America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 91: Meet the horse boss for the first time

After hanging up the phone, William Chen was still a little unhappy.

To be careless, this kind of thing was indeed ignored by Chen William, but it had already happened, and Chen William knew that it would be difficult to remedy it.

Now those Internet companies in Silicon Valley still treat the Chinese market with a superior mentality. Twitter is neither the first nor the last when this happens.

As for the so-called freedom of speech by the CEO of Twitter, in William Chen's opinion, it's a joke. Maybe it's because of stupidity now, but later it can be seen that it's broken.

Thinking about the many operations of his previous life on Twitter, it can be said that he is extremely standard to power. If they have always adhered to a set of standards, William Chen can still give them a high look. As a result, the double standard is really understood by them.

But now he will definitely not tolerate Twitter in his own hands, and will continue to do so. He has decided that when he returns to the United States, he wants to increase his control over Twitter, and he will get out of the way if he doesn't obey.

Now that he has this confidence, even if Twitter were to die, it would not be a big deal for him.

After Chen William and Ivanta reunited, Ivanta heard about Twitter from him and asked worriedly, "William, is this matter serious?"

"It is serious and serious, that is, Twitter is going to lose the Chinese market, which is a very important market. If you lose this market, you will cultivate a powerful opponent, just like Baidu is to Google, and Penguin is to MSN. , Ali is to eBay and Amazon.”

"However, things have already happened now, so this is the only way to go. I think with the appearance of the Twitter gang, even if there is no such thing, they will not be able to compete with similar products in China."

At this time, William Chen thought that Zhalang's Weibo should be launched soon. We can only see if there is an opportunity to invest at that time.

"However, through this matter, Ivanta, if you want to develop the Chinese market in the future, the most important thing to remember is that you must not be arrogant, you must respect their regulations and policies, and it is best to hire local People are involved in decision-making, which will reduce a lot of unnecessary conflicts.”

"In this regard, you can consult Wendi more. After all, she was also born in China, and she has a good understanding of the rules here."

William Chen also used this incident to remind Ivanta. After all, China and the United States are still very different. They are not a capital-oriented country. In the United States, it is still impossible to play here many times. .

However, if there is a loss, there will be a gain. Seeing that Ivanta felt a pity for not being able to tweet in China, Chen William moved in his heart.

I can't tweet, it seems that the next time I take Paris out to play, I still have to come to China...

However, William Chen has always had a doubt in his heart, that is, before, he went to RB with Paris and obtained a [local special gift package] in the future bank. At that time, he harvested two relatively useful items.

But this time, when he came to Huaguo, he also checked the [Event] page of Future Bank, but he didn't see the same task prompt.

Although he had guessed before that this kind of local special quest would not be a simple task of simply going to a new country, but he still didn't understand, what kind of conditions need to be met to appear?

Therefore, he also plans to go to another country to try it later. After thinking about it, where is the closest and more convenient place to China? South Korea?


In the afternoon, William Chen met Li Ying, who came from the United States. She brought two employees from the Equity Investment Department to be responsible for the follow-up connection with Huayi Company to complete Chen William's investment.

The reason why she was chosen this time is mainly because of her Chinese identity, which makes it easier to communicate with Huayi Company.

And this time it is also a test for Chen William, because in the future, Chen William will definitely make more investment in China, and he needs a suitable person to be responsible for the business of China.

And Li Ying's Chinese identity, coupled with her past experience, is the most suitable candidate for Chen William at this time.

In the evening, Chen William took his bodyguards to the Shangri-La Hotel in Yanjing alone.

This afternoon, Ivanta, who was in high spirits, went to Modu with Deng Wendi. After inspecting the market in Yanjing, she heard Deng Wendi mention that Modu is one of the best-developed cities in China. got interested there.

And Ivanta didn't really want to participate in the reception held by Huayi Company, so she flew directly to the magic capital with her best friend Deng Wendi. Of course, in order to ensure their safety, William Chen arranged for two bodyguards. They, accompany them in the past.

So William Chen, who came alone, suddenly had some expectations for the Huayi Company's banquet tonight.

Knowing that William Chen was coming, the Wang brothers came over in person and welcomed him into the banquet hall. Along the way, many Huayi stars saw this scene and couldn't help but whisper.

These stars all have their own news channels. They have long known that an American film company boss negotiated an investment with Huayi at a price of 25 yuan per share. Therefore, the stars who have Huayi shares in their hands at this time, All excited.

He began to calculate how much his stock was worth now, and even regretted buying less. Just like Mr. Zhou, the most profitable company in Huayi Company, originally allocated at least 2 million original shares to her, but she did not subscribe on the grounds that she did not understand stocks.

If you had a good relationship with her at the time, you could get her share, but now it's more than seven times the income.

Today, they finally met the legendary boss of a Hollywood film company with their own eyes, but they did not expect to be unexpectedly young and so handsome. A better actor.

Thinking of the other party's wealth and status, almost all actresses couldn't help but have some ideas and gear up.

Now this is the company's major shareholder, and he comes from Hollywood. Isn't this handsome and tall young man more attractive than trying to please company bosses or those big-bellied funders?

The Wang brothers brought Chen William to the innermost position. When he was about to sit down, he was greeted by a middle-aged man with a distinctive appearance.

Yo, Boss Ma. William Chen greeted him and started to chat.

After chatting, Chen William realized that Boss Ma did not make a special trip to attend Huayi's party this time.

It was a coincidence. He came to Yanjing this time because of other things. It happened that Wang Zhongjun called and invited him over.

"Has Mr. William heard of Ali in America?"

Hearing Boss Ma's question, William Chen knew it in his heart. It seems that the Wang brothers didn't tell him much about themselves before.

"Yes, I noticed your company when Ali cooperated with Yahoo, and I met with Mr. Yang Zhiyuan from Yahoo, and when I chatted with him, he also mentioned you."

Boss Ma nodded and said: "Mr. Yang is an old friend of mine, and Yahoo is also our important partner. Since that is the case, now you are also a shareholder of Huayi Company, and we are also friends. We have the opportunity to welcome Mr. William. Go to Hangzhou to play and visit our Ali company."

"If there is a chance, I will definitely go. At the same time, I have also invested in some Internet companies, such as Twitter and Netflix. I am also very interested in the development of the Internet in China, especially your Ali company. I think it must be It's going to be an amazing company, it's just a shame it didn't catch up with the good investment opportunities."

"Actually, our country is developing at a high speed, and there are opportunities everywhere. Mr. William can come and have a look when you have time." After listening to William's words, Boss Ma smiled heartily and patted him. shoulder said:

"Thank you for being so optimistic about our company. As for investment, it's not too late. When Mr. William goes to Hangzhou, I will treat you well. Maybe there will be opportunities for cooperation in the future."

But it's no wonder that Alibaba is no longer the Alibaba of a few years ago. Since it cooperated with Yahoo and listed in HK, Alibaba has developed very fast. Now in the domestic Internet industry, the three BAT giants have basically formed. pattern.

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