Fang Zheng put down the phone, coughed softly and said, "That's right, it's all in my plan, I just said that I knew that there was no recharge channel." "

"How can a selfless person like me go back to pit the money of his fans, right?"

Looking at Fang Zheng's expression that changed in an instant, the Grand Duke was selfless and impassioned, if they didn't know about the series of things that happened before, they would really believe it.

But now... Huh!

Whoever believes is a fool!

"As soon as I finished speaking, the recharge channel opened, and I said no, but my body was very honest~".

"Nima, the technical staff of the website are fast enough, it seems that there are a lot of year-end bonuses!".

"In order not to let Fang go bankrupt, brothers~!".

"Brother upstairs, report the contact information, everyone is rich together, you can't eat alone!".


Not long after Fang Zheng's words fell, the live broadcast room where he was located opened a recharge channel, which is nothing more than a payment procedure problem, and now that online payment is so developed, it is really not a technical problem.

Seeing that the atmosphere in the live broadcast room was almost mobilized, Fang Zheng laughed secretly in his heart, knowing that it was time to get down to business.

"Ladies and gentlemen, before we get to the bottom of today's topic, I would like to thank the fans and users who spoke for our A Club today. Fang Zheng's expression straightened, and his face became serious again.

"I think everyone knows about the situation of Company A's delayed relaxation of "Chopping Crimson" today, originally according to the plan, we planned to strike while the iron was hot and use the update of "Chopping Crimson" to stimulate users to open members, but this afternoon's events are very unpleasant!".

The announcement of member payment issued by Company A was at noon, which was the peak period for people to rest and surf the Internet, so many users who used Company A got the news at the first time.

At the beginning, many users didn't feel anything about the membership fee of more than ten yuan a month, after all, paying for watching videos is already a very common thing in this era.

But the strange situation began, starting from more than two o'clock in the afternoon, a large number of unfavorable remarks criticizing A society suddenly appeared on the forum of A company, and the words were all about saying that A company began to circle money.

Many users didn't believe this remark that seemed to come out of thin air at first, but as time went on, this remark not only did not extinguish the heat, but quickly fermented.

made many users panic, and it was at this time that Zhang Siyu realized that something was wrong, and quickly found Fangzheng, wanting to control the remarks in the forum.

But it was stopped by Fangzheng.

In his opinion, A is just a platform for him to publish animation works, which is just convenient for users to find their favorite anime to watch, not a prop for him to make a profit.

For Company A, Founder's purpose is very simple, that is, as long as he can be responsible for his own profits and losses, he doesn't expect Company A to bring him much profit.

"Company A has rejected all advertisements, and the membership fee is also the lowest on the whole network, I think I represent ACG has given enough sincerity. "

In the live broadcast room, many viewers felt a little uncomfortable when they saw Fangzheng's eyes that seemed to hit the depths of their hearts through the screen.

"But the environment of Company A not only depends on me and ACG, but also depends on everyone's conscious maintenance, maintaining a good communication atmosphere in our Company A, and not letting him deteriorate!".

A company, the first online video platform focusing on animation on the whole network, although there are very few animation works now, but the good user communication atmosphere of A company has set the tone from the very beginning.

After all, the people who download A are users who like anime.,These people also have a common topic with each other.,It's easy and pleasant to communicate.。

After listening to Fangzheng's words, many sailors in the live broadcast room bowed their heads and pondered.

Today's events have also sounded a wake-up call for them, and those who spread unfavorable remarks during the day are, to put it bluntly, organized and premeditated, and no one knows what their purpose is.

But as long as you are not a fool, you must know the identity of the other party's water army.

Since the establishment of A Society, Founder has refused to advertise and refuse any other form of work to be put on the shelves, so after the user opens A Society, there is nothing else in the interface except for animation.

Simplicity, the ultimate simplicity!

There is no need for Founder's own statement, many fans and users can experience Founder's original intention, that is, to build A Society into a two-dimensional network culture mecca they like.

Let them, a group of people who really like anime, have a pure land that they can live in at any time in the noisy and impetuous online environment.

So many fans consciously reflected on Fangzheng's words when they heard Fangzheng's words.

There is no doubt that Founder has given them a warm home on behalf of ACG, but at the same time, Founder has also made it clear that the daily maintenance and cleaning of this home needs to be maintained by everyone.

"To be honest, I don't feel very angry about the events of the day, because I know that my fans have the ability to distinguish between right and wrong, and they know what role A played in the whole incident. "

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room became solemn, and there were only a few barrages crossed, all of which were messages persuading Fang Zheng not to make a big fuss.

For the care of these fans, Fang Zheng is grateful in his heart.

This is 'life has abused me thousands of times, and I treat life like my first love'!

Thinking of the fans who teased him like he did before, Fang Zheng felt a little guilty in his heart, he felt that what he had done... It's so beautiful!

"However, the CEO of our A company was wronged and frightened, and you must know that the membership payment standard this time is the minimum standard given by our CEO's calculation. "

Speaking of this, Fang Zhengwan smiled: "Oh yes, you don't have to be curious about who the CEO is, Estes of "Chopping Crimson" is her voice, you can look forward to it~!".

"Esdes's voiceover, your company's CEO is too versatile~".

"I feel that the people who clean the toilet in Company A may be graduates of key colleges!".

"Vent your anger for your employees, and I'll call you Boss Fang in the future!"

"Fang Dada, is there still a shortage of employees in your company?"


In the live broadcast room, netizens heard that Fangzheng supported his CEO, and they possessed lemon essence, such a boss is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity~

Looking at the barrage in the live broadcast room, Zhang Siyu, who had just finished everything, stretched his waist, and a warm current crossed his heart.

"It turns out that he started the live broadcast to help me get angry~".

Looking at the handsome face on the screen, Zhang Siyu's pretty face was dyed with a touch of red.

It's true that she has a strong personality, but in the final analysis, she is a daughter, and she also hopes to find a shoulder to rely on in her strong personality.

I used to plan to live alone for the rest of my life, but now it seems that I just haven't met the right person.

PS: Thank you for the monthly pass sent by "Angel's Dragon Ball", thank you for the support !! the big guy

Kneel and beg the bigwigs to support ~~~~~~~

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