Another World’s Free and Easy Cultivator

Chapter 562: tribute? Not paying tribute? (3000 words)

Their general thinking is the first time they will think that Ye Shengtian is a powerhouse from a high plane. /very literary/

In addition, they also gained another recognition that Ye Shengtian was a ruthless man and had no scruples. If the Lord God got into his hands, he would be killed, as if the Lord God was his natural enemy.

Therefore, all the main gods of the low realm are in danger, and they dare not provoke Ye Shengtian casually.

Ye Shengtian is a veritable killing god. The original killing **** in the **** realm is nothing in front of Ye Shengtian. It can be said that Ye Shengtian's methods are getting more and more powerful, and his growth rate is very terrifying, it is killing everything. Whoever opposes him is dead.

He is God, the supreme God, the omnipotent God.

In front of Ye Shengtian, these main gods are just grasshoppers that grow stronger, and they won't be able to jump around for long.

Ye Shengtian killed if he wanted to, without any scruples, and there was nothing worthy of his scruples.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner, and the rectification of more than a dozen cities is very fast. It only took less than half a month to complete all of them. Immediately, countless powers of faith gathered on the top of Ye Shengtian's head, nearly ten times more than before.

Ye Shengtian greedily swallowed these powers of faith, absorbed them all into his body, and then let the wolf-like holy power devour them all and grow.

"Good! Very good! The power of faith is really a good thing. There are already so many cities in so many cities. The power of faith in the entire God's Domain must be thousands of times higher than this, and maybe even more than that."

The more Ye Shengtian absorbed the power of faith, the more he felt that the power of faith was a good thing that should not be missed. It's really sad, ridiculous, and shameful that these old people in God's Domain don't know that the power of faith is the greatest treasure of God's Domain.

Ye Shengtian ignored them and devoted himself to absorbing the power of faith.

a month later.

Phoenix City has opened the city gates, and maintains a comprehensive and smooth connection with the surrounding cities, and business travelers can continue to pass. Before the war, it was forbidden to pass. First, it was necessary for the war to prevent spies from entering and leaving, and to pass on information. Second, it was to protect the safety of business travelers. After all, during the war, anything could happen, and murders often happened.

Phoenix City continued to prosper, and the dozen or so cities were also accepted by Ye Shengtian, and he dispatched heavy troops. As for the Baiyu Dynasty, it didn't have any will on this matter, and it seemed to be indifferent to this matter. However, a hunting order was issued before, and this has not been withdrawn, which means that Ye Shengtian is still a wanted criminal of the Baiyu Dynasty.

No one knows the meaning of the Baiyu Dynasty now. Ye Shengtian occupied more than a dozen cities. It was normal for them not to participate, but Ye Shengtian was a wanted criminal of the Dynasty. They could use this reason to attack Ye Shengtian. *.

The Baiyu Dynasty did not move, causing all the forces outside to talk about it. Most people believed that the Baiyu Dynasty was still adhering to the previous style and ignored the merger between the city owners.

One month today, it's autumn.

It is the time when autumn is high and crisp, but a new problem comes, which makes many people very confused.

It turned out that as soon as the autumn came, it was necessary to pay tribute to the Baiyu Dynasty. If you did not pay tribute, it would be equivalent to a rebellion, and you would be attacked by the imperial army. But paying tribute means that Phoenix City still depends on the face of the Baiyu Dynasty, and still bows its head as a minister.

Countless pairs of eyes looked over.

The owners of these eyes are all forces, and they all want to see what Phoenix City does. Since the Beichen family suffered a big loss in the hands of Ye Shengtian, there has been no movement, and no other forces have come to trouble Phoenix City.

The Beichen family is a first-class force in the Baiyu Dynasty. They have suffered such a big loss, and other forces will naturally adopt a wait-and-see attitude.

Yu Qingyi is also worried about this matter. He has discussed with Liu Yuyang many times. Liu Yuyang told him that Phoenix City should have paid 60 million Divine Coins to the Baiyu Dynasty. There are more than 500 million coins in total.

500 million Divine Coins is not a small amount, Yu Tsing Yi did not dare to make up his mind, he had to wait for Ye Shengtian to leave the customs.

On this day, Yu Qingyi was discussing matters with Liu Yuyang and Feng Ying.

Now the city lord of Phoenix City is Yu Qingyi, while Feng Ying is the deputy city lord. As for the original city lord of Phoenix City, Ye Shengtian sent him to Liumeng City to be the city lord there. Liumeng City is a wealthy area, no worse than Phoenix City. Ye Shengtian only sent him to Liumeng City after seeing that he had been the city owner for many years.

At the same time, there are two main gods that go with him.

On the bright side, it seems that he was deliberately transferred out of Phoenix City, so that many noble families in the city and some of his old subordinates do not understand, but in fact, the benefits he got are absolutely greater than the sky. In order to make up for him, Ye Shengtian asked Liu Feiyao to bring him two top-quality immortal artifacts and a set of spiritual cultivation magic.

It can be said that he left with a smile, because even the ancestor Liu Yuyang has not yet obtained the practice secrets. He now understands what Ye Shengtian means, obviously he is deliberately avoiding the crowd and going to stay in Mengcheng to practice this set of secrets, which must be attributed to Liu Feiyao.

At this time, the three of Yu Tsing Yi were sitting in the conference hall.

"I have already learned that the Baiyu Dynasty usually sends officials to inspect and collect. Even if it is insufficient or not paid, they will not embarrass you, but will report the facts to the above, and then the above officials will ask the emperor for instructions. to decide."

On Tsing Yi Road.

"Yes, I did a rough calculation. This year, we will donate 500 million divine coins, which is not a small amount."

"500 million divine coins, we can take it out. The problem is that if you make a confession as before, it means that you are still a courtier of the Baiyu Dynasty. I wonder if the son blames us for coming out?"

Feng Ying frowned.

Yu Qingyi said: "Young Master has been spreading his thoughts some time ago, we can't communicate with him at all, the situation here is not easy to report, but based on what I know about Young Master, he will never be a minister to the Baiyu Dynasty, and said Maybe he also hopes to provoke a war and let the Baiyu Dynasty send troops to attack Phoenix City."

"Why start a war? We have just repulsed the Beichen family. If the Baiyu Dynasty sends another army over, it will be difficult to resist it."

Fengying was a little worried.

"Don't worry, it will take a long time for the army of the Hundred Jade Dynasty to get here, so in my estimation, the emperor will pass down a decree to mobilize the troops from the surrounding cities to attack us, and at the same time, he will recruit countless masters to come and participate in the war. "

"Yes, this is also in line with their approach."

"If the imperial envoy arrives, what should we do?"

"Let them live here first, and say that the number is too large, and we can't get it together at the moment. We need to sell some things."

"Then they insisted on leaving?"

"Then detain them all, this matter must be decided by the young master."

"Okay, then do that."

Liu Yuyang and Fengying immediately expressed no objection.


While they were still discussing some details, a voice interrupted them. The one who walked into the council hall was a foreigner of the Liu family. He trotted in and came to the three of them, poking his head, not daring to look at the three sitting.

"what's up?"

Liu Yuyang asked.

"Reporting to the ancestors, the guards at the gate of the city came to report that the envoys of the dynasty were about to arrive at the gate of the city. They sent news and asked the city owner and the ancestors to go to meet them."

"What? Let this seat go to meet you, did you hear it wrong?"

Liu Yuyang frowned, so frightened that the Liu family disciple almost knelt on the ground.

No. . . . . . That's right, what he said was to let the ancestors go. . . . . . to welcome. . . . . . meet. "

He was really frightened, and no one said a word stammered.

"A small official of the dynasty actually asked this seat to greet him. He is such a big airman. This seat has to crush him to death."

Liu Yuyang was furious and immediately stood up and walked out the door. Seeing that, he was going to teach that dynasty messenger a lesson. He is a fourth-order lord god, an overlord, and asked him to meet a small financial official, which obviously did not take him seriously.

Even if you are the envoys of the dynasty and don't take anyone in your eyes, you can't help but take him in your eyes. It is obviously an insult to him to call out a fourth-order master **** to greet him.

Just ask him how a strong lord of the gods can endure it.

Yu Qingyi gave Feng Ying a wink, and the two immediately stepped forward to persuade Liu Yuyang to put out the fire.

"Brother Liu, don't bother with them, just eliminate the fire."

"Yeah, you're going now, and you just fell for their plan. They did this deliberately to anger you, so that Phoenix City would be accused of conspiracy, which is the best excuse for the dynasty to send troops. ."

"Humph! I'll let him go first."

Liu Yuyang sat back in his seat angrily.

"Go back."

Yu Qingyi waved back the Liu family disciple.

Feng Ying said: "Then are we going to meet you?"

Yu Tsingyi's eyes flickered If you don't go, of course you can't go, let the guard take them to the place of accommodation and send heavy troops to guard them. Come in and out. snort! I still have to set up the enchantment there, but I want to see what other tricks they play. "

Liu Yuyang said: "Yes, I will go to the town in person, I don't believe they can still fly out of my palm."

"Then do it."

Finally, Yu Tsing Yi made the final decision.

With Liu Yuyang, the fourth-order main god, to supervise in person, they couldn't make any big waves. Originally, Yu Qingyi wanted to send someone with him, but since Liu Yuyang was willing to go, it would be fine to let Liu Yuyang go.

There is Liu Yuyang, the fourth-order main god, who personally goes out to ensure that everything is safe.

Although the envoys of the dynasty came with heavy troops and were escorted by strong men each time, they did not send any strong gods. Only in troubled times, will an exception be sent to the upper gods. At other times, it is generally the lower gods, and the middle gods are rarely dispatched, not to mention the main gods and powerhouses.

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