An Elementalist At Hogwarts

Chapter 11 - The letter has come

It has been four years since the dinner with the Greengrass and a lot of things happened, Yoruichi was adopted by my parents and is now my sister, we are the only to know she owns a cat form. Now she stay mostly of the time in her human form, even the night. I must say I quite miss having a cat in my arms all day long so, two years ago, I went to buy a cat and she never let me buy one! She looked at me as if I had betrayed her...

We also mooved from our manor in the french pre-alpes to one in the british countryside, the sight is not the same anymore...

We, it means me, Aurore and Yoruichi, learned the magic under the teaching of our parents and Jonathan, we followed the Hogwarts curriculum with some addings like Occlumency and Runes, I' m very good in Occlumency, I must say I put all my heart in the learning of this discipline as if my life depended of it, well it can be said that my life depend of my ability to protect my mind, it would be bad if someone find what I know. I'm not as good in Legilimency but Hogwarts students shouldn't be able to prevent me to see their memory. Aurore and Yoruichi are also quite good in the Mind Arts, not as good as me in Occlumency since I can be considered as a master Occlumens but they are as good in Legilimency if not better. Well they don't have Madara, Thanos, Acnologia, Transformers, Gundams, Shinigamis, Admiral, Kages, Saitaman dragons, phoenix, grand roc with armies who will put those of The Lord Of The Ring to shame to protect their minds. But that it's only if they reach it, before they must even sense my mind then find their way in multiple labyrinth, my army is only the last and ultime protection.

I'm also quite good in Sortileges, Transfiguration and Care of Magical Beast but suck in Herbology, Divination and History of Magic. I'm average in Defense Against the Dark Arts and Potion, Potion is by far the most difficult discipline I have to learn now, even with my upgrated memory it's difficult, I mean everything can change the result of a potion with the same receipe, like the order you put the ingredients, the strength of the fire, how you mix the potion, even the weather when you make the potion can change it...

My parents aren't master in Potion so maybe I was not properly teached, Divination as well, it's such a bullshit discipline, I will never put any effort to learn this shit...

But where I made tremendous progress is in my Elementalist abilities and Kido, it come so easily for me that it should be criminal, it's so powerful and I learned without any difficulties, I'm still at the stage one but I don't think I will even need the stage three to beat Voldemort in a pulpe. And like I wished at Kaos, I have a lot of affinities, they are like this: Earth

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