America’s Treasure King

Chapter 62: Mid-Autumn Festival 4

In a high-end community in Xihu City, Zhejiang Province, in the study room of a large single-family villa, Ai Hua was waiting in front of the computer with his old friend Zhang Ruoxuan.

Zhang Ruoxuan is very famous in the antique industry in Zhejiang Province. His ancestors opened an antique shop, and it has become more and more popular in his hands.

Even the auction company in Zhejiang Province often invites him to participate in the appraisal. The appraisal level can be said to be the unanimously recognized expert level in the Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai generation!

Now that people are rich, they collect more antiques, and the price of porcelain has skyrocketed. With a shrewd mind, he slowly began to switch to the stone business.

Qingtian stone, chicken blood stone, jadeite, Tianhuang, Nanhong agate, Huanglongyu, etc. in this province, he is a veteran.

Waiting for others always makes people feel anxious, Zhang Ruoxuan took a sip of the top-quality Longjing and said, why hasn't this little guy appeared yet, will he be talking too much, let go of your brother's pigeon,

The official kiln Longquan in the Ming Dynasty is all true, but the treasures of millions of dollars, and as you said, the Jun kiln square bottle in the Yuan Dynasty, are so easy to find there.

When the old master said this, Ai Hua's heart was lost. He hesitated for a moment and said, "I shouldn't lie to me. He didn't ask me to pay a deposit. What should I be afraid of?"

Zhang Ruoxuan: "That's true."

After a while, the mailbox on Ai Hua's computer responded, and he smiled and said, "Come on."

After opening it, he turned it up and down first, and saw that Li Xiaoshuai said that there were three items: a holding pot, a square bottle, and a small can, and several photos were taken of each utensil from different angles.

Especially the ring feet at the bottom of the device, each of which is very carefully photographed, for fear that I may not see it clearly.

Ai Hua said in his heart that Li Xiaoshuai, regardless of his age, is very particular about his work.

He greeted Zhang Ruoxuan: "Come on, let's start with the first Yongzheng jar."

Zhang Ruoxuan saw that this was still a pair of small jars, and the color was jujube red just like its name. There are also two photos inside the jar, showing that the inside is white glaze, and the glaze water is snow-white and crystal clear.

Looking at the bottom foot of the exposed tire, I can see that the material of the tire soil is exquisite, and the washing is also very particular. After firing, it looks like fine white flour.

Zhang Ruoxuan asked Ai Hua to turn the first page on the top of the page. He wanted to see the pulp, shape and temperament of the pair of official kiln jars, which were impossible for counterfeiters to make.

Among them, the shape and temperament are the most difficult to imitate.

Zhang Ruoxuan turned on the Zhonghua cigarette handed by Ai Hua, leaned back after lighting it, pulled a little distance from the display frequency, and then stared at the pair of small jars for a while.

Finally, he said: "This is a pair of genuine Yongzheng Dynasty official kilns. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it, good things!"

Being recognized, Ai Hua smiled happily and said, "Did you see? The little brother I know has a very good eye. Now you can't even say anything. It can be seen that his eye is very good."

Zhang Ruoxuan also had to admit that this little brother surnamed Li was not as old as his son, but his vision was absolutely superb, and even his own old Jianghu couldn't make any mistakes.

The second is the official kiln holding pot from Longquan kiln.

Zhang Ruoxuan couldn't fault the first one, but he looked at this one more carefully, and wanted to find out what was wrong with this pot holding.

I saw him sitting on the leather boss chair, looking at it up close, looking far away, pulling the picture up again, and pulling the picture down again.

That's not all, he was still staring at the exposed part of the rim of the pot, looking at the flint red.

Flint red is the iron element contained in china clay. It is oxidized at high temperature and contains a lot of iron. The exposed part will also appear iron black. This is also the reason for the purple mouth iron feet in the official kilns of the Southern Song Dynasty.

Then I looked at the shape again, and he looked at it from top to bottom, but he still didn't find the fault. "The thing is right, I can't fault it at all. This Ming Chu official kiln pot can be said to be a rare treasure!"

"Okay" Ai Hua clapped his hands excitedly, "I just said that Li Xiaoshuai has a unique vision, do you believe it now?"

Zhang Ruoxuan said with a wry smile, he couldn't believe it, and he had to believe it. Since your little brother has such a good eye, then the next Yuanjun kiln square bottle should be fine.

That being said, Zhang Ruoxuan still pulled the picture down and carefully looked at the time when there were two cigarettes. Only then did he solemnly say to Ai Hua, "Everything is true, and it is very worth having! Also, this person's words are his words, and he is worth making friends with!"

Ai Hua was about to make a phone call, but Zhang Ruoxuan grabbed him and suggested that he make a deposit of $500,000 first to show his trust and sincerity, so as to reassure him.

"It makes sense!" Ai Hua wanted to make a deposit. Compared with Li Xiaoshuai, he would definitely not sell the three good things to others. And according to the rules, if he does not take it after the expiration date, Li Xiaoshuai can resell it again.

Ai Hua made the payment first, was on the phone, and told him that he wanted everything, and then talked about the deposit.

The cross-ocean phone was hands-free, and Zhang Ruoxuan, who was on the side, clearly heard Xiaoshuai say, let Ai Hua know immediately, there is no need for a deposit or anything at because he is not short of money.

Just sold a pair of intact mammoth tusks for $400,000 not long ago, and just a few hours ago, sold an antique piano for $60,000.

Li Xiaoshuai said, "I'll give you the deposit back."

Ai Hua: "No, this is the rule of the antique shop, it is necessary."

When Zhang Ruoxuan heard the mammoth ivory, he hurriedly found a pen and paper, wrote "mammoth ivory" on the paper, pushed it in front of Ai Hua, and pointed to himself again, meaning I wanted it too.

After a few more greetings, Ai Hua told Zhang Ruoxuan about the mammoth ivory, and Li Xiaoshuai could only apologetically say that it requires luck, and if it happens in the future, it must be kept.

After a few more greetings, both sides hung up the phone.

In Ai Hua's study, the smoke is lingering, and the fragrance of tea is thick.

Zhang Ruoxuan thought thoughtfully: "Li Xiaoshuai is not a simple person! It's amazing to be able to identify antiques, but I didn't expect him to have great luck. Ai Hua, if you want to stand out in the collection world, this person must be well-received, not Neglect!"

"That's right, that's what I thought when I saw him for the first time! Strange to say, when I saw him, I felt like an acquaintance at first sight, plus he was playing with antiques, young, with good eyesight, and it was worth my visit. befriend him."

Zhang Ruoxuan said with a smile, this is probably the so-called eye relationship, and it happens that you both meet.

"Hey, probably each."

"Mammoth tusk, why can't I get it? Hey, it would be nice if I went to the United States with you last time. This stuff is definitely in my shop, and it definitely attracts attention." Zhang Ruoxuan is in kept talking.

Ai Hua: "Okay, I'll take you with me next time and introduce you to each other."


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