1. Strangers in heaven -- in memory of Sanmao

In the yuan of 1992, when Mei Xue competed with Fang Fang, Ge Yimin said to a stranger in heaven that he had no choice but to sacrifice him. He said: "I think Sanmao has been in the world since he was born. So far, it has been forty-nine years. I recall that Sanmao's quality is not enough to describe gold and jade, its nature is not enough to describe ice and snow as clean, its God is not enough to describe stars and moon as essence, and its appearance is not enough to describe its color.".

500 years ago, he took an Indian man in gray,

One year ago, I came to the ward of Taipei wing general hospital,

Sanmao told him that he was very tired,

The man in grey spread his white wings,

Sanmao finally put down her Sahara,

Started another journey,

Strangers in this paradise,

And sat at the right hand of the Lord,

She was surprised to find that,

I have pursued the Sahara all my life,

But appeared in the kingdom of heaven of the Lord.

But Sanmao is still repeating people's last words,

So another Sanmao was repeating another Sahara to the people,

He must also be a stranger in heaven,

Because the planet has no place.

2. The finest poem


Looks like a mother from afar,

It looks like a dog.


It looks like a wall from a distance,

It looks like a wall,

The more you look at it, the more it looks like a wall,

It turned out to be a wall.


The old woman wears bodybuilding pants,

Dig and dig.


I want to go, too,

Television station.


The Communist Party,

Don't me.

3. Three great pleasures in old age

Officials kill officials,

The stock market fell sharply,

TV shows sadness and music.

4. Why are older migrant workers unwilling to marry the daughter of the central leadership

Due to engineering reasons, the author often contacts with migrant workers and finds a strange phenomenon. All older migrant workers prefer to be single rather than marry the daughter of the central leadership. The daughter of the central leadership has a high political status, a certain amount of property, and generally looks superior. I try to understand that all migrant workers laugh: how can they see us. Idiot, you are the master of the country, and the central leadership is your servant. Isn't it the highest pursuit of all the servants' daughters to marry the master?

5. Mirror, for example, sifting wheat

A pile of wheat with good wheat and pebbles

When you sift all the pebbles down

In the sieve: all good wheat

Under the sieve: full of pebbles

Some people just look in the sieve and think that this pile of wheat is all good wheat

Some people just look under the sieve and think that this pile of wheat is full of pebbles

Everyone is the same, everything is the same.

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