American Manga God

Chapter 70: right! The most worrying is you!

Damn it! Can't do this?

There are so many bugs in the movie "Doctor Strange" that even the director himself can't explain it.

Among them, Mei Mumu believes that the biggest bug is: because Dr. Mao Qi has the ability to restore the ruined Hong Kong with the [Ago Moto Eye] inlaid with time gems, but does not revive the ancient one who was stabbed to death by a knife.

You know, in "Avengers 3: Infinity War", in order to get together the six Infinity Stones, Thanos came to a wave of divine operations-he chose to commit suicide by 'Vision', so that he could take the Mind Stone together. The guy that was destroyed was revived abruptly in reverse time.

That's right, Thanos first resurrected people, then stole the gems, and finally killed Vision by the way.

Gu Yi could not be resurrected. Of course, there was a reason why Gu Yi gave up treatment.

It really took Gu Yi back in time to restore Gu Yi to the point before he was stabbed. Could Gu Yi go and kill him by himself?

Mei Mumu originally thought that Gu Yizhen would not be able to beat him, so he made a show to make Gu Yixinchun revive in situ.

The result is good, he is too weak to save Gu Yi at all!

This kind of hardship is really indescribable in words.

In front of him, Kristin, Nick and other medical staff are trying their best to treat Gu Yi, but Mei Mumu's vision goes beyond the material horizon and sees a golden soul.

Don't say anything, just activate the soul out of the body.

Mei Mumu is about to use his mouth cannon magic to persuade Gu Yi not to kill himself.

Their souls passed through the emergency room, and even through the flow of people in the corridor.

He chased Gu Yi's soul all the way to the balcony outside the hospital.

At this moment, time has become extremely slow, almost frozen, and he knows that this is the magic of the ancient one at work. It's not that they are slow, but that the communication of souls is too fast, causing everything around them to slow as if time stands still.

Nick took the action of the scalpel, and the guests in the restaurant in the distance were eating the raised knife and fork, and everything was almost frozen.

Gu Yi sensed him coming, and the spirit body turned his head immediately, revealing a face with an extremely complicated expression.

Mei Mumu anxiously said, "Master, what is your soul running out for? Your body is extremely weak, and the magic power in your body is in chaos. If you don't return to your body quickly, you will die, and you won't have much time."

"Time is relative. I have spent thousands of years in reality. But I always feel that it can't compare to the time I spent exploring the multiverse in the state of being separated from the soul. Mei Mumu, you are not used to the role of a mage."

Following Gu Yi's gaze, Mei Mumu saw the sky in New York.

In the distance, lightning is roaring. The thunder, which is usually too fast to cover the ears, becomes as slow and pleasing to the eye as a musical fountain in the visual sense.

Mei Mumu sighed with emotion: "Mage... This is really a fascinating and strange profession."

Gu Yi also sighed: "Look at this point in time - it's finally here. I may not be able to survive, I have prevented countless more terrible events than this one, but bad things will always follow. Alas! Anything Existence comes to an end, and I am no exception."

Mei Mumu's heart skipped a beat. The worst budget in her heart was still here. For some reason, he always felt that something was wrong.

"When the false life exchanged with the power of darkness finally returns, I have nothing left. I will leave it to you and Mordo."

Mei Mumu was hesitant to speak, he felt Gu Yi's sadness, grief, faint despair, and intense loneliness.

After thinking about it, Mei Mumu said after considering the words: "Are you giving up like this? The earth is on the verge of destruction. Once you are gone, Dormammu will come to the earth immediately. Even if we can handle Dormammu, there are still A cosmic powerhouse like Thanos."

Gu Yi shook his head: "It's not that I don't want to, it's that I can't. The magic power cultivated by the practice of Kama Taj is based on the soul and life. My body has decayed and can no longer be the carrier of that huge magic power. I hope, I must give up the position of the supreme mage."

Speaking of which, Gu Yi stared at Mei Mumu: "Yes! You, Mei Mumu, are the next Supreme Mage."

"I...that..." Mei Mumubi blushed.

Although he felt that he didn't want a blue face very much, he felt that he still had to dodge it. For example, he pushed Mordo out as a target to show himself off.

"Your will is not firm, but you are very clear about the path you want to take. Maybe you will never be a messenger of justice, but in your heart you hate to be with evil. The point is, I smell the breath of fate in you. "

"The... breath of fate?"

"There are so many mortals in the world, and most of them can't escape their destiny. For example, his poor background is doomed that he can't get a good education, and he doesn't have a broad vision, which leads to his narrow thinking and action. There is a real chance to break himself. People with 'Mandate of Heaven' are often regarded as heroes in various fields of industry."

"Hero...?" Mei Mumu murmured for some reason, repeating the word a little blankly.

"Yes, you are the one with a special destiny." Gu Yi seemed to sigh.

"Well, let's say I want to be the Supreme Mage, you don't have to die. Actually, you can still..." Before Mei Mumu finished speaking, his words were suddenly interrupted by Gu Yi.

"Who said I was going to die?" Gu Yi's face was a little stunned.


what! ?

Wait, there's something wrong with this script!

In the original movie, didn't Gu Yi give up treatment here and choose to annihilate his soul by himself?

Then why do I spend so much time talking?

Isn't it just to prevent you from dying?

Mei Mumu had the word 'egg pain' written on her face, Gu Yi couldn't help laughing and crying: "You bastard, you take the 'future' you see as a must happen again, right?"

Mei Mumu nodded blankly.

Gu Yi smiled bitterly: "I have spent countless years peeking into the future. But every time I peep, the future is different. Because what I see is probably the future in another parallel world. In one of the futures, in this It's not you Mei Mumu who is standing beside me at the time, but a megalomaniac named Stephen Strange."

"..." Mei Mumu was completely speechless.

Nima, Gu Da God, you are so amazing!

Gu Yi seemed to be sighing, but also regretting: "If the next Supreme Mage is him, I may really fulfill all my wishes and choose to walk towards my end with peace of mind."

"Wait, then, Master, do you mean that I'm very unreliable?"

"Reliable? You little bastard, do you know how many things you've done with the [Eye of Agamato]?" Gu Yi's tone suddenly sharpened.

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