The quarrel in his ears made Sasuke feel a little bit too much. The black-haired boy suppressed the irritation in his heart and said slightly: "That's enough. Stop arguing. It's very noisy."

"Hi~ I'm sorry, Sasuke-kun~"

Sakura and Ino immediately stopped talking, but only the sparkling looks in their eyes showed that the two had not given up the fight.

"This thing can only be used by three people. So, each of you takes a position and input chakra into it with me."

In front of Sasuke is a box similar to a blowpipe. This thing is roughly made of a glass tube, and below it is branched into three thinner glass tubes, which can input chakra into it.

At the bottom of the branch of the large glass tube, there is a small steel ball. In other words, you need to input chakra into the glass tube and blow the steel ball until it reaches the top of the glass tube.

But because chakra comes from three directions, this requires that the chakra input from the three directions must have a consistent flow. If one party is too strong, the steel balls will be blown by that party's chakra and roll in place, unable to rise. And if one side is too weak, the steel balls will also roll and fall towards that side.

Only when the chakras in the three directions are consistent can the driving force of the steel ball be consistent and it can rise smoothly.

This small instrument is similar to a steel ball toy, but in fact it is undoubtedly an extremely difficult chakra control training instrument.

After all, general chakra control training methods are targeted at the trainer alone. For example, when walking on trees or walking on water, you only need to ensure that your own chakra input is stable.

But this small steel ball instrument requires that the chakra stability of three people must be taken into account at the same time. It is equivalent to greatly increasing the 'chakra instability' and the 'chakra strength control' during the training process. It is not at all A simple three-fold relationship, but a geometrically rising difficulty of 3*3*3.

There is no doubt that this will be an unparalleled test and training for Sasuke's ability to control lightning, as well as Sakura and Ino's ability to control medical ninjutsu.

Standing on a high mound, Shino controlled his parasitic insects to closely monitor the entire training ground. According to Hinata's instructions, he needed to let the insects pay attention to everyone's chakra equivalent. Although Hinata didn't say it explicitly, the smart Shino knew that the main target of surveillance was Naruto's unstable chakra.

Needless to say, this kind of monitoring of multiple people at the same time is also a heavy burden for him, not to mention that these people are still engaged in activities that consume intense chakra such as fighting or practicing.

But it is precisely because of this that the effects of practice can be greatly improved.

"Well, I have decided. I will nominate three of my students for this year's Chunin Exam."

Observing the scene on the training ground, Kakashi nodded, then said with an indifferent look: "Where are you two?"


Looking at each other, there was a rare feeling of competition between Asuma and Kurenai's eyes. Although the two were indeed lovers, they were also teachers who were proud of their students.

"of course."

(PS1: Well~ o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o~~Sure enough, this feeling of interacting with the original characters is still very good~~What do you think?)

(PS2: Thank you all for the extra rewards from the lucky bags~~I will definitely work harder~~~(?7?1⊙ω⊙)?7?1)

Picture: "", Location: "Images/033330-11902.jpg"

Frosty Day (1)

At the end of the action, there must be something called the result waiting. This is the physical law of this world.

Naturally, after investing in material and manpower, and allowing time to fully ferment, the Akihabara area next to Konoha Village has finally been completed. In order to ensure traffic problems, the Third Hokage also specially added a stone road across the canyon. bridge to ensure that those visiting Akihabara can enter Akihabara directly through the stone bridge without having to take a detour.

【Welcome to Akihabara! ! As you can see! This is a dedicated area for selling all "Fox Tale" series products. Here, you can find everything you are interested in! Whether it's the TV video of "Fox Tale" or the hardcover version of figures and comic specials! Yes! This is the holy place for all Fox Story fans! 】

A sweet female voice softly broadcasts these announcements to the tourists from the loudspeaker, and smiling district staff are on standby at various stations in the street to provide directions and answers to tourists at any time. confuse.

These staff are not ordinary people. They are basically all Anbu personnel. In addition to giving directions to tourists, they also perform defense work to defend against foreign enemies and mediate disputes. As for who are the root ninjas inside, and who are the Konoha Anbu who sneaked in to monitor these root ninjas, don't think about this issue, it will make your brain knotted.

However, aside from these, there are indeed many tourists on this street that still exudes the smell of fresh wood paint. Unlike the last crowded temporary venue, this time Akihabara is also being completed in a hurry, but at least it has Wide streets and essential shops.

Products such as figurines and picture albums are placed in various categories in various prepared stores. Compared with the embarrassing queuing auction scene last time, it is undoubtedly much more convenient.

Moreover, according to the level of the figures, the supreme version of the figures will still be placed at the auction house in Akihabara, while the rest will be sold by stores of different levels. In other words, the rich have their own It is an exclusive high-end place, and those with lower economic conditions can also find their own fun.

Therefore, judging from the current situation, there are not only many more tourists visiting Akihabara this time, but their mood is also obviously much better. It is estimated that today's turnover will definitely make the third generation and Danzo happy.

Although I don’t know how the Sandaime and Danzo negotiated privately, a considerable part of the daily turnover of this street will definitely be taken away directly by Konoha Village, and the rest will be given to Danzo and the development of Akihabara. Funds, but Danzo has plenty of patience. He understands that the first thing he needs to do now is to improve the layout and construction of Akihabara, so he will not be too harsh.

"Let's stop practicing for now. If you want to see Akihabara, you might as well go today."

Hinata is not very enthusiastic about the establishment of Akihabara. After all, that place is basically a buffer zone between Danzo and the Third Generation. Moreover, it will not bring her direct financial benefits. At most, it can be regarded as a traffic platform that helps her expand industrial development.

This area is a place that Danzo regards as a forbidden area, and naturally he will not allow others to point fingers at will, so Hinata has no intention of trying to warm up his face and cool his butt. After all, if Danzo really needs her advice, it will only Simply and clearly offer specific benefits in exchange, so there is no need for her to worry about it before.

"Huh? Hinata doesn't plan to go in person this time?"

Ino was obviously a little surprised. After all, it can be said that Hinata led the crew to do the last press conference, but this time Akihabara was being built, but she seemed indifferent to it.

"Of course, that area doesn't belong to us. Wouldn't it be embarrassing to come rashly without an invitation?"

Of course Hinata knew what Ino cared about, so she simply changed the topic: "Furthermore, I heard that the princess of the Land of Waves, Mizuka-hime, is going to have a business meeting with Lord Hokage in Akihabara today. If you don't go It would be a shame to see it.”

"Huh?? We went to the Land of Waves last time? But we didn't hear of any princess there at that time."

Naruto also opened his mouth in surprise, but soon the yellow-haired man put this question behind his mind, and instead fell into a state of imagining with excitement on his face: "Ah~~ Speaking of which, I have never seen a real person. Where is the princess? I don’t know what she looks like.”

"Haga~~ Haven't you seen a real princess or something before? Hinata is the eldest princess of the Hyuga clan, and she deserves it."

Shikamaru, who was holding the back of his head, reminded him angrily. Obviously, for him, those princesses had no attraction at all. It would be better to say that women were synonymous with trouble in his eyes.

"Ah~Hinata~~it's not quite the same as the princess I imagined..."

Shivering, Naruto whispered as if his tail had been stepped on: "After all, I think the princesses in the story are all gentle and considerate..."

"Ahem, if that's the case... Indeed, I kind of want to see that Shui Jingji..."

The tooth next to him agreed with Naruto's opinion. Obviously, under Hinata's strength and power, these little strong people who have been oppressed all day long eagerly hope to see another gentle and beautiful princess to comfort them. Their own oppressed souls.

"Hmph, I'm not interested. I'm going to continue practicing. You can do whatever you want."

The other person who is not interested is obviously Sasuke. For him, the imminent Chuunin exam has given him considerable mental pressure. At least this time, the idea of ​​becoming a Chunin is whipping his mind like a force. Naturally, he was not in the mood to go shopping at this time.

"I don't have much time. The Hyuga clan still has some chores that I need to deal with. So, Naruto, bring me a box of takoyaki. I want the assorted flavor. Don't forget to add more sauce. So, goodbye. "

After simply explaining her request, Hinata turned and left the Uchiha Mansion. For her, now was not the time to wander around leisurely.

Just as she thought, the Akatsuki organization quickly controlled the situation in the entire country of Waves under the name of Sui Jingji, and the factory for manufacturing figures was quickly completed with the concerted efforts of the citizens, although it has not yet been officially put into production. , but has already taken the name Shui Jingji.

Therefore, Hinata simply sent a request for business negotiations from the Country of Waves to Konoha Village as Mizu Kagami, mainly focusing on the transaction details of goods such as 'figures'.

If nothing else happens, Sui Jingji's figure factory will be the only genuine figure production place in the ninja world. Any other factories that want to imitate and make profits will be wiped out from the world silently by the Akatsuki organization.

Yesterday, the last batch of figurine goods made by Deidara and Scorpion arrived in Akihabara. Today, Sui Kagami and the Third Hokage met in Akihabara to officially announce to the outside world that Konoha and Wave Village Activities to establish hand-made commercial transactions between countries.

Konan and the honor guard convoy have already set off, and now they are waiting for Hinata to change into mercury lamp clothes and rush to join them outside the village.

"The more powerful a person is, the more complicated his life seems to be."

After closing the door to her room, Hinata made a bunk for herself. She pretended that she was going to take a good rest and then quickly performed the Soul Transformation Technique. Her consciousness also transferred to the body of the mercury lamp in the basement. After opening her eyes, sitting up and moving around for a while, Hinata couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

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