Another World Sandbox Gamer

Chapter 3: source of thorns

When I dug down like a staircase, I found that the sand was the same as in the game, it would fall down without support.

So it is useless to dig a hole diagonally.

Originally, I thought that the sand under my feet was so dense, it shouldn't be like in the game.

There is no other way but to dig down vertically. At least the surrounding sand will not be squeezed in the middle. When he uses a tool to dig out a sand block, the side will also become a sandbox.

As for the top hole, the sand will definitely slide down and hit yourself, so I used wood to make a simple wooden hatch again.

He dug down about twenty squares, and when he was no longer a sand block, but hard sandstone, Ren finally stopped digging and looked up at the hole that was quite far away, hoping that the sand wolves could not find him.

The wolf howls got closer and closer, just near the entrance of the cave, they could clearly hear their footsteps, and even the movement of their claws scratching the door.

Ren was very nervous, holding his breath and not daring to make any sound.

It's not that he is cowardly. If there are abundant resources and enough materials for weapons and equipment, traps can be set up. In fact, it is also possible to fight these beasts head-on.

The problem is, now that I have nothing, there is really no way to rely on this material.

Sand Wolf hovered above his head for a long time, and finally left after three hours.

When the wolf howls and footsteps got farther and farther, Ren didn't dare to go out directly, and still hid in the cave and waited quietly.

Sure enough, half an hour later, there was the sound of sand wolves wandering above, and they didn't give up.

So I decided to stay underground for a while until it was safe.

There is cactus meat to eat, which can relieve hunger and thirst a little. Anyway, people are tired, so they simply take the opportunity to rest and refresh their spirits.

Sand Wolf lingered at the location where Ren was digging the hole until midnight. There was really no way to do it, so he finally left.

Ren slept underground until dawn, feeling very quiet above, so he used the sand cubes stored in the virtual backpack to step his feet, kept jumping back to the vicinity of the hole, carefully opened the wooden hatch whose durability had been reduced by half, and looked around with a probe. .

To be on the safe side, I also opened the virtual map to check if there were any hostile red dots around.

Having experienced the threat of sand worms and sand wolves, he became more cautious, knowing that this is not a game, and he will lose his life if he is not careful.

The wolves really left, at least not nearby.

Confirming through the virtual map, he has already opened three areas, namely the Despair Sand Sea, the Sandworm Territory and the Desert Wolf Nest.

The Sandworm Territory is in the east of the Despair Sand Sea, and the Desert Wolf's Nest is in the north of the Despair Sand Sea. I happened to be at the junction of the three areas. I was chased by the Sandworm yesterday and accidentally ran over.

If you want to leave the desert, you must follow the system instructions to go east.

But he doesn't want to enter the sandworm territory again. It's too scary there, and the terrifying giant sandworm may burrow out of the ground at any time.

You can't stay in the wolf's den in the desert either. If the wolves come again, you won't be able to leave by yourself.

You can only go east from the desert wolf's nest area to the dark area in the north of the sandworm territory, and pray that it will be safer here.

Come out of the cave, retrieve the wooden hatch, and run away before the sand wolf appears.

All the way to the east, after walking for almost two hours, I finally entered a new area.

[System] You have entered the source of thorns!

A few sea buckthorn trees can be seen in the distance, which are slightly greener than the current location.

Ren quickened his pace, and the further he walked, the more sea buckthorn trees he found.

I even saw animals running in the bushes in the distance.

Rabbits, lizards, gerbils, elephants, and some unknown birds.

The gathering of so many animals means that there must be water sources near the sea buckthorn forest, which may be a desert oasis!

Of course, in addition to these animals that can be seen, there may be other dangerous predators nearby, such as the desert wolves seen before.

Another piece of good news, the terrain of the sea buckthorn forest is slightly different from the sea of ​​despair sand, although it is still rare, you can find real stones here.

If you have stones, you can make stone knives.

With stone knives, you can make basic self-defense weapons such as stone spears and stone arrows, as well as other basic props.

Ren picked up all the stones he saw on the road and stored them in his virtual backpack.

Two stones can be used to make stone knives for cutting things, or stone axe parts for felling, stone pickaxe parts for mining, stone shovel parts for digging, stone **** parts for farming, etc., plus branches and ropes can make stone axe, stone Pickaxe, Stone Shovel and Stone Hoe.

Of course, only one component can be used, but it is less efficient.

Ren first took out two stones and made a stone knife.

In fact, two stones are knocked into the most basic stone tools. Renn has a system manufacturing function, and does not need to master the real stone tool manufacturing technology. As long as the production progress bar is full, it can be completed automatically.

After making a stone knife, take out a long branch from the virtual backpack, process it with the stone knife, and make it into a wooden spear to get the most basic self-defense weapon.

Then take out another long branch, use 5 pieces of linen cloth to twist into a linen rope, and directly synthesize a simple wooden bow.

Then use stone knives and twigs to make some basic wooden arrows. The long-range and melee weapons are all available, and they may not be able to fight beasts, and they also have some resistance.

It can also hunt small animals, UU read to get food.

Hanging the wooden bow on his body, Ren entered the sea buckthorn forest with a wooden spear in his hand. He paid attention to the surrounding environment, and while guarding against predators, he cut down with a wooden axe to obtain more wood, branches and sea buckthorn seeds.

Luckily, I got a lot of sea buckthorn fruits on the way of felling, which can be eaten directly.

The sea buckthorn fruits were too sour, so Ren had a taste for them, and considered them as seasonings.

Gather some materials a little, wait until the wooden axe is damaged, then continue to look for the water source.

Following the movement of most animals, it is not difficult to find water sources.

In this hot desert area, animals also need to drink water constantly.

After a long journey, under the guidance of the animals, Ren finally found a waterhole near the sea buckthorn forest.

The pool is not very big, and the water inside is very turbid, but it is where all the animals gather.

In a higher position, Ren looked down and observed, and found that in addition to a large number of herbivores, there were lions, wolves, and wild dogs near the water pool. The most terrifying thing was that there were two at least five meters long in the water pool. The giant crocodile swims back and forth.

Good guy!

This desert oasis is also extremely dangerous, too terrifying!

Nonetheless, Ren had to go to fetch water.

He needs to take in water, and cactus meat alone can't meet his needs. If he doesn't want to die of thirst, he has to drink enough water. He needs to get water in front of these animals!

But don't be reckless, you must pay attention to the dynamics of the lions, wolves and wild dogs, keep away from them, and do not enter their hunting range.

You also have to be careful about the two huge crocodiles, they can easily swallow themselves with their big mouths.

Most importantly, make temporary settlements nearby before dark.

This is all sandstone terrain, so digging the basement is not a problem.

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