American Manga God

Chapter 701: big fight

Before Thanos arrived, the entire ship, except for the bridge, was packed with Chitauri's bios.

As the ultimate boss, the force is naturally full.

Before the arrival of Thanos, the biochemical soldiers had already dragged away the corpses along the road, whether they belonged to their own people or those of Gao Tianzun's subordinates.

Along the way, you can only step on the blood of various aliens.

Thanos came to the gate of the bridge.

A taller and burlier humanoid monster beside Thanos took the initiative to open the door for him.

It was also a humanoid creature. He was more than three meters tall and had black-yellow skin. It was not so much skin as it was a cuticle that was more similar to dragon skin. Pieces of armor like dragon scales spread over every corner of his body.

Even his head resembles a Jurassic-era dinosaur, full of hard bumps.

His pillar-like arms and sturdy body told others that he was a typical strong man.

Of course, this kind of hard work is also what he, the black dwarf, is responsible for.

"Hooah!" He rushed forward and tore at the bridge gate, which was half a meter thick and could withstand a high-power laser cannon.

"Clap la la!" The hard gate was torn apart by his bare hands, as relaxed and comfortable as tearing a piece of paper.

The remaining Gao Tianzun's men in the bridge opened fire one after another, but unfortunately, when the ebony throat raised his finger, the debris that flew up under the influence of the power of thought killed them.

Facing the corpses everywhere, Thor, the only one still sitting in the captain's seat, smiled.

The blond Brother Hammer turned his head sideways: "Are you Thanos? Or should I call you Thanos more cordial?"

Ebony-throated was about to scold Thor when he was stunned to find Thanos' big hand on his thin shoulder. He knew that his master was interested.

"It's interesting. I'd love to know why you're so calm when you know I'm coming." Thanos strode forward.

Just standing two meters in front of Thor, the shocking sense of oppression like a collapsed mountain made Thor and Loki a little breathless.

Thanos deliberately suppressed the power fluctuations in his body, otherwise the overflowing energy would be enough to blow up the entire bridge.

If Thor is the first time to see the newness of the heavenly father-level boss, he will undoubtedly be frightened.

Who is Thor?

The famous second generation of God. His father was once the ceiling of the universe's combat power. His sister also once ascended to the heavenly father level.

Thor can state with grandeur 'I went to elementary school... ugh, I'm a man who's seen the world. ’.

Even if he felt the abnormal increase in the power within Thanos, Thor was still not false at all.

When comparing Dan Ding, Thor would not begrudge his humor, he spread his hands: "Calm? Not really. I just died of my father, was sold to be a gladiator, and then had to fight with my old sister. Life and death, and being bombed out of my hometown. In fact, I'm at the bottom of my life. I just don't think it could be any worse."

Thanos narrowed his eyes: "Have you never heard of it? There is no worst, only worse."

"Oh? I heard that after you conquered any race, you never repaired internal affairs, but only brutally killed half of the people?"

Ebony Mow suddenly interjected: "This is mercy! Lord Titan bestows the mercy of you weak people who abuse survival resources!"

Just as Thanos was about to say something, Thor was already like eating a pound of flies, his face full of disgust: "Oh - I thought my old sister was bad enough. She just killed the opponents, at least she will give the conquered The right to live. I didn't expect you to be worse."

Thanos pouted: "I never ask everyone to approve of what I do."

Thor turned his head: "Loki! Did you hear that?"

Luo Ji was panicked, but after hearing it, he made up his mind instead.

He is Luo counseling.

There are some things he will never back down, such as someone trying to kill him. A green and black divine costume came out, and Loki took a fighting stance with a dagger.

Here, Thor also raised his right hand, and the golden gun suddenly appeared in his hand.

"Ah! [Kungunir], what a nostalgic old friend. However, I doubt, are you... worthy of it?" Thanos raised his big purple chin.

His men immediately understood.

In the face of Odin's two smashes, it would not be so unpleasant to rush past a bunch of miscellaneous soldiers.

The one who took the lead in rushing up was the black dwarf star in the Obsidian Five Generals.

In fact, this product is in charge of logistics and is also raised by the stepmother. Unlike the other four generals who fanatically follow Thanos for various reasons, Black Dwarf is only loyal to Thanos for the survival of the race.

Charge first, die first.

Fortunately, the strength of the black dwarf is quite good, and this has survived to this day.

Facing the black dwarf star crushed by a rushing tank, Loki rarely asked: "Give this to me!"

"Hey! Brother, there is progress!" Pure Thor didn't know yet, his stupid younger brother was the first to take the initiative to see that the latter were more like masters.

Who knows, in a face-to-face, Loki flew out backwards.

Like a home run hit by a baseball bat.

"biu—Boom!" Loki smashed several consoles, deeply embedded in the metal wall on one side of the bridge, with an aura that he couldn't even pull it out.

The black dwarf turned around his stout neck, and asked in confusion, "That's it?"

Thor sold his brother ruthlessly, raised his right hand, and compared his thumb and index finger with a gesture as if holding a coin: "Actually, my brother is from the Frost Giant, and he is quite resistant to beatings."

There's a whole watt of Rocky over there.

Do you sell your brother like this?

Brother, you have learned badly!

Just before Loki was hit, he did turn his whole body into ice, who knows, it still hurts!

I wanted to take a breath, but who knew that it was sold by Thor.

Looking at the black dwarf star rushing over, Loki's whole body is not well.

Not seeing how Black Dwarf beat up his stupid brother, Thor spread his hands: "Okay, who is my opponent?"

When he saw the only woman among the five generals - Proxima Dark Night walking Thor's face darkened, he thought to himself: "Could this be what Mei Mumu said of the 'fatal criminal' Peach Blossom'?"

If Mei Jiexiao was here, she would definitely wave her hands and shake her head: "No, you think too much."

Proxima Night is a pale blue-skinned alien girl with a half-mask on her head that covers the area above her nose. She is dressed in black armor and holds a trident that emits blue fluorescence. It is conceivable that as long as it is poked by the trident, even Thor's divine body will leave three large holes in thirds.


With a cold snort, the sturdy female body of Proxima Centauri turned into a stream of light, and struck Thor like lightning.

Who knew that Thor would not dodge and avoid, and [Kungunir] slammed it down on the head.

Although poking with the head of a gun hurts the most, it is actually extremely powerful when used as a stick!

Rao is that Thor can't use the full power of the magic spear, even if it is part of it, it is not something that the star-level peak powerhouse of the dark night Proxima Centauri can block.


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