Another World’s Free and Easy Cultivator

Chapter 9: Continental Organization

The Shenmo Continent has a large population, about 12 billion. The average life span of a person is about 150 years old. Those who practice as sword masters can live to 200 years old. It is normal for great sword masters to live three or four hundred years old. God is a thousand-year-old old man, and his average life span is between 1,500 and 2,000 years old. It is the dream of all swordsmen and mages to cultivate to the God of Swords and the God of Law. However, cultivation depends not only on aptitude, but also on cultivation conditions. In many respects, the gap between commoners and nobles is far away.

If there are 10 million swordsmen in the whole continent, then the number of great swordsmen is almost 100,000, which shows the difficulty of cultivation. There are many kinds of continents, such as humans, elves, dwarves, winged people, orcs, goblins, giants, dragons, phoenixes, seas, etc. There are other races, and some races do not even know the main god, after all, God is not powerful.

Let’s talk about it, there are several well-known organizations on the mainland, the first is the Holy See of Light, and there is the Church of Darkness, which is dedicated to fighting against the Holy See. The Magic Guild, the Thieves Guild, and the rest of the organizations are second, so I won't describe them one by one here, and I'll explain them in detail later.

The Holy See of Darkness believes in the Dark Demon God, that is, Relas, the Lord of the Demon World. Back then, Relas and the God of Light fought for the power of faith, and they did not hesitate to spend a huge amount of mana to send a servant to the lower world. The Holy See of Darkness is similar to the Holy See of Light. There are positions such as Pope, Saintess, and Elders. However, due to the attack of the Holy See of Light over the years, it has gradually hidden underground and rarely acts in front of people, but its strength is still unquestionable.

The Mercenary Association is composed of mercenaries from the mainland. The number of mercenaries is large and the good and the bad are mixed. The mercenaries are divided into ten levels: sss, ss, s, a, b, c, d, e, f, and g, and the sss level mercenaries are also known as King of mercenaries. More than 3 mercenaries can form a mercenary group, and there is no strength requirement as long as they can afford 1 gold coin.

The mercenary group is also divided into ten levels, just like the mercenaries. The sss level mercenary group can have 100,000 mercenaries, the ss level can have 50,000 members, the S level can have 10,000 members, the a level can have 5,000 members, and the b level can have 5,000 members. A level can have 2000 people, a C level can have 1000 people, a D level can have 600 people, an E level can have 300 people, and an F level can have 100 people. So far, ss and sss-level mercenaries and mercenary groups have not appeared, because the points are too high and difficult to increase, and the tasks with high points have been released for decades or hundreds of years, and no one can complete them.

The Swordsmen Guild and the Magic Guild are in the same organization. Their daily work is to be responsible for the registration and rating of swordsmen and magicians, and they do not participate in the war on the mainland.

The Thieves Guild is composed of thieves. Usually, the source of income is to accept assassination missions. Because thieves are natural killers, there have been saint-level thieves who have successfully assassinated god-level masters, which caused a sensation.

The Shenmo Continent mainly cultivates fighting qi and magic. Dou Qi levels are divided into apprentice swordsmen, swordsmen, great swordsmen, sword masters, great sword masters, sword saints, sword gods, super gods, and then go up to the category of gods; magic is divided into apprentice magicians , magician, great magician, magician, great magician, magician, magician, super **** level. Each major level is divided into three sub-levels: Beginner-Intermediate-Advanced.

The Continent of Gods and Demons is a society where strength is respected. People with high strength will be respected by more people. When a god-level master goes to that empire, the emperor of that country treats each other with courtesy. The anger of the sword **** and the law **** is not Very peaceful.

There are ten god-level masters known to everyone on the mainland, namely, the Bright Pope Philo VIII, the Ye Jiantian of the Purple Dragon Empire, the Dark Pope, the President of the Mercenary Association, the President of the Swordsmen Guild, the President of the Magic Guild, The president of the Thieves Guild, the emperor of the Orc Empire, the ancestor of the royal family of the Dongsheng Empire, the old Patriarch of the Yanri Empire Harrow, and more than fifty saint-level masters on the mainland.

In fact, these are just idiots. The elf queen is not a god-level expert, and she doesn’t believe it when she kills herself. And the sea clan is afraid that the entire continent is not an opponent. There are also many monsters in the forest of monsters, even super god-level monsters, so as long as you have some brains People basically don't believe it.

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