And now, that brother has stepped over the pool of blood and corpses of his parents and walked towards the darkness that he cannot forgive. However, the sister Quan who reappeared seven years later is still exactly the same as she remembered when she was a child.

"Oh? I really didn't expect that, as an experimental subject, he still has his own feelings?"

Putting away her ice wings, Hei Chu smiled slightly. Apparently, she had already come up with her own answer.

For 'people', the greatest emotion is not the so-called murderous intention and hatred, nor ambition and desire, but protection and sacrifice. As a race that naturally rejects death, the spirit of 'sacrifice' has transcended human behavior. The biggest instinct among living things is to resist death. Therefore, this is the dividing line between humans and other creatures in terms of emotions.

No matter what the current 'Uchiha Izumi' is, since she already possesses the most advanced element of the emotion of 'sacrifice', it means that she indeed has the same emotions as humans.

"Look here!!"

At this moment, a loud shout of Qingyue also sounded beside Hei Hina. Along with a blazing fire, Bai Hina's figure had already cut into her at the blind corner, and then hit the back of the mercury lamp with a big snake move. Come! !

"Damn it~reinforcements?"

Pretending to curse, Kuro Hina turned around lightly and easily avoided Shiro Hina's move of Orochanagi. When she glanced at Uchiha Izumi who was lying in a pool of blood, she also sneered slightly: "Forget it. Now! Now that the experimental subject has been destroyed! Let’s see you again in the future! Little devils!”

Quickly opening the ice crystal of the magic mirror, Hei Hina saw through his white eyes several streams of chakra coming towards him. There was no doubt that they were the alarmed ANBU ninjas, and he frivolously made a skirt-lifting ceremony, using the mercury lamp. The figure quickly disappeared into the mirror behind him, and then disappeared into the air instantly.

In the messy courtyard, Sasuke, who was in a pool of blood, sat up with difficulty, then picked up Izumi Uchiha who was lying on the side, and looked at the black-haired girl in front of him who fell to protect himself. Sasuke's lips moved slightly, but he couldn't say a word. It was as if he had returned to that night again. The originally amiable tribesmen turned into cold corpses in just one night.

Now, is this tribesman who suddenly appeared in front of me just to tell him that the nightmare is not over?

"Why are you holding her so stupidly?? She's not dead yet! Put her down quickly and let Sakura treat her!"

But at this moment, Hinata's impatient scolding also sounded in Sasuke's ears, which made the latter subconsciously startled: "Still...alive?"

"It is now! I won't be able to tell for sure after a while!"

Raising her hands to rub her temples, Hinata felt a little dizzy. She let the mercury lantern's body pass through the magic mirror ice crystal and rush back to the Hinata mansion at high speed. After unlocking the soul turning technique, she returned. She now felt as if she had just been turned upside down on a roller coaster. a feeling of.

However, it was obviously worth it, because this scene did get her all the results she hoped for.

(PS1: Well~first update~~there is another update at 0:00~)

(PS2: You may not be able to see the purpose of the spring now, but please be patient and look down, and you will naturally know~~)


Kakashi was rarely uneasy. After rushing to the Uchiha mansion as fast as he could, even the white-haired Jonin who had seen the world subconsciously felt nervous.

The entire courtyard looked like a pincushion, with sharp ice swords inserted everywhere, and the large and shocking bloodstains were even more frightening. There was no doubt that this area had been violently hit just now. The attack can naturally be seen at a glance.

"It's really surprising! When did the defense of my Leaf Village become as fragile as a piece of paper?!"

Hinata's cold shout was clear and harsh. The girl with white eyes was standing in front of the corridor and glaring at the several ANBU in front of her. These ANBU were standing there with their heads lowered in silence. If it were ordinary Genin, of course, are not qualified to scold them, but the white-eyed girl in front of them is obviously not an ordinary person. Needless to say, her family identity is needless to say, and she is also the dual leader of the Konohagakure crew and publishing house. This identity can directly affect the village's economy. , is undoubtedly full of weight.

"What's wrong Hinata? What happened?"

Quickly walking to Hinata's side, Kakashi motioned with his eyes to the ANBU who had been scolded and couldn't lift their heads to step back. The ANBU bowed their heads to Kakashi gratefully, and then walked away together. Got here.

"Huh... there is a strong ice escape ninja attacking. Sasuke and Naruto are both seriously injured... Sakura and Ino are giving them first aid now, and the medical ninjas from Konoha Hospital should be here soon. ”

Pressing her temples, Hinata waved her hands impatiently, signaling Kakashi to follow her. Kakashi, who breathed a sigh of relief, quickly followed his students into the intact compartment of the Uchiha mansion. Naruto, who was lying on the tatami, was undoubtedly the most seriously injured. There were a bunch of unplugged Hyousenbons on the tray beside him. Fortunately, the wounds caused by these Hyousenbons were not big, and Naruto was famous. The rough flesh is thick, so after Sakura on one side gave first aid, the situation has stabilized.

Sasuke's situation is slightly different. Because he exhausted his chakra, half of his body was instantly eroded by the curse seal. However, similarly, after the chakra was restored by Hyōryōmaru, those curse seals It has also slowly retreated back to his neck.

"It doesn't matter to you two, right?"

Kakashi couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, but he still looked at his two disciples with concern. Although as a teacher, he basically never taught any ninjutsu, the relationship between them was not fake.

"Ah~ of course it's no problem, I'm very strong, hiss~ it hurts~"

Naruto, who was just about to raise his hand and move it, groaned in pain, obviously pulling on the wound, while Sakura, who was bandaging him, bit her lip and said with slight complaint: "Don't move! You have too many wounds! "

"I...I'm fine...but...damn it!"

Gritting his teeth unwillingly, Sasuke's tone made Kakashi feel reassured. Fortunately, it seemed that everything was fine here, and this feeling of unwillingness to admit defeat meant that his mentality was normal.

"What's going on? Has the village's defense been a little too negligent recently? I know it's the time for the Chunin Examination, but with all due respect, there is such an incident of people coming to assassinate the finalists. This makes me suspicious of this incident. The head of the ANBU was very dissatisfied!"

Clenching her fist slightly, Hinata's words of anger made Kakashi blush.

There is no doubt that given Hinata's current status and identity, if she wants to impeach Konoha senior officials below the elders, she will definitely be officially taken seriously by the village, especially what she said is not wrong. The fact that the village was subject to a sudden attack of this scale gave her great confidence both in public and private matters.

"Well~ don't worry! It's just that those ANBU are incompetent! This time, teacher, I will personally protect this place! I will go and request a mission from Hokage-sama to protect my students!"

Rationally avoiding words to dissuade Hinata, Kakashi slapped his chest confidently, with a heroic feeling of "it's all on me". This was the only way he could divert Hinata's anger at the moment.

"You?? Well... Well, that's right. Kakashi-sensei is the elite jounin in the village. He is better than those ANBU who see nothing but uselessness."

Looking at Kakashi critically, Hinata's gaze made Kakashi weak for a while, but the white-haired Jonin obviously had a good psychological quality, so he touched his head and said: "Then, I will go to the Hokage right now. Sir, report this matter, the ANBU are nearby, you can summon them aloud if necessary."

After finishing speaking, Kakashi no longer wasted time, but quickly left the courtyard of the Uchiha mansion. With his status, he originally had more important duties in the chunin exam, but now he obviously can't care about those. Publicly speaking, Hinata and the other three are the candidates who have passed the exams in Konoha Village, and they almost represent the face of Konoha Village's candidates. Now that someone is assassinating them, they naturally have to focus on protecting this place.

Personally speaking, these three people are all his disciples, and Kakashi would rather give up some less important tasks and instead protect his students.

Watching Kakashi leave, everyone in the room also looked at each other subtly. Obviously, they had another thing.

"Hey~ Is it really okay not to tell Kakashi-sensei about that Uchiha sister?"

Looking at Sasuke and Hinata with a frown, Naruto was obviously still a little uneasy about hiding the matter from Kakashi. After all, the other person was a teacher, and the friendship between them made it difficult for him to lie to him.

"It's not a concealment, but a temporary observation of the effects. Moreover, the origin of this Uchiha Izumi is quite strange. Even if she just saved Sasuke, it cannot be used to judge her safety. After all, tricks such as bitter tricks are not uncommon. .”

Hinata spoke coldly first. The white-eyed girl opened the sliding door of the closet next to the Japanese room. In the not-so-wide space, Ino was frowning and treating Izumi Uchiha who was lying there. From the feeling of chakra, Look, the opponent's injury has also stabilized.

After hearing the meaning of Hinata's words, Sasuke sat up after being silent for a moment, and then said calmly: "No need to doubt her anymore, I remember her. When I was a child, she used to be with...that person...even though I don’t know what she has been through all these years, but I can still tell her look and tone of voice.”

This statement made everyone else in the room look at him slightly. Obviously, no matter how serious Sasuke's words sounded, the protective meaning in them was already extremely clear. As a young man who has always been labeled as cold and indifferent, he was giving Uchiha a Quan's identity explanation went beyond his usual attitude.


Sakura, who was sitting next to Naruto, felt sad for a while. If possible, she was willing to help Sasuke block those attacks at that time, but as a person protected by Naruto, she was not qualified to speak now.

"This is what's unreasonable. What kind of situation must she encounter so that she can remain unchanged in the past seven years? And she still looks like she is thirteen or fourteen years old, which means that her appearance and memory, I'm afraid it hasn't grown in these years. In other words, she came here in a blur. I can't trust such an existence."

Raising her right hand, Hinata clenched her fist slightly: "So, I will not agree to the proposal of letting her stay here. Sasuke, if you can still consider our safety, please be more sensible."

Hinata's cold but flawless words made Sasuke clench his teeth. The black-haired boy stood up silently. He knew that Hinata's words were indeed reasonable, but as a person with strong feelings, he also absolutely It was impossible to drive Sister Quan out of the house who had just sacrificed her life to block the attack.

"That's enough, I won't ask for anything else. I will move out of here with Sister Quan. Anyway, this area itself is the territory of the Uchiha clan. If you think the distance is not enough, we will go to a more remote corner where it is easier to control and monitor. inside."

Sasuke's words made everyone around him frown. Such a proposal was obviously impossible to accept, because it would definitely tear a terrible rift into the Hinata group, which had been extremely united so far, but Sasuke That firm look in his eyes made it known that he had no intention of changing his mind.

"Sasuke!! What are you talking about?! How can we, as companions, let you leave?!"

There is no doubt that such words first angered Naruto. He stood up unsteadily. The golden-haired boy glared at Sasuke in front of him: "So! I won't let you leave! Hinata!! Sister Quan just tried to save me. Sasuke almost died! Isn't such behavior worthy of your belief?"

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