the earth, and the world has the color that belongs to human beings." Mei Juncao continued slowly.

"That's right! So you - Mei Mumu, you are more important than you think."

"I... Understood!" There was firmness in Mei Mumu's eyes again.

"I'm going to do it, you're ready. It's going to be very, very painful!"


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