Another World Sandbox Gamer

Chapter 604: Solution

Now that the reason is known, how to solve the problem that the magnetic fields of the two planets block the transmission of the sun's magic power becomes the topic.

The former legendary warrior, Phaeton, who took the place of God of War, took the initiative to plead: "Your Majesty, I will destroy them and ensure that the magic power of the sun will not be blocked!"

With the God of War suit and some divine power, he can still destroy such a star, although it will waste a lot of time and energy.

"No!" Ren shook his head decisively, denying Phaeton's proposal.

"Why?" Phaedon didn't understand, "Since they block the transmission of the sun's magic power to our world, wouldn't it be a one-off once and for all as long as they were destroyed?"

"Yes! Your Majesty, just destroy them, why not?" The other gods, like Phaethon, thought this was the easiest way. As long as they were unblocked, the magic power of the sun could be transmitted to the current world anytime and anywhere, and then Don't worry too.

Ren responded helplessly: "You guys are thinking too simply! Those are two planets, not rocks that can be seen everywhere, just crush them if you think they are an eyesore. I don't doubt that Phaeton has the power to destroy planets. After all, the power from God of War cannot be underestimated. Look, most people will think this is the simplest and most direct method. But you don’t know what will happen when the planet is destroyed by divine power and explodes!”

"What's going to happen?" Charlotte, who was sitting next to him, asked him curiously.

"A planetary explosion will cause a gravitational imbalance!"

"Gravity is out of balance?" The gods looked at each other, thinking what is gravity? What is gravitational imbalance? Another new term that I don't understand.

Ren is not a scientist, and he does not have a lot of knowledge in this area. He only knows a general idea, so the explanation is not clear, so he can only simply say: "In general, we live in a galaxy. There are eight planets in this galaxy, all of which revolve around The sun rotates, just like everyone centers on the supreme sun **** to maintain the normal operation of the world, can you understand this?"

The gods nodded in understanding.

Ren continued: "The planet revolves around the sun, just like several main gods, and then there are satellites around the planet orbiting it, just like other secondary gods and angels, everything has its rules, once one of the rules is broken, It will cause unpredictable consequences. Now everything is in balance, as if everyone is doing their own things without any influence, those two planets seem to affect your work when doing things, you are trying to make it Do they go away and don't disturb the work, or just kill them? Once they kill them, the work in their hands is put on hold, and these are very important, so the pressure from the sun directly on us will also mess up the whole Balance, until the last chaos, and as the "murderers" who killed them, we will also be punished by the "law", and we will die in the end! To put it more professionally, destroying them will lead to a gravitational imbalance, resulting in changes in the orbits of all planets revolving around the sun, including changes in the orbits of satellites of each planet, as well as comets and asteroids in the asteroid belt. situation, the entire galaxy is in chaos. Such a result will also affect the current planet, that is, our world. Meteorite impacts, tidal changes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc., we finally think of ways to avoid the doomsday, but it will create a new doomsday. Maybe we You can use divine power to protect yourself, and all creatures on this planet may not survive if they enter the storm battleship! "

Hearing that the consequences were so serious, the gods broke out in cold sweat. Thinking about it carefully, Ren's words are very correct. If a planet is compared to a world, destroying a world will definitely cause unimaginable results.

"Then what should we do?" Phaedon asked hastily.

"So it's not about killing them, but trying to keep them from affecting us?" Christine responded quickly.

"That's right!" Ren nodded.

"But how?" Christine asked, "It's easy to destroy them with ultimate power. I want the two worlds not to affect us, unless I push them away forcibly, and I can't affect their trajectory, lest you The gravity in the mouth is out of balance? Can God of War do it?"

Phaethon's forehead was sweating, and he quickly shook his head: "It's only a matter of time before I destroy them, but it's too difficult to force them away without destroying them, without affecting their rotation trajectory!"

hear this, gods

There was a lot of discussion.

Beast God stood up and said: "Even he who has inherited the power of God of War can't do it, let alone us, it seems that you have to do it yourself and use the ultimate power to do it!"

"The two ultimate powers I have mastered can't forcibly accelerate the rotation of the planet, let them ensure that after separation, the current planet will not be affected by the magnetic field collision to obtain the magic power of the sun." Ren shook his head.

"Is there no other way?" Dragon God frowned.

"I can't do it, but it doesn't mean there is no way!" Ren replied with a smile, "Do you still remember Jormungandr and Fenrir? They are world-class monsters, and Yermungandr seems to be able to surround them when they become the largest. The entire planet, Fenrir can withstand a planet when it is the largest. Although I have not tried it, maybe they can change the orbit of the two planets slightly. As long as the planet does not deviate from the orbit around the sun, make sure that The original path speeds up one of the planets and decelerates the other slightly to separate them completely. In this way, the magnetic fields of the two stars cannot collide, and after separation, there is a huge space for our planet to ensure that the magic power of the sun will not be affected. If you block it, you can easily reach it directly, and you can minimize the and solve the biggest problem at the same time!"

"Is this really okay? Is it okay?" Charlotte asked worriedly. The other gods also thought the same. After listening to what Ryan said, they naturally became worried.

"We can try it first, try to keep the movements as small as possible, and stop immediately if something happens. If it doesn't work, we can think of other ways!" Ren replied.

It seems that there is no safer way than this, mainly because the gods do not understand science and cannot understand the relationship between galaxies, planets, satellites and various stars.

So Ren summoned Jormungandr and Fenrir in human form and told them what to do.

As Ren's pets, Jormungandr and Fenrir absolutely obeyed, and set off immediately after receiving the order, flying directly away from the planet and into space, reminding them to grow rapidly and move towards the two planets.

Planets that are extremely far away for human beings, even if the technology is quite advanced, it will take a long time to fly to. These mythical creatures have no difficulty. After their transformation, their body size is even larger than the entire planet, which is too far away for human beings. In their eyes, it was only a few steps, not to mention that they could still use the technique of divine gift taught by Rennes.

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