"Stop talking nonsense, since you are willing to come over and tell me this, are you still worried that I will refuse?"

Without looking back, she looked in the direction of Konoha Village. Uchiha Izumi's straightforward and sarcastic words did not embarrass mercury lamp. She just said proudly: "Well~~it looks like we The tacit understanding between us is getting stronger and stronger, well, now that you are mentally prepared, I will tell you~"

No one can do things without paying a price. The difference is only in sooner or later and in form. This is a truth that Hinata has already understood in reality.

Danzo may have thought that everything he did was what he should do, but it is undeniable that what he did barbarically and cruelly deprived many people of their lives and futures, which is why so many people now hope Take his life.

A night is not too long. Soon, before about ten o'clock in the morning, a group of Konoha elders have arrived at the area designated by the daimyo. It is not too far, that is A town located in the Land of Fire between Kyoto and Konoha Village.

Of course Hinata doesn't want to participate in this kind of meaningless meeting to her, but as one of the elders of Konoha Village, this kind of formality is indispensable, otherwise it means she gives up her power. and status.

"I really miss it. The last time the Hokage candidate who needed my participation was decided when I was the fourth generation. I didn't expect that so long has passed in the blink of an eye."

The one sitting in the first place is naturally the daimyo who currently rules the Fire Country. Judging from his aura, he is not that kind of hero. However, considering the special cultural customs, it is not surprising that the other party is like this. After all, his wife is That spherical creature with almost the same measurements, it is not difficult to see his taste or destiny.

And because Tsunade's Hokage qualifications were unshakable, there was no need to meet with the daimyo. She only greeted the daimyo directly after she ascended the throne. Those who really need daimyo's judgment are basically those leaders who are quite controversial. For example, the fourth generation of a "grassroots" member of the Skyfall system, after all, no matter how famous he is or how powerful he is, the fourth generation is still alone without the support of the clan, and the controversy over succeeding the Hokage will definitely not be small.

At that time, there were many people who competed fiercely with the Fourth Generation. For example, Orochimaru was one of them. In this case, it was necessary to use the method of daimyo judgment. Of course, because the Third Generation voted for the Fourth Generation, the key vote was Let Orochimaru lose the opportunity to become the fourth generation, not to mention his subsequent madness and defection, and even his attempt to destroy Konoha.

"The passing of people and things will always make people feel regretful, but they are not worth pursuing too much. Daimyo-sama, it is better to discuss the candidates for the Sixth Generation as soon as possible."

Danzo was obviously not interested in accompanying the Daimyo in his remembrance, which made the Daimyo cover his face with the fan in his hand in displeasure. It was obvious that he did not have much affection for Danzo, so after a few tweaks, he spoke: "Well, I remember it's Jiraiya's turn, right? Where are the others?"

"...Unfortunately, not long ago, Jiraiya died because of a dangerous mission..."

Koharu, who was sleeping with a sigh in his tone, spoke softly, which made the daimyo narrow his eyes in dissatisfaction. He didn't feel sorry for Jiraiya, but because Konoha only told him this kind of thing now.

"So, what about the third generation's son? I remember he should be pretty good, right? And he's also one of the Twelve Guardians, what do you think?"

Looking around, his Fire Nation daimyo is obviously not a fool, and he also has his own considerations. First of all, Danzo is already seventy-two years old, which is a bit too old for his age. Secondly, everyone knows the other party's character and methods of doing things. To choose such a vicious and ruthless guy to be the leader of his ninja village, Daimyo Not stupid, of course not willing.

Naturally, you want tools to be easy to use and obedient, but no one in their right mind would want a tool full of barbs and burrs.

"With all due respect! It was because of the Sandaime's too weak ideas that Konoha Village led to the Chunin Exam event two years ago. If we still choose his successor, I'm afraid there will be no guarantee of any trouble!"

However, Danzo didn't know how long he had been preparing for this day. Naturally, he had considered all possibilities, including some of the Sandaime's mistakes. At this point, he let Orochimaru go, which led to the plan of the other party in Konoha. Although the Honkai Impact Plan was not successful, the losses caused cannot be ignored.

"Well... if you want to put it that way, then, can't Kakashi Hatake? I remember that he is a disciple of the Fourth Generation and has a good reputation. A person like this is also suitable to be the Hokage."

Being somewhat displeased by Danzo's words, the Fire Country daimyo still didn't intend to turn over Danzo's name. This was also one of his political tricks as a daimyo. Anyway, it was impossible for the other party to force his mouth to speak.

"Kakashi Hatake, his father Shigesaku Hatake's betrayal has not yet been settled. It is inappropriate to let the son of such a person inherit the position of Hokage."

For Danzo, of course he could see the perfunctory behavior of the Fire Nation daimyo, so while saying this, he decisively used his share of power. Hinata, who was sitting aside, instinctively frowned slightly. Because she had been paying attention to Danzo's behavior for a long time, she was clearly aware of the special chakra feeling coming from him.

There is no doubt that in order to become the Hokage, Danzo has activated his power of other gods. Although it is only a weakened version of the hint induction type, judging from the performance of the original work, Danzo also uses this ability. It will take at least a few hours to regain full pupil power, in other words~~

In the next few hours, his ability to permanently change other people's thinking was revealed, a trump card that Hinata is still afraid of! This is also the main confirmation goal why Hinata came to attend this meeting in person!

It has been temporarily sealed!

(PS1: The settings of other gods are still very confusing. Just think of them as range hints and single-target force. The former can be restored quickly, while the latter will take several years to recover.)

(PS2: Let’s dig out Danzo’s strong control first. After all, this strong control seems to be unsolvable in the entire Naruto world~ Well, another big chapter of 4,000 words~~)

Retribution for getting involved with ‘divine’ power

There are always some forces in this world that are unreasonable enough to make people fear, such as the famous Holy Mother Party among the Uchiha clan, and the power of Uchiha Shisui.

Other gods, this technique may not be as destructive as Uchiha Madara's direct summoning of meteorites, but it can be regarded as an unsolvable technique specifically for people, and the effect is also very simple: temporary manipulation, or permanent change of other people's thinking.

Among humans, a suspicious and fragile group, this ability to directly change the thinking of others is undoubtedly the most feared thing, because no one can be sure whether they have been secretly affected by this ability, just as people cannot Just like the explanation itself, anyone who challenges this taboo will automatically be treated as an outlier.

Uchiha Shisui may be a smart ninja, but his thoughts are too simple in Hinata's opinion. When he reveals his ultimate ability, he is already destined to become a dead man, regardless of whether he is right or not. Konoha has contributed.

No one with a right mind would allow a person who might turn him into a slave to exist around him.

In the eyes of others, it was the existence of Uchiha Shisui that made the Third Generation and others intend to be gentle to the Uchiha clan. However, in Hinata's view, the situation may have to be doubled. It is said that it is the existence of Uchiha Shisui. It would be right for the Third Generation to acquiesce to Danzo's extermination of the Uchiha clan. If you put yourself in the shoes of a ruler, in the eyes of a ruler, there is a thorn-headed clan in his village that is prone to various reflections. Among them, there is even a genius with strange and powerful abilities that can permanently control others. Although this genius looks like It seems that they hope to coexist peacefully, but what if one day another young man with more weird and terrifying abilities is born in this thorn-headed clan, but he wants to rebel?

Being too powerful is the Uchiha clan's most serious original sin. Orochimaru once said that Konoha cannot tolerate the strong. This may be part of the reason why he left angrily, but it is also the most fundamental accusation against the Uchiha clan. They do not know how to keep a low profile and are overly arrogant and xenophobic, which makes them want to show the strength of their clan anytime and anywhere. This can be seen from Itachi's memories. The other young ninjas of the Uchiha clan have no intention of coexisting harmoniously with other clans. Instead, he opened his mouth to say "one clan" and closed his mouth "one clan", so this made Itachi feel annoyed.

Konoha can gain a foothold in the ninja world, and the Uchiha clan is indeed indispensable, and forcing away Uchiha Madara, who wants to lead them to rebel, can also show their desire for a peaceful life. This certificate of submission is enough to make Konoha's support for Uchiha The whole family is relieved.

Many people say that the Uchiha clan's predicament was planned by the Second-generation Hokage. For example, the deceptive Konoha Guard position is believed to have caused the Uchiha clan to cut off its ties with other clans. However, if you apply it to reality, you will get it. A question arises: Are all the law enforcement forces in reality like the Uchiha clan, who hate people and dogs to the point where they are unwilling to even communicate with each other?

I'm afraid that's not the case. Regardless of whether the law enforcement forces in reality are fair or not, there have been many forces surrounding them who are eager to make friends with them since ancient times. If you know how to be flexible, then there will definitely be countless people eager to take advantage of the loopholes. If he is unselfish, there will naturally be defenders who praise integrity and uphold justice and will follow him life and death, instead of being ostracized by the entire village as the Uchiha clan said.

Nine out of ten people may hate you, but it is not possible for ordinary people to make all ten people dislike you.

In the final analysis, the problem lies with the Uchiha clan themselves. Their arrogant and extreme ideas make them not think that they are on the same level as other ethnic groups, and believe that their own ethnic group should be superior to other ethnic groups. How can such an attitude be lovable? Would you like a guy who treats you like a slave with all his words?

In this case, there are still people in this group who can awaken the ability to completely control others. Will there be a second one? The third? Or even more people with weird and terrifying abilities?

Therefore, other gods, this sad trick not only failed to help Uchiha Shisui save the clan, but may have strengthened the indulgence of the third generation and others towards Danzo, so that it eventually became the last link on the Uchiha clan's hinge. A buckle.

And now, Danzo, who uses this power as his trump card, is also seeking his own destruction.

"That's it, Danzo, you can be the Sixth Generation."

The expression of the Daimyo of the Fire Country did not change at all. He simply looked like he was tired of arguing and came to this conclusion. On the other side, Koharu Koharu and Mito Kadoyan, who were on the other side, did not object at all, which made the half-squinted eyes Hinata subconsciously sighed in her heart: Because she had been mentally prepared for a long time, she did not seem to be aware of the changes in her thoughts. In other words, this god's ability was really amazing and was completely undetectable in her mind. hints made under the circumstances. If there is no psychological precaution, it is likely that you will not notice anything strange.

Such a precious and powerful ability happened to appear in Uchiha Shisui, a simple and innocent person, and indirectly promoted his death and the destruction of the Uchiha clan. It cannot but be said to be a particularly ironic feeling.

Even if you have the best eyes, you still can't see through the complex human heart and human world in this world, right?

"This is my honor. Konoha will definitely carry forward the reputation of the previous Hokages under my leadership."

Even Danzo subconsciously showed some fluctuations in his tone at this time. Obviously, for him, this result has been waited too long. From the failure of the competition for the third generation, to the rise of the fourth generation Hokage, to the return of the third generation to power after the sacrifice of the fourth generation, and later the unquestionable rise of the fifth generation Tsunade. Danzo has changed from a young man in his twenties to a seventy-two-year-old man. Even if he is supported by the human cells of the first-generation immortal, the memories of the years will not disappear.

"Congratulations, Danzo-sama, no, you should change your name to the Sixth Hokage-sama."

Hinata, who was not affected at all, was the first to applaud and celebrate with a gentle face. For her, some verbal praise didn't cost much at all, but some people just like to hear these words of praise. If you use it to do business, You can have a feeling based on knowledge, and a few words can bring you many tangible benefits. This is the so-called flattery knowledge.

Hinata herself is a person who will never be shaken by other people's words, but she likes to use words to shake other people. She would not have used this method to deal with Danzo before, because she knew very well that the other person was similar to her. , are all people who only focus on practical interests. But now, she still wants to see if this person who has finally gained a false reputation by all means is now in high spirits.

"Anyway, Hinata Hime has always been one of the smart people in Konoha. I hope you can continue to use your wisdom for Konoha in the future."

Danzo nodded slightly. He knew that it was quite risky for him to win in today's meeting. If it weren't for the power of other gods, I'm afraid his own competitiveness would not be as competitive as this young and smart Miss Hinata. But now that the overall situation has been decided, he will become the Sixth Hokage, and he still needs some encouragement for this young junior.

"Of course, that's my job."

Hinata smiled slightly. She raised her hand to cover the corners of her mouth. This action gave her a sense of charm that matched her appearance. However, the cruel truth is that only when she truly thinks something is a joke. When you are in trouble, you will do this kind of hiding behavior to hide your true emotions.

It seems that the longed-for success will indeed make people lose part of their rationality and caution. At least Danzo is a good example.

What happened after that was very simple. Now that the meeting had concluded, there wasn't much else that needed to be explained. As an elder, Koharu, Mito Monobu, and Hinata returned to Konoha. However, as the candidate for the Sixth Hokage, Danzo still needs to stay for a while. After all, he needs to be with the other dignitaries of the Fire Country. Let’s talk about ways of cooperation in the development of Konoha Village in the future.

Originally, these cooperation methods could be negotiated with the elders, but Danzo obviously did not intend to continue to be constrained by Koharu and others, so he simply asked the Konoha elders to leave first, and he would follow up later After finishing the work, he returned to Konoha alone.

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