American Manga God

Chapter 685: Plum mouse dropped the rice jar

The current Mei Festival has undergone the strict magic training of the ancient one, and also passed the test of the trinity **** Weishandi including Agamato. Not only the body is the body of a demigod of the element system, but also the brain is strengthened by an unknown number of times.

This level of stealing is still bearable.

Mei Jiecao came to the treasure house early in the morning to improve her theoretical knowledge, which was mainly for this.

To raise the upper limit of mana, of course it is [Eternal Fire].

[Eternal Fire], the inextinguishable fire, can be called a flame that will burn itself forever. No fuel, no supplies, just keep burning.

It has been imagined as a miniature star that generates nearly endless energy by self-nuclear fission. But after tens of thousands of years, I haven't seen this flame the size of a brazier, and there is nothing like nuclear waste discharged, and I haven't seen anything that can increase energy intake.

Things in the fantasy world are so unscientific. A bunch of physicists who discovered the law of conservation of energy either couldn't hold back the coffin board, and if they wanted to live in a parallel world... they would just cry and faint in the toilet.

Fortunately, although the eternal fire is a bunker, it is indivisible and divided. Like Hela, a pinch of flame can be extracted as the energy of some kind of magic or ritual. Once split, that pinch of flame will lose its self-replenishing energy activity.

For Mei Jiezao, that was enough.

He first stretched out his arms and hugged the brazier, quietly feeling the resonance of the flame in his elemental demigod body. After confirming that it was suitable, he began to inhale the fire element into his magical circuit.

Keep filling until it overflows.

The inheritance of Emperor Weishan is more like a complete transformation of the magic circuit. It is a pity that he is too wild because of his way...cough!

Anyway, Mei Jiecao turned into Mei Mouse at this moment, desperately absorbing the power of the flame until he couldn't eat it any more. It doesn't matter if he can't **** it himself, God **** it, it's okay to use [Merlin's Staff] to help install it. He actually conjured up a lot of high-purity magic crystals and put the fire element in it.

Someone said something in his mouth: "I don't want money anyway."

Such a rude behavior made Sif frown, and the widow sister smiled wryly.

No way, someone is used to being poor. Finally, he ran into Thor, who didn't feel bad about selling his son, and generously gave up the treasure house that his family had inherited for thousands of years.

In keeping with the eternal fire, it is also cheap for a certain fire giant who is paralyzed.

With the white magic circuit of Emperor Weishan as the core, with [Eternal Fire] and [Ice Treasure Box], Mei Jiecao knew that his strength was rising steadily.

After finishing the rune magic and fire element energy, the next thing to deal with is the [Cosmic Rubik's Cube].

Of course, Mei Jiexiao can squeeze the [Universe Rubik's Cube] and extract the [Space Gem] inside. This involves a problem - the reaction of Thanos.

Thanos, an old gangster, did not invade immediately even if Odin died, because he was afraid that Odin's heir would control the huge power of Asgard and become the same Heavenly Father.

With his ability to control the power gem, against the heir based on Asgard, it may not be able to please. Knowing the legend of Ragnarok, he is still waiting for the last chance.

If Mei Jiexiao destroyed the universe cube here, Thanos, who had secretly left a perception technique on it, would have known it immediately.

Then the tyrant's reaction is worth looking into.

There are two results:

One is that Hela, who has more control over Asgard, has completely become the Lord of the Nine Realms, so Thanos will definitely continue to lurk. Anyway, as a Titan star, Thanos also has an almost endless lifespan, and he can afford it.

The other is that he was furious and killed in advance, just in time for Ragnarok when he arrived. Mei Jiecao had to fight Thanos ahead of time.

The first one is that Mei Jiedao estimates that she will sell her virtue forever, so that Hela's licking dog will have a chance to survive. Maybe Hela didn't believe him and turned him into a death knight.

Second, this is very bad. The pieces that Mei Jiecao wanted have not yet been gathered.

So Mei Jiexao's choice is not to destroy the universe cube, but to let Sif help make a wish here.

Mei Jiecao instructed: "Sif makes a wish to separate Thanos, the tyrant's monitoring technique, from the [Cosmic Rubik's Cube]. I need you to help the tyrant's technique with the [Cosmic Rubik's Cube] when we separate. An illusion that makes Thanos feel that the technique and the Rubik's Cube are still together."

"Okay!" Sif did as she had imagined, using the stock before Mei's festival would be enough. Unexpectedly, there was a sudden feeling of weakness in her body, and she hurriedly exclaimed: "No! Not enough energy!"

Mei Jiexao had already prepared, and put one hand on the eternal fire, directly transforming the power of the eternal fire and passing it to Sif.

But in the next instant, Mei Jiezao's face turned pale.

He meows!

The energy drawn from the Eternal Fire is not enough! ?

Did the **** Thanos actually use the energy of the Power Gem to perform this spell?

Doesn't this mean that the tyrant in this life actually had three Infinity Stones a long time ago, and his strength has been at the Heavenly Father level for a long time?

Mei Jiecao did not dare to extract too much energy from [Eternal Fire]. After all, he had to keep this thing to activate Ragnarok, so he could only use the backup plan.

"Soul gem?"

"Understood." The yellow gem flickered, and a burst of energy was transmitted to Meijiejie's body, and then transferred to Sif's body.

After a few seconds, May and Sif's expressions finally improved.

A magical thing happened, a brilliant blue gem passed through the universe Rubik's Cube, ignoring the almost glass texture of the Rubik's Cube, and teleported directly to the At the same time, a new '' The blue gem', set in its original place.

[Reality Gem] That unscientific power finally completed this cheating act.

"Go! As expected, the power of the Power Gem is super awesome." Mei Jiexao sighed. He wanted to make a wish without compromising his own strength. Now it seems that without the support of the Soul Gem, it's really a little bit. Xuan: "Okay, the camouflage is finally complete."

In theory, Mei Jiecao now has four gems in hand and can walk sideways.

However, if he wants to use the three gems together, he must use the [Experimental Infinity Gloves].

The point is, this thing is built in the size of Thanos.

The size of the palm of other people's Titans is the same as that of humans?

Don't even think about it unless you ask Brother Hammer's royal dwarf craftsman to help transform it, or you continue to make a wish.

The problem is that next, Mei Jiecao is about to carry out a series of major projects. Where can there be so much energy to go to the waves?

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