American Manga God

Chapter 716: kill 1 half

Not only Irani, but also more than a dozen deputies knelt down with her.

Opposite their wagging tails are more than 200 corpses, including two centurion corpses...

Has the Xandar strong army directly under the Nova Corps been wiped out?

Do not!

Surrounded by a group of Chitauris, Richard Ryder and others who were tied to the ground not far away with their hands behind their backs, their wounded bodies and weak breathing fluctuations were enough to prove that they were not dead.

This scene definitely stimulated the attention of other subordinate forces of Nova Corps.

Nova Corps... lost!

And it was defeated in the most humiliating way!

No matter what kind of enemy it is and what kind of resistance it has made, it is the traditional practice of Thanos to kill half and keep half.

It's been like this for centuries.

But at the beginning of the war, who would have thought that there are more than 500 super powerhouses and a huge fleet of more than 50,000 ships of various types... Such a Nova Corps would actually be defeated?

"Impossible... it!" The generals of each fleet were dumbfounded.

Without the core centurions and ten commanders, the fleet would be useless!

At this time, on the broadcast screen, Thanos was cold, and the ebony throat wearing a space suit came up next to him, raised his hands high, and said with a sly and eloquent voice: "Everyone! Death is not the end, death is only for the sake of more. Good reproduction. The great Titans are actually saving your compatriots, so that your race can reproduce better..."

When these words came out, everyone's heart was cold to the soles of their feet.


The tyrant is coming again!

The man who killed half of the hot lei!

It was only at this time that everyone noticed that Thanos had shifted his position at some point and was standing next to a fort cannon in Temple No. 2.

The fortress cannon is of course extremely powerful.

Basically a star fortress will only be equipped with one garrison gun.

After all, the lethality of this thing is too terrifying. Once the main gun is fired, it means that thousands of warships are finished. But the limitations of the fortress gun are also very large, because the power is too large, it needs to consume a lot of energy for the fortress, and because of the relationship between the shooting circle, the shooting range of the fortress gun is very good.

Unless it's the kind of fortress cannon that is stubbornly guarding the only passage, I know where your fortress cannon is, and I haven't avoided it early!

Thanos has been traversing the universe for so many years, and many basic things have been figured out by the other party, such as the fortress cannon of Temple No. 2.

When the Nova Corps fleet came, they all avoided the range that the fortress cannons could cover, and everyone walked around.

But at this time, Thanos was standing next to the fortress gun, facing the empty airspace, what did he want to do?

The main gun actually fired.

Twelve incandescent energy beams flowed down the pipe to the deep muzzle exposed by Temple No. 2. Super strong energy, even the thick fortress armor can't hide the high-energy light inside.

The crimson laser looked like a solid with texture. In just one hundredth of a second, it conquered a distance of 3,000 kilometers and stabbed in the void.

Originally, it was a pointless blow-off gun.

Nothing will hit.

However, with Thanos pressing on the outer wall of the barrel, everything changed.

The huge beam of light produced a strange twist, and even the color turned purple. If anyone notices, it is the same purple color as the [Power Gem]!

The deflected main gun beam circled a huge arc in the void and plunged into the Nova Corps fleet.

The terrifying high heat energy pierces the energy neutralizing magnetic field and composite armor like paper, causing the internal explosion of the battleship. Small white light bubbles quickly emerged...

Everyone on the ships on the outskirts of the Nova Corps could see it on the screen.

Whether it is a battleship shield using the principle of energy neutralization, a mirror-treated super-hard alloy, or a composite armor composed of crystalline fibers and super ceramics... nothing can resist this horror master who has undergone [Power Gem Amplification]. gun.

When the beam swept across the central area of ​​the fleet, it seemed that there was nothing left, and even the surrounding space had a trance that instantly burned.

It was not until the terrifying burning sensation on everyone's retinas subsided that a very careful guy could see from the ultra-high-power optical telescope that in the huge cavity blasted by the main cannon of the fortress, there were countless and fragmented ship wreckage pieces suspended in the air. .

one strike!

Just one hit!

It turned over 10,000 space battleships into dust.

The final result is likely to reach nearly 30,000!

The Nova Corps suddenly became a mess. In the command room of each fleet, there were screams of horror and horror, and the military screen was full of flickering symbols of lost friendly ships.

"That's it!" Thanos turned around and entered Temple No. 2 without even looking at it.

Beside him is the new Hei Yao five generals who sent him away.

Even if he was very upset, General Dead Blade still spit out a sentence: "Old rules!"

What are the old rules of Thanos?

Kill half, put half.

If the remaining half have to die, then fulfill them.

After all, back then... Thanos did the same to his Titans.

Richard Ryder and Terry Owens, the powerful half of the Xandar Legion, were like bags of garbage, stuffed into the survival pod by the Chitauri who kept laughing at them, and thrown out of the fortress...

At the same time, on Earth, the leaders of various countries were dumbfounded.

"Is this defeated?"

They couldn't believe their eyes.

They suddenly discovered that they were a turtle among a group of turtles.

As a poor frog at the bottom of the well, many countries can't even afford an aircraft carrier, let alone something like the Nova Corps, which has so many subordinate forces and tens of thousands of spaceships.

That kind of giant spaceship that is several kilometers long is almost a thing for people on earth to talk about. Before today, they were still pondering whether they could find a way to lick Nova Corps and get a blueprint of the most **** space destroyer.

Then gather the power of the whole to get some space destroyers, so that they can join the Nova Corps to seek refuge.

now what?

Done! It's all over!

Even the arrogant Nova Corps has been completely wiped out, so what can a mere Earth do?



are starting to raise their heads in the Security Council.

Unexpectedly, a communication came in and changed the minds of all directors.

That three-dimensional projection is impressively recognized as the No. 1 powerhouse of the Avengers among the Earthlings - Mei Mumu!

"Haha! This is despair? The despair I have seen is ten thousand times darker than this day!" Mei Jiecao smiled: "I don't understand. We Kama Taj have guarded the earth for thousands of years. During this period , Thanos doesn't even dare to let a fart. Why are you afraid of him now?"

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