American Manga God

Chapter 753: 1 more beating

The shape of Aiken is enough to hold it, and with a little power of the reality gem, Thanos can be broken and there will be ghosts.

What's more, Daoguang is not a sword, why do you want to kill the clone of someone Mei Mei with a light wave or something?

After Daoguang leaves [Destroying Breath], the attack speed and power will not change, and it is destined to be weak and not strong. How could it be possible to cut off how many clones?

More than a dozen knife lights in a row swept across the space, and in the end only one clone was blown up.

You hit one, and I'll make up one.

Meijie's operation is to maximize the rogue style of play.

Originally, the [Soul Gem] trait would be quite counteracting this trick, but unfortunately, the Soul Gem in this life is also in the hands of someone named Mei!

That's the advantage of getting ahead early.

"The real commander always wins before the war starts." Mei Jiexao left these words in the communication circuit with extreme pretence.

Inside the North American Air Defense Command, President Ivanka had long had stars in his eyes and unconsciously showed an expression of admiration.

Not far from Mei Jiexi, the widow sister who was waiting rolled her eyes - well, my man is right!

three minutes!

Three very important minutes!

When the time is up, someone stops immediately. Right now, a huge plain has been sunk into a deep basin like a deep valley. The bottom of the basin is at least 300 meters from the sea level.

When Mei Jiexao stopped the magic attack, the dust splashed around, and if there was no external force, it might not be able to settle in ten minutes.

The wind element blew past, and in an instant the whole world was empty, revealing the tall and burly figure at the bottom of the basin.

Glancing at the few figures on the edge of the basin exuding the breath of the most powerful, Thanos didn't even need to sense to know that his clones were completely destroyed.

Thanos pouted, then raised his left hand wearing an infinite glove, and hooked his index finger—come!

This is the belief of the most powerful!

This is the pride of the Overlord!

What if the mountains and rivers are exhausted?

What about the ambush?

For the sake of ideals and beliefs, when Thanos came, he didn't plan to run away in despair.

Or get the six Infinity Stones and snap your fingers proudly.

Either die, become the dust of the universe, and be smeared in the darkest strokes in the history books.

Thanos, who had already seen through everything, curled his lips into a seemingly ugly, but in fact, dashing smile.

In front of him, even Mei Mumu, who had been planning for more than half a century, seemed a little petty compared to him.

"Huh!" Mei Jiecao sighed: " Thanos, I admire you. Even as an enemy... But it's time for a showdown."

Mei Jiexiao raised his right hand, and a burly human figure with a physique not much different from Thanos leaped out, like a meteor falling to the ground, and roared to kill Thanos first.

King Hulk!

In fact, he had already finished the treatment and recovered his physical strength and body, but he kept suppressing his desire to fight and did not kill him. After finally waiting for the signal, the firepower was turned on immediately.

"Om--" It feels like such a big Hulk has completely turned into a 460mm super shell of the main ship of World War II on Earth. With a terrifying buzzing sound, he slammed into Thanos.

What kind of knife light, Hulk took all the bills, no shit!

Unless it is directly cut by [Destroying Breath], a long-range attack of this level cannot hurt the King Hulk.

"Bang!" It was an earth-shattering impact.

Originally ravaged by various elements, it was like super-hard soil that had been hit by a pile driver for countless years. Under the terrible impact of the Hulk, it continued to crack and crumble. The entire football field was so big that it was almost impossible to stand. . Hulk slammed into the Infinity Gloves with a punch, stunned for an earth-shattering pair of punches.

If Hulk smashes the blade of the world-destroying breath, maybe Hulk can give him two fingers, but unfortunately not.

This was a last resort for Thanos. He didn't have any extra power to inject into the blade, because Thor was almost the first to come. Hulk's fist just arrived, and [Storm Battle Axe] hit it with an axe.

Hulk's fist can use the power of the power gem to reduce injuries to the greatest extent, but Thor's Storm Axe can't. That kind of divine power plus elemental attack that contains special power laws is quite restraining the play of power gems.

How terrifying the power of the universe's top artifact is. When the vast thunder light that runs through the entire heaven and earth slashed down fiercely and clashed with Thanos' world-destroying aura, the entire battlefield suddenly burst into a brilliant sea of ​​light, not to mention the surrounding area. All beings were so stimulated that they were forced to close their eyes, and all monitors, no matter how far or near, were full of whiteness on the screen.

Thanos' vision and perception were greatly affected. Suddenly, he felt inexplicably heart palpitations, and a strong sense of crisis rose in his heart. This came from the amazing intuition developed by the Heavenly Father-level boss through countless battlefields.

He didn't hesitate to activate all the defensive measures on [Death's Caress], including the magic of the mystery department and the shield on the technology side. Again and again, layer after layer, colorful magical shields and barriers shrouded the body layer upon layer, like a thousand eight hundred transparent turtle shells stacked together.

His intuition saved his life, as he immediately felt a series of powerful impacts.

This is an unreasonable combo.

Being beaten by top powerhouses such as Hulk and Thor, it's all, but the later American team, Valkyrie, Iron Man and Sif made Thanos a little embarrassed.

These guys actually jumped over the small portals at different positions, ignoring the little girl "distance", and smashed him directly.

The [Ashbringer], whose radiance is like a blazing sun, will definitely add more weight to the world-destroying aura carrying the storm axe. Here, Thor and Hulk put enough pressure on Thanos, and Thanos simply couldn't make up his mind to resist these weaker guys.

The Holy Light temporarily blinded Thanos' kryptonite dog's eyes.

Valkyrie's Dragon Tooth Sword, Sif's Magic Sword, and even Iron Man's Sweeping Legs are all trying to disrupt Thanos' balance.

Forget these guys who can barely get into the eyes of the tyrant, and then there are funny ratios like Tree Groot, Destroyer Drax, and Star Lord running out. In the eyes of Heavenly Father-level powerhouses, their attacks are definitely not in the flow, and they are still somewhat effective.

To make all these scum-level enemies play a role, the culprit is Mei Jiexao, who stands on the edge of the basin and casts spells safely.

Thanos' teeth are about to burst.

"Drink!" Fighting against those weaklings, Thanos spun rapidly, first hitting Hulk with an elbow. The terrifying giant force in units of 10,000 jin can easily knock Hulk out like a cannonball.

The edge of the huge basin was knocked out of a huge deep hole that could accommodate three trucks in parallel.

Hulk can't dodge, it doesn't mean Thor can't.

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