There is no doubt that the one who is chasing is Kaguya, who has the Byakugan and sensing ability, and the black Zetsu wrapped around her left arm immediately determines the name of the tailed beast running away on the ground, and the five astonished five King Omu turned around in despair. When he saw Kaguya floating in the sky like a life-threatening evil spirit, his panic spread directly from his eyes: "This! Kaguya? How is it possible? Mingming None of the heretic demons have been fully resurrected!”

"You tailed beasts are just the fragments that escaped from your mother! Accept your fate and come back here!"

Regarding the fear of the Five-Tails, Black Zetsu's answer was even more proud, while Kaguya in the sky did not say much. The long white hair on the back of her head suddenly stretched out like a demon, entangling her mercilessly. Even if the body power of the heretic demon is not suppressed at this moment, Kaguya's own spiritual power still has an overwhelming advantage. Even if King Mu of the Five Tails tries his best to struggle, his body is still helpless. The containment began to dissolve, and then was quickly absorbed by Kaguya's long hair!

"Damn it...I...we...will never give in to you..."

Even though it was quickly drained of chakra by Kaguya's long hair, the words of King Mu of the Five Tails clearly showed that it would never be willing to be swallowed by Kaguya, and as if it was being resonated, Kaguya Ye Ji's chakra also fluctuated suddenly. Obviously, the two tails and seven tails that were devoured by her also felt the thoughts of the five tails, and then instinctively tried to resist. Although Kaguya's eyes were sharp, she immediately dismissed this The unstable resistance was suppressed, but this showed an unavoidable fact. Even if these tailed beasts were devoured by her, they still had the ability to resist consciously.

(PS1: Guaranteed first update~There is still another update~~)

(PS2: Oh, I’m talking about the Naruto arc coming to an end soon~ This is the final sprint stage, I’d also like some votes and collections, it’s tragic that the subscriptions keep falling~~)

Inseparable heart

It shouldn't be like this...but...the current reality is so irrefutable.

Kakashi's body was kneeling on the ground, panting heavily. In the suffocating heat wave created by the blast of wind, his instinct saved his life in the end. The same divine power made him dangerously close at the last moment. After that, he narrowly left the alien space created by Obito and returned to the real world.

"It's so ugly, Kakashi, now you don't even have the courage to bear the consequences of your mistakes?"

Obito's figure appeared on one side along with the twisted space. This place had left the main battlefield and came to a desolate mountain wilderness. Similarly, there is no joy in the eyes of the fallen ninjas who come to hunt him down, only an indescribable complexity and paranoia. What a terrible feeling, when the traitor who must be killed overlaps with his only friend.

Slowly raising his head, Kakashi looked at his old friend in front of him. There was no fear or escape from death in the eyes of the silver-haired ninja. There was only overflowing guilt and self-blame. No matter how many regrets and apologies there were, It is impossible to undo what has become a reality. But the painful thing is, even if you die, can you really escape this responsibility?

Impossible... If death could really repay the guilt, then he would not be alive long ago... It was precisely because the old friend who was killed by his own hands did not hesitate to sacrifice himself and hoped that he could continue to live to protect Mu. Ye's wish is why he has survived every battle to this day. Thinking about it now, this blessing and wish from her may also be a curse and punishment for herself.

Therefore, we must continue to live...until...this life carrying sustenance comes to an end...

"Obito...I'm sorry...I must protect, even if the enemy is you..."

Shakingly straightening up his body, Kakashi tightened his fingers on the kunai again. Yes, if this pain of having to fight old friends can be regarded as a judgment on oneself, then maybe this is the punishment that one has been waiting for for a long time. Let this cruel fate complete the torture that you have been waiting for for more than ten years!

"Really...Then, I won't show any mercy anymore."

Obito's eyes also showed the same resentment. Yes, he resented the man in front of him. It was he who failed to live up to his expectations, broke the agreement to protect his companions with his own hands, and killed the companions he loved deeply. Dying in front of his eyes, such a person and such a friend should of course be executed by his own hands! Just continue to struggle a little harder, so that you can let yourself express your resentment and pain to your heart's content.

Honor this world with the blood of betrayal of your friends!

Fighting is always the final result of a conflict of wills. Because they have independent and different consciousnesses, they have different views on the world. In the end, when they cannot integrate, fighting becomes the ultimate act for the biological group to unify their opinions.

Madara's blue Susanoo calmly waved the divine sword at his waist, and the power of splitting mountains and rocks split the earth again and again. If he was in front of an ordinary ninja, he would not take out this sword. He used various powerful moves to fight, but at this moment, he was facing ninja shadows who had left their names in an era, and their fighting will also did not waver.

But Quan's movements stopped suddenly, and her gaze was irresistibly fixed on a figure appearing on the edge of the battlefield.

Itachi was standing on a small hill. As a dead person who was freed from the contract of being reborn from the dirty land, he obviously had the same freedom of movement. At this moment, his figure appeared here, and he already made his purpose clear without even needing to say anything.


Quan's fingers trembled slightly subconsciously. Even though she tried hard to suppress the surge in her heart, the intense hatred and emotions were entangled and spewed out at the same time, making her eyes turn red.

Why can't you get rid of... Why can't you forget... Why can't you... be as stone-hearted? !

Even though your hands have been stained with so much blood, seeing this person who is even dead is still as painful as the recurrence of an old injury?

"Itachi...why! Are you still showing up in front of me?!"

The burst of emotion gathered into an uncontrollable roar, and the black Susanoo roared across the battlefield ground, rushing towards the direction of the figure, like a moth throwing fire.

Destruction is not just about erasing what is in front of one's eyes, it can also be about making one's own existence, which can see other things, disappear.

Itachi left the battlefield in silence. His purpose was obviously to lure Quan, a powerful enemy, away from the frontal battlefield. Only in this way can the ninja coalition who have faced Uchiha Madara not be defeated by an overly powerful enemy without any suspense.

"Huh? What's going on? That woman left suddenly?"

Staring at Izumi walking away in surprise, Mei Terumi said a bit nonchalantly: "And... the direction is not the retreat route of the ninja coalition?"

"It seems like someone lured her away? Whoever it was, it was a big help. We don't have much strength to deal with two Susanoos at the same time right now."

Onoki, who had barely recovered some physical strength, shook his head slightly: "Unfortunately, we have no way of knowing which hero it is now."

Yes, just like those who wish to spread their pain to the whole world, there are always some people who will silently swallow their pain and protect this fragile and young human world with pure selflessness. No matter what they did, they owed nothing to those they protected.

Not all heroes have names. Most of them are those who are unknown but worthy of the name of heroes.

Itachi advanced silently, while Izumi, who was chasing behind him, also lost the black Susana on his body, and followed in a tacit understanding.

There is no point in denying emotions. Even if your heart is torn apart, you can still feel the severe pain it conveys. Then the only way is to personally and completely crush the existence that causes your pain with your own hands. bury.

Itachi's figure finally stopped, surrounded by a flat rocky area without any shelter. This situation was just in line with the mood of both parties who did not intend to avoid each other.

Looking at Itachi who had his back turned to her, Izumi stopped. As if to see through this figure, she slowly walked to a distance of about ten meters between the two. This is the most suitable place for a ninja duel. The distance is also consistent with their current identities.

"What's wrong...the purpose of your appearance here is not to lure me away so that you can help those stupid ninja shadows? Why don't you turn around now?"

Standing still, Quan's voice calmed down incredibly, and even she herself felt an indescribable sadness and absurdity. It seemed that even the sharpest reality could not cut off the deep-rooted emotions deep in her heart. . Perhaps, this is the curse of the Uchiha bloodline. Unless it is its own destruction, it will never be able to get rid of this emotional pain and torture.


Itachi slowly turned around. There was no coldness or ruthlessness toward his enemy in the young man's eyes, only an indescribable complexity and sadness. He also knew that the spring in front of him was just another person created by the mercury lamp for his own purposes, but... just such a fact could completely separate the emotions between the two. ?

"...It's really ridiculous...isn't it? The blood of the Uchiha clan is indeed extremely stupid... Even though I know that you are false to me, I still hope to be with you. Together. Answer me, Itachi, what do you think of this joke?"

Self-mockery and chuckles, as if soaked in blood and tears, slowly came out of Quan's mouth, but this time, she did not avoid Itachi's eyes, as if she was looking for an answer that would make her give up. Staring at the young man in front of him, he stubbornly waited for an answer.

"...Knowing that you are alive...I do feel relieved and relieved, because that means that what I owe to Quan may be repayable while I am still alive... "

Looking directly into Izumi's eyes, Itachi's voice was no longer cold and ruthless, but had a gentle softness, and the emotions mixed in it were like falling water drops, in the air between the two. Ripples rippled quietly.

"Yeah... being able to repay it, for you... I'm afraid it's the relief you really want, right? Then, answer me, when I took revenge on you, did you recognize that I was different from her?"

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and the black hair on the back of Quan's head moved without any wind. The boiling chakra was like a surge of emotion. In such plain words, it burned violently in the form of an explosion.


Slightly lowering the corners of his eyes, Itachi's answer finally brought an unprecedented sense of powerlessness, just like his current state of mind.


With such an answer, the smile on Quan's face finally couldn't be suppressed. The black-haired girl laughed deeply, and in the sockets of her eyes, black-red blood slipped from her face like tears, and then splashed on the cold cold face. On top of the rocks.

"Hehehe~~Itachi... I'm finally convinced that as long as you still exist in this world, I can't really get rid of you..."

Raising his head again, Quan's lips moved slightly, and the words he spat out were filled with unprecedented sorrow and determination: "If... you can't all belong to me, then... I don't want it either!"

"I want to be here! Bury you like this with my own hands! Until you are in a new world that belongs to me alone!"

"See you again!"

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