America’s Treasure King

Chapter 93: Opening the Treasure Box Continued 2

Because of the long trip and a big deal the day after tomorrow, Li Xiaoshuai gave the two assistants two days off, and gave them each one thousand dollars in pocket money, so that they could relax and be unrestrained.

He also has to sort out the small antiques he picked up from the long journey. Some of them can be placed in the cabinet, that is, on the Bogu shelf. The Black Star pistol must be wiped down, and the Longines pocket watch must be wiped clean before wearing.

He also thought about taking time to take a photo with Elaine and cut it out and stick it on the cover of the pocket watch.

When he was done, Li Xiaoshuai stared at the damaged "Paul III" again, thinking about how to fix this painting. It's all money, but it can't be wasted.

Turning over and over in his mind, and flipping through a lot of books, Li Xiaoshuai still had nothing to do. He reluctantly held the oil painting with his hand, thinking in his heart that if I could use my supernatural powers to restore the ancient painting, it would be great.

He also looked at a warped skin on the corner of the oil painting through the packaging, and gently pressed the warped skin down with the power in his eyes, Xin Li said to restore him and reply to him.

To his surprise, the warped skin was really slowly recovering.

"Hey, the ability still has this potential, it's great." He became more and more excited, and he continued to work hard. He found a piece of warped skin in the middle, and did the same. It was very good, and it was repaired again. .

It's an amazing feature, and it's God's treat.

Li Xiaoshuai is like a sculpture, standing in front of the oil painting and constantly repairing it with his abilities. One morning, he repaired nearly half of the hollow drum, and he was also exhausted.

After a short break at noon, he felt his spirits recover again. He continued to work. He rested for a while before dinner, and continued to work after dinner. It took a whole day and midnight, and Li Xiaoshuai finally gave this painting to " It's fixed."

In the current "Paul III", there are no warped skins and big cracks, only tiny cracks as thin as cobwebs exist. This is not Li Xiaoshuai being lazy, but it must be kept.

Because this painting is from the Renaissance period, and it is hundreds of years old. Is it possible that there is no damage in time? Is this possible?

There are cracks, there is dust, there is a sense of vicissitudes, that's right!

He remembered that he wanted Morgan to invite another oil painting appraiser to come over and help him to appraise the painting. If he asked for it himself, people might not be willing to come over. If Morgan asked, it was not a matter of a sentence. The appraiser must release the wind before it can be photographed, isn't it?

The next day, Li Xiaoshuai woke up early and called Bo Yang, who lived in the basement, to help him clean the house so that he could entertain guests.

And the pair of "Paul III" was also moved from the bedroom to the living room, so that it was convenient for the appraiser to identify it. The two letters originally contained in the gold box were also taken out by Li Xiaoshuai and put into a leather bag.

Li Xiaoshuai would never take out the golden box of James I, so as not to be seen by Morgan, it would be troublesome if he cried and shouted to buy it.

In the afternoon, the weather in late autumn was very good, the autumn was high and the air was refreshing, the clouds were light and the wind was light, and the long-awaited guest Li Xiaoshuai finally arrived. Morgan brought two people, probably ancient paintings and a paper appraiser, and Erickson brought a forensic doctor.

Li Xiaoshuai is right when he thinks about it, this thing really needs a forensic doctor to examine it.

Standing at the door, Li Xiaoshuai first pulled the two customers aside and told them to identify what Morgan needed first. Erickson's things were too dazzling, so they were identified at the last time.

When they got home, Li Xiaoshuai was in charge of the reception. One of Frank and Bo Yang was pouring tea and water, and the other was preparing to carry antiques.

Before the gossip started, the ancient painting appraiser brought by Morgan found it. He kept an eye on the "Paul III" that Li Xiaoshuai specially brought out. He also said that this painting is interesting and will take a good look later.

Morgan: "Take it out, I've been thinking about it for two days, but I can't figure out who the letter is from." He also pointed at Li Xiaoshuai and said, "If something doesn't work, I'll be angry."

"Don't worry, my things are definitely more precious than the "Declaration of Independence" you've been thinking about!"

"it is good!"

Li Xiaoshuai waved, and Frank, who was wearing white gloves, carefully placed a kraft paper bag on the table, took out a stack of white gloves from his pocket, and distributed a pair to everyone at the scene.

Seeing this posture, Morgan also knew that today's things would definitely not be bad, and he was more and more looking forward to it, whose letter is so precious?

The first letter Frank took out was from Queen Victoria to his grandson; the letter from the German crown prince was handed over to Morgan. This is also arranged by Li Xiaoshuai, from modern times to ancient times, so that Morgan unknowingly entered the state.

Morgan showed a glance and said, this is English, where do you need a Latin appraiser. Looking at it again, his eyes froze, "My God, this is a letter from Queen Victoria, or to Kaiser Wilhelm II. This is too precious."

He scanned the letter roughly, and then handed it over to the appraiser named Billy, who was also an old mage who was good at Latin, and was in his 50s.

This Billy appraiser was a slow temper. He put the letter on the table took out a slap-sized magnifying glass from his pocket, and first glared it at the top and bottom of the letter.

Li Xiaoshuai knew that he was looking at the quality of paper and ink. As for the content, he had to wait until later.

The appraiser looked at the letter and did not say anything, but also looked at the envelope, and then read the contents of the letter. Then he took out his mobile phone, opened the photo of Queen Victoria's signature recorded in it, and checked it with the signature at the end of the letter.

Eriksson is anxious to see it. Ask the appraiser whether it is true or false, but you can give me a word.

Appraiser: "No hurry, no hurry, things will come step by step, I still need to continue to look at it, I don't recognize any suspected flaws!"

"Should be" Li Xiaoshuai praised. Now, that's all he can say.

After a long time, he said, "This is an authentic work, I can't find any flaws, it's very rare."

"Yeah!" Morgan, who was always gentle, couldn't hold it in anymore this time, and he shouted with a fist. "Li, should we discuss the price first, or move on to the next one."

Li Xiaoshuai said, let's talk about it one by one.

He knew that such collections of letters from famous people have existed since ancient times, and there are such enthusiasts in both the Rabbit Country and Europe, and there are often auctions in this area at auctions, and the prices are not cheap.

"Stephen, let's ask the appraiser to offer a fair price, so as not to bargain and damage our friendship."

Morgan also said it was a good idea, and motioned for the appraiser, Billy, to make an offer.

The old appraiser pushed the eyes on the bridge of his nose and said that because this letter involves two celebrities, it is more expensive than ordinary celebrity letters. This is the usual price. "I think $750,000 is a good price."

"I agree," Li Xiaoshuai and Morgan said in unison.

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