As early as two years ago, when Hinata hoped to become a disciple of Jiraiya or Tsunade, it was because of the power chain of this inheritance. However, both of them rejected the daughter of a large family who, in their opinion, was too ambitious for different reasons.

Now, although their vision does seem to be correct, unfortunately they are no longer qualified to participate in this regime change.


Despite the commotion, the owners in front of the Hokage Tower remained silent. Before the young elder in front of them fully made it clear, they did not intend to ask too rashly. No one understood the principle of shooting the first bird.

"Since no one objects, I will take it as everyone's acquiescence. First of all, I hope that I can promote two elders to make a decision with me."

Hinata stared at the family heads in front of her. There is no doubt that after she said these words, an uncontrollable sense of surprise and desire instantly replaced the previous dullness. Although every family head present still did not speak, But there is also a difference between silence and silence. If the silent atmosphere just now was a feeling where everyone didn't want to get out, then at this moment, it was a silence where everyone started to move, but didn't dare to speak rashly.

Hinata was not surprised by this. This is human nature, whether noble or despicable, there are things that cannot be ignored. And the elder she wants to choose will naturally be a choice that is in her own interests.

"First of all, there is the leader of the Gennin, Miss Shimura Lin. As the current elder, I made an exception and promoted her to the second elder."

Turning her eyes to Shimura Lin beside her, Hinata did not hide the hint of amusement in her eyes. Obviously, a dictator will not work. Even the Hokage needs an additional group of elders as branches to be able to reasonably control Konoha. Therefore, what she has to do now is definitely not to take over the power directly as a dictator on a whim, but to carefully select a few people who are strong enough to handle the situation to help her share the power cake.

As Danzo's recognized 'daughter' and the current leader of the root ninja, Lin is also a successful experimental subject who inherited the first generation of wood escape. She is also one of the direct disciples of the fifth generation Hokage Tsunade, so her qualifications are naturally strong. Moreover, she is also one of Hinata's experimental subjects. If we want to talk about a close relationship, I am afraid that she is closer than the others.

"This is my honor, and it is my duty to dedicate myself to Konoha."

Without any refusal or refusal, Lin just accepted the appointment calmly. As a smart and self-aware woman, she has a full understanding of her own value. As a non-staff group in Konoha Village, the military strength of the Gennin is unquestionable. Promoting her, the current Gen-nin leader, to an elder who can participate in politics is a favorable approach that can quickly bring the Gen-nin back to Konoha's chariot. As long as there is nothing wrong with Hinata's mind, it is impossible to exclude her.


The family heads below the Hokage had no objections to this. After all, Shimura Lin's identity and weight should not be underestimated. The wood escape and root ninja she mastered were bargaining chips that other family heads could not match. In fact, after seeing him appear next to Hinata, these politically experienced family heads knew that Lin must have a share of the power cake, so everyone was only pursuing the remaining parts.

"Then let's decide on the last elder. I personally propose Shikaku from the Nara family. Do you have any objections?"

Regarding Lin's reaction, Hinata just chuckled slightly. It was obvious that this woman with the second-generation brain was still unable to stay out of the matter. But it is natural that the second generation is a power maniac who values ​​power and inheritance extremely important. The first generation is too kind and cannot be ruthless in many things. Therefore, the person responsible for integrating Uchiha and a lot of troubles is the second generation. However, in terms of character, it is not so much that these things come to the Nidaime, but rather that the Nidaime himself is pursuing the power to deal with these matters. After all, natural workaholics do exist.

So it's not surprising at all that Rin, who thinks like some of the Nidaime, craves power.

"Mr. Shikaku has always been known for his resourcefulness and foresight. I have no objections."

Lin's eyes flickered slightly. Rather than accepting this opinion, it was better to say that she felt a little shocked. Because judging from this approach, Hinata is too 'selfless'. If Lin and Nara Shikaku are really selected as the two substitute elders, then it can be said that there will be almost no change in the composition of the top management of Konoha Village. . Although Shikaku is not an old link in the original chain of power, he may not be able to become a new link.

And Lin is absolutely unwilling to believe that Hinata would do this. Although she has no real evidence, she can be sure that the white-eyed lady has definitely done a lot of things secretly so far, and it may have directly led to the current situation in Konoha. There is a power vacuum at the top. So, it is absolutely impossible for her to put so much effort into creating a power structure that is completely different from the previous one.

That means that this eldest lady...has a back-up plan!

" the highest honor for the Nara family...and myself..."

Nara Shikaku murmured in the audience. It could be seen that this sudden power did not make him feel happy, but made him feel the danger of being used.

It is true that as the father of Nara Shikamaru, the most intelligent person in the entire Naruto series, Nara Shikaku's resourcefulness is unquestionable, which can be seen from his ability to serve as the commander of the four-war ninja coalition. However, just because he is not stupid, he is more able to detect the abnormality of this power transfer. It's not a good thing to be singled out as an example at this juncture. The scary thing is that the current situation obviously cannot allow him to refuse.

The identities of the three elders have been confirmed, which has eliminated a lot of the crisis-filled atmosphere in front of the Hokage Tower. After all, from their point of view, there is nothing worthy of criticism about the composition of the three elders this time.

Needless to say, Hinata Hinata was one of the elders who had been identified before. Nowadays, people don’t have the brains to declare dictatorship on the spur of the moment, which can be considered quite enlightened.

The same goes for Shimura Lin. Her background and bloodline make her qualified enough to challenge Konoha. She did not learn from her father Danzo and took advantage of this moment to seek the position of Hokage. She was also a smart girl worthy of praise.

The last Nara Shikaku was a little controversial, but at least Hinata Hinata, who had the right to choose, did not choose her father Hinata Hinata to be the role. This in itself is already extremely remarkable, and everyone gathered here also respects each other. For those who understand, Shikaku's resourcefulness and foresight are indeed among the best, and now there is nothing to say about his ability to apply it.

"On behalf of the Hyuga clan, I would like to obey the decision to select the ruling elders this time."

Very calmly, Hinata Hizu, who was standing at the forefront of the crowd, bowed and spoke first. As a conservative head of the family, he was very content with his daughter becoming an elder, so he had no plans to become an elder himself. This statement obviously made the surrounding family heads quiet down. After a brief look at each other, they all bowed in the same way: "We all agree with this decision on behalf of our respective families."

Seeing this scene at the venue, the jonins who were on guard around them, namely Metkai and others, breathed a sigh of relief. As people with political vision, they knew how dangerous the current situation in Konoha was. If they could use this method to By calmly deciding on the three ruling elders that everyone agrees with, the situation in Konoha can be stabilized again.

However, at this moment, the white-eyed girl standing on the high platform suddenly spoke again. She seemed to have specifically chosen this moment when everyone began to relax, and slowly pulled everyone's spirits into the abyss of tension again. .

"Please wait a moment, I haven't finished speaking yet."

These words made Shimura Lin on the side subconsciously clench her hands, and she felt the highest level of warning in her spirit for a moment! Obviously, this white-eyed lady is really planning to reveal her intentions now.

The heads of the families in the audience also raised their heads again, looking at the figure looking down at them with either surprise or uneasiness.

"In view of this unprecedented and severe incident, I personally think that some supplementary measures need to be taken to prevent everyone from being too panicked when encountering a similar or even worse situation again."

Deliberately pausing at the end of this sentence, Hinata collected the expressions of the family heads in front of her with great interest. There was no doubt that this was her true purpose. Although she has confidence in her abilities, it is certain that Shimura Lin and Nara Shikaku are definitely not the type to be willing to be manipulated by her. Therefore, if this is the case, it is necessary to make this cake pot of power more consistent. A little bit of her taste!

"What does Elder Hinata mean? Are you too worried?"

Sure enough, Lin, who had been standing next to Hinata before, subconsciously stepped away slightly, her tone also filled with uncontrollable dissatisfaction. Although she knew that this kind of emotional display was quite passive, she really couldn't tolerate the established rules being broken.

"No, for the sake of the village, sometimes even the worst plans have to be made. Therefore, my opinion is: set up a hall organization that can decide political affairs, and let all the family heads jointly participate in political affairs and express their stance. In the end, the elders and the Hokage will follow the stated stance. The final decision is made based on the number of votes. On the one hand, it is to avoid the top management being at a loss when the political situation is turbulent. On the other hand, it is also to consider the situation of each family in the village more broadly and comprehensively, so as to strive to make the best move."

Hinata didn't even look back at Lin beside her. Hinata just cast her gaze on the crowd below, and her tone suddenly took on a hint of solemnity: "I call this organization the 'Senate,' and it is responsible for representing the positions of each family. The participants who vote, I call them MPs.”

"After all, Konoha Village is not owned by one or a few people, but is composed of all the families."

"Is not it?"

(PS1: Well~~I spectacularly threw a good thing called ‘Sari’ into the political system of Konoha Village~~)

(PS2: When it comes to family poisonous dishes, Hei Chu can’t do it~ Regarding people’s cooking~ Hei Chu said that I have rich experience in cooking, and I guarantee that I can turn anyone who opposes into an enemy of the people~~)

separation of powers

The answer to how important power is is simply not worth answering.

Let’s take the simplest and clearest example, the Uchiha clan. Although it seems to be a powerful family that can compete with the Senju clan, and it also has the glorious responsibility of Konoha's police force on the surface, but does it have power? The answer is no. What determines its existence and development comes from the high-level core of Konoha composed of the Hokage and the elders.

Even the changes in its location were not allowed for it to decide on its own. Instead, the senior Konoha leaders headed by Danzo forced it into a corner of the village surrounded by several surrounding families in a semi-forced manner. Then, there was the genocide that wiped it out overnight. Except for Uchiha Sasuke, no one else, including the elderly, women and children, survived.

The deep-rooted reason for this is that the families in Konoha Village have no power at all. Even though it seems that every time their family heads are invited to 'participate' in Konoha's high-level meeting decisions, however, if you think carefully, you will find that it is not so much To 'participate', it would be better to say 'to be informed'. Their family owners had no room for resistance and could only accept it.

In short, other families in Konoha Village are not qualified to participate in the high-level power of Konoha. No matter how powerful they are, in the eyes of Konoha high-level officials, they are just tools that must be obeyed. Otherwise, Uchiha A family is a lesson learned from the past. Therefore, after hearing that Danzo might become the Sixth Hokage, the entire Konoha Village seemed to be shrouded in white terror.

If the family can have some power, not to mention influencing the selection of Hokage or deciding the direction of Konoha, even if it is for the family's ability to protect themselves, it would be good.

Therefore, after hearing the so-called 'Senate' plan from the white-eyed girl on the high platform, it was almost unstoppable. The atmosphere under the high platform instantly became almost boiling. No one spoke, but you could still see from their eyes. Read that desire.

This was not a time for village allegiance, so there was no way anyone could stand up against the possibility. For a long time, no family head has tried to obtain high-level power. However, after Konoha killed the Uchiha clan to scare the monkeys, the family heads who had had these thoughts had no choice but to accept this despair.

But now, there is clearly an unprecedented opportunity. The upper echelons of power who represented the inheritance of the First Hokage have been completely wiped out, and the elder who is the master of power at this moment is the eldest daughter of the Hyuga clan. From the perspective of identity and lineage, she is not a member of the chain of inheritance from the first generation Hokage. In short, she has no need to maintain the class chain passed down by the first generation, so her words must be worth it. believable.

"Please wait! The situation has not calmed down yet. Is it too rash to make such a huge change in power?"

Lin on the high platform had clearly endured it. Even if she put aside some of her thinking patterns derived from the second generation, her own position still prompted her to refuse this change. She is Danzo's 'daughter', a disciple of the fourth generation, and the leader of the Gennin. She is a pure part of the power inheritance of the first generation. If Hinata's Senate plan is really passed, she knows exactly what the consequences will be. .

Separation of powers!

The power to decide important affairs in Konoha Village will later be taken away from the hands of the elders and Hokages, and will be allocated to the heads of these families, and this will undoubtedly reduce the efficiency and confidentiality of decision-making. The simplest point is that the deterrence power of Konoha's senior officials against the families will be greatly reduced. After gaining power, these families may even unite to put pressure on the senior officials, thereby affecting the decision-making direction of the senior officials. At the very least, it would be very difficult for Konoha's top brass to purposefully target or annihilate any disobedient family in the future.

"No problem. Since the three ruling elders have been elected, let's decide here whether the Senate system will pass. The old rules are that the minority obeys the majority."

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