America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 53: 1 word is set

At this time, William Chen also discovered something: Paris and Erica were still among the boundable partners on the [Account] page of Future Bank, and Nikki was not rated as boundable by the system. companion.

Therefore, Chen William analyzed that it is not that an intimate relationship can become a bound partner, but there are other conditions, such as emotional belonging, stability of the relationship, etc. Specifically, he still needs to have more details in the future. Multi-cue reanalysis.

It's like Nikki, although she has a close relationship with him, she still has a boyfriend at this time, and it is very likely that her attitude towards William Chen and emotional factors are not that many, similar to the kind of jealousy Friendship.

"William, have you arrived in Tokyo?"

Unexpectedly, Ivanta called at this time, and Chen William asked strangely: "Yes, I just arrived at the hotel, Ivanta, how did you know."

"Hehe, don't you know that Paris just posted on Twitter?" Ivanta said angrily.

Uh, William Chen remembered that Paris seemed to be taking pictures by the window with his mobile phone just now.

For this hobby of Parnes, William Chen was also a little speechless. The girl also euphemistically said that because Chen William is the owner of Twitter, she diligently tweeted to help Twitter attract more users.

Well, you'll be happy.

Next, William Chen chatted with Ivanta for a while. Ivanta told him that he had made an appointment with "your **** and beautiful female assistant", and that the decoration department of the Ivanta family company would undertake the business of Meta Investment Company. , to complete the renovation of the 35th floor office area within a month, so that William Chen's company can move in on time.

Then Ivanta also revealed that Gared's Kushnar Group has announced a high-profile holding of Building 666 and will invest $3 billion to renovate the building.

After the renovation is complete, the new tower will be 1,400 feet (427 meters) high, making it a "supertall skyscraper" (300 to 600 meters).

Kushnar Group invited the very well-known Zaha Hadid Architects to design a complete plan for the renovation of Building 666. In the plan, the building will increase by 40 floors, and the exterior buildings will be fully decorated with glass. This mixed-use building The building will consist of retail space, apartments and a hotel, with the residential part totaling 43,100 square meters.

For these, William Chen has already gotten the news through Uncle Tom. And it is not beyond his expectations. After finally taking control of the building, as the first project of Kushnar Group to develop the New York market, Gared will definitely hype it up.

After all, although it is still a boom period for real estate, the investment of such a high investment in the renovation of old buildings is still the most golden location on Fifth Avenue.

"William, I just learned a sentence, 'Don't pick wildflowers on the roadside', you understand what it means."

At the end of the call, Ivanta deliberately showed her Chinese, but this sentence, er, who taught the gentle Ivanta this Chinese? William Chen wanted to have a theory with her.

After hanging up the phone, William Chen deliberately opened Twitter to look at Paris' tweets, and found that she is really prolific. She has posted three tweets since she got off the plane, and there is also a photo of William Chen. .

But fortunately, she still has some sense of proportion. That photo was a group photo of the two sisters and Chen William that she did not know when. Seeing the background of the photo, William Chen remembered that this should be taken by Paris at the gate of the Hilton Hotel in Tokyo before they entered the hotel.

And there are already many comments from netizens under this tweet, and one of the most popular comments is—

"Paris and your sisters are so beautiful, but I couldn't help but keep my eyes on William, because she is so handsome, and I feel that you are really a good match."

Er, if nothing else, this person has a good vision. After reading this comment, William Chen had such an idea in his mind, but then he couldn't laugh because he saw that Paris also responded under this comment.

"I think so too, hee hee."

Hee hee, you bastard, William Chen really admires Paris. He can accompany his sister to visit the room while taking time to tweet and reply to comments by the way. Paris’s series of operations It's really 6.

The manager of this Tokyo Hilton Hotel is very knowledgeable. After knowing that the two princesses of the Hilton family came here, they specially arranged for a local employee who is fluent in English to be on call 24 hours a day. During their stay in Tokyo, William Chen and the others will act as Guides and translators are by your side.

The name of the female tour guide and translator is Kudo Yumi. It is said that she has been to the United States to study abroad, so she can speak authentic American English, and there is no obvious Japanese accent.

Chen William thought that in the local special gift package he had just obtained, the language amplification wind chimes that he had already used would have a double effect on the learning of Japanese, so he was eager to try it out, and tried to learn Japanese with Yumi Kudo.

Yumi Kudo is about 165 in height. The most distinctive feature is that she has a baby face, which is very kawaii in local adjectives. After chatting with her, Chen William knew that she was already 25 years old, but she looked like she was in her teens but not in her twenties.

I saw William studying Japanese with Yumi Kudo. Paris and Nikki also joined in with interest. But after trying it, they still sighed that learning Japanese was too difficult, and it had no similarities with English, so they gave up decisively.

However, seeing that Chen William has been studying very well in a short period of time, and already looks a little bit surprised, Nikki said with a look of surprise: "William, you are amazing, is there any trick here?"

Of course, William Chen couldn't say it directly, because he used language to amplify the wind chimes. It's just that the reason is pushed to Japanese and Chinese, and there are still some similarities, so if he can speak Chinese, learning Japanese will still be helpful.

Both the Paris sisters and Yumi Kudo accepted Chen William's statement, and they thought that Chen William was more talented. The combination of these factors led him to learn Japanese faster.

When everyone was ready to go to dinner, Paris held William Chen in the bedroom and asked suspiciously, "William, don't you have any thoughts on that Miss Kudo? I see you have been talking to her. chat."

Hearing Paris' words, William Chen really felt extremely wronged. In fact, he really didn't have such an idea this time, because the type that William Chen likes is more inclined to the type of mature royal sister, and he is not very interested in the cute and kawaii type like Kudo Yumi. .

So he really didn't have any other ideas. The reason why he was chatting with her was purely to learn Japanese.

So at this time, he said to Paris very confidently: "Paris, in your eyes, am I the kind of person who can't walk when I see a woman? I really hope to take advantage of this opportunity. Learn Japanese, or else, let's make a bet."

"A bet? What's the betting method?" Paris asked with great interest after hearing William Chen's words.

Seeing Paris' eagerness to try, William Chen snickered in his heart. It seems that you don't know what Erica lost in the last bet with you. If that's the case, don't blame me for being rude.

So Chen William gritted his teeth and said, "I bet, didn't I tell you that I chatted with Miss Kudo purely to learn Japanese? Then let's take this as a bet, if I can learn Japanese within the time we stay in RB , at least if you can speak fluent Japanese with the locals, then I win; if I can't, then you win, so what?"

Paris pondered for a while, and felt that it was absolutely impossible for her to be able to communicate smoothly with others in Japanese in just a few days.

But thinking about how smooth Chen William was learning Japanese just now, and how he dared to make such a request, she was a little uncertain this time, and she didn't know what kind of tricks there would be.

Seeing Paris's appearance, William Chen continued: "Why don't you do this? For the sake of fairness, you can designate a random person on the road at that time, and let him come and talk to me, and then ask Miss Kudo. Or someone else as the referee, if I can do it, then I win."

Paris thought that if she randomly appointed someone, she would indeed be able to prevent William Chen from cheating; and she had some doubts about whether William Chen would just deceive herself when she said so confidently, and just wanted her to retreat.

Thinking about it this way, it's still worth a gamble. So she said: "Since it is a bet, there must be a bet, so what is the bet? William."

"It's a bet..." William Chen seemed to pause for a while, but in fact, he had already thought about these things in his mind.

He opened his mouth and said, "The bet is that if I win, you will learn the knowledge from me that you didn't succeed last Ah, what knowledge?" Paris asked with a puzzled face .

So William Chen came to her ear and whispered a word to her.

Then you can see Paris' face, which instantly turns red. She reached out and patted Chen William's arm, and said angrily, "Chen William, I want to kill you, why do you always make me do such shameful things."

"Darling, it's a bet, of course, to win what you want to get, but it's not easy to get at ordinary times. If you don't want to give you another choice, you either have the condition just now - learn that knowledge with me again; or Just find you an extra helper next time, okay?"

"Help?" Hearing William Chen say this, Paris subconsciously glanced at her sister who was on the phone in the living room. This action of hers surprised Chen William greatly. I don't know if this girl made a mistake, or did she really know something?

But he heard Paris grit his teeth and say, "William, you are such a bastard!"

When William Chen thought that Paris was going to refuse next, he turned his eyes and said with a smile: "Then I will also say my request - if you lose, William, you have to agree. I blocked Ivanta, don't contact her again, how about it, dare you?"

It turns out that this girl is waiting for her here. So, her stake is still a bit high.

However, William Chen now has more confidence in the future bank, so he said directly: "If I win, you have to do what you say."

"Hmph, I see, but if I win, you have to do it too." Paris said with dissatisfaction.

"Okay, it's a deal!"

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