Another World’s Free and Easy Cultivator

Chapter 728: Destroy Heaven (1)

The 600,000-strong army arrived in Yinzhou, but this time Ye Shengtian did not let them in, but met the enemy outside Yinzhou. The army of 200,000 people is more than the army of Yinzhou City, but Ye Shengtian still doesn't take them into his eyes this time. When Ye Shengtian was in God's Domain, there were tens of millions of troops at every turn. They were only 200,000, which was not enough for Ye Shengtian to stick his teeth between his teeth.

Before the two armies went to war, Tianting's army received a secret report that a large number of troops suddenly appeared in Yinzhou, and the number was probably in the millions.

The four generals of Heavenly Court were horrified when they got the secret report, and they couldn't calm down for a long time. They are familiar with Yinzhou. It used to be the site of the Oriental Chamber of Commerce, and there were not many troops. But where did these millions of troops come from? Could it be that they fell from the sky?

How did they know that Ye Shengtian secretly dispatched troops from God's Domain in order to destroy them. But Ye Shengtian didn't expect that such a top-secret thing would still be leaked out.

After a long discussion, they decided to retreat one after another, so as not to guarantee that they would not be eaten. Two hundred thousand against millions of enemies, as long as there is no mental problem, everyone knows what to do, and at the same time sends the news back to heaven.

They wanted to retreat, but Ye Shengtian refused to let them, but sent troops to pursue them. Ye Shengtian took all the cities around Yinzhou in the name of chasing the Heavenly Court army.

In this way, the 250,000 Heavenly Court army was defeated all the way, while Ye Shengtian pursued all the way, and captured all the cities along the way, and the Heavenly Court Army returned to Heaven after losing half of its men.

Heavenly Court didn't know where the army of millions of troops suddenly appeared, but they saw that those people were no different from those in the immortal world, and they were all cultivators. They were already stunned at this time, so they We can only continue to send spies to investigate.

The defeat of Heavenly Court this time made other forces despise them, but everyone knows that a new force has risen from now on, and they dare to fight against Heavenly Court.

After a period of investigation, Tianting did not find out, and finally issued a wanted order and a killing order to Xianjie. Heavenly Court wanted to lure other people to kill him with a lot of money.

Of course, this effect is small, and there are indeed many desperados, but after entering the house, they will never come out. Even if they come out, they are also corpses.

Ye Shengtian defeated Heavenly Court, and some forces found Ye Shengtian. They all rebelled against Heavenly Court secretly, hoping that Ye Shengtian would join them. But Ye Shengtian sternly refused, these forces are not good birds, Ye Shengtian will not be with them. // download

In addition to them, the forces of the devil also came to Ye Shengtian, and Ye Shengtian let them eat a closed door directly, that is, they would not summon him. After Ye Shengtian captured dozens of cities, he rested a little and continued to attack other cities. Anyway, there are many troops in his army, and those troops in Heavenly Court can't get into Ye Shengtian's eyes.

And Ye Shengtian once again transferred millions of troops, and the number of troops has reached 10 million. The army directly under Heavenly Court is tens of millions. As for the army in other places, although there are many, but the combat effectiveness is not high, it is not Ye Shengtian's dish.

In less than a month, Ye Shengtian occupied a continent in a row, and hundreds of cities fell into Ye Shengtian's hands. Tianting was also panicked at this time, knowing that Ye Shengtian was not easy to provoke, and quickly dispatched the troops of various places to meet the enemy.

And this time it was the Gongsun family who went to meet the enemy. The Gongsun family is a major force in the Heavenly Court, and the master's cultivation base has already reached the peak of the Immortal Emperor. This time, the Gongsun family was sent to eradicate Ye Shengtian.

Ye Shengtian led the army and met them in a small city. The two armies opened up in the void. Ye Shengtian used two million troops this time, while the Gongsun family brought one million troops.

The head of the Gongsun family is named Gongsun Jing. Gongsun Jing was an old man in immortal armor and a cape. Under his seat is a wild beast called a unicorn, which roars at Ye Shengtian from time to time.

Gongsun Jing said: "You are Ye Shengtian. You are so bold that you dare to betray the heavenly court. Today, I will capture you so that you can make a mission to the heavenly court."

Ye Shengtian said: "The Gongsun family is a big family in the heaven. I admit that your strength is a little bit, but fighting is not about personal strength, but the entire army, and the army is arranged in formation. Do you think it will be my army's opponent? "

Ye Shengtian's army has experienced hundreds of battles and is invincible, and he knows many formations and combined attacks. The armies of heaven cannot compare to them at all.

After speaking, Ye Shengtian raised his right hand, and the army behind him immediately formed a large formation, the speed was terrifying. When Gongsun Jing saw it, he was horrified and couldn't help but wonder: "Where did such a good army come from? There is absolutely no such a strong army in the fairyland?"

Gongsun Jing said: "So what if the army is good at fighting? As long as I make a move, I can kill thousands of people with one move. The army only plays a supporting role. In the end, it depends on the strength of the strong."

Ye Shengtian said: "You can't save the battle even if you take action. Do you know why I'm talking to you here?"

Gongsun Jing instinctively asked, "Why?"

Ye Shengtian said: "Because my people are going to surround you, it will take some time. If you look left and right now, you will know whether you are winning or losing?"

Gongsun Jing looked to the left, and then looked behind him, and saw that all of them were enemy troops, probably tens of millions of troops. Looking at the densely packed army, Gongsun Jing was shocked, "We are surrounded."

Gongsun Jing recovered her expression and asked, "Which immortal world are you from? Why do you want to invade here?"

Ye Shengtian said: "I will tell you later."

Ye Shengtian's body flickered and disappeared, and the army behind him had already started to attack. The attack from the sky fell like raindrops, and the Heavenly Court army hurriedly fought back, but it still suffered a great loss. After the first round of attacks, tens of thousands of horses were lost, and there were several more rounds later.


After that, the generals rushed up. That Gongsun Jing will naturally have someone to deal with him, Ye Shengtian doesn't have to worry. At this time, the two armies fought together, the sound of killing was loud, the bodies fell and piled up like mountains, and the blood pooled into rivers and seas.

At this time, Gongsun Jing was entangled by dozens of people. These dozens of people were all immortal emperors. For a while, he could not go to the rescue, and he was also very difficult. After all, these dozens of people used the combined attack method to deal with it. He, he can't bear it either.

The Heavenly Court Army was not an elite army this time, so it couldn't stand the siege. More than half of them were killed in less than half an hour. The Gongsun family suffered heavy losses. Gongsun Jing hated it and left in a teleport. But how could Ye Shengtian let him leave at will, grabbed it with one claw, and even grabbed the space.

Originally, his cultivation was the same as Ye Shengtian. Ye Shengtian would have to work hard to catch him, but he fled with all his heart and lost his energy, so he was captured by Ye Shengtian in one move, and Ye Shengtian's current cultivation can resist the servant of God. The Immortal Emperor no longer paid attention to it, grabbed Gongsun Jing, and naturally sealed his cultivation first. Gongsun Jing was captured, and the other soldiers surrendered. Ye Shengtian won the battle and became famous in the immortal world again. At this time, Heavenly Court had already regarded Ye Shengtian as the number one must-kill target.

Not only did Tianting notice Ye Shengtian, but even people from other worlds also noticed. They all believed that Ye Shengtian was the source of the disaster, so they gathered in Yinzhou to investigate Ye Shengtian, but Ye Shengtian was commanding the battle on the front line at this time, so they had to rush to the front line again.

The current situation has become like this, Ye Shengtian simply did not do anything, and mobilized heavy troops to attack the heaven directly. Heavenly Court is not a vegetarian either. It took Ye Shengtian three months to attack the nearby city of Heavenly Court.

Just when Ye Shengtian started to attack Heavenly Court, another thing happened. Shengtian Chamber of Commerce was attacked. After some secret investigation, it turned out that Heavenly Court instigated Wanbaolou to do it. After Ye Shengtian found out about the matter, he could not help but tell Wu Yun to take people to destroy the Wanwanlou. The strength of Wanwanlou is Ye Shengtian's opponent. Although Tianting is a helper, it is still defeated. In the end, it was destroyed by Ye Shengtian, and no one was spared. Ye Shengtian had already shown his strength at this time, and released the disciples of the Qiankun Ring to let them all participate. On the other hand, Ye Shengtian did not attack the Demon Dao, but reached a tacit understanding with the Demon Dao. They also wanted to take this opportunity to vigorously develop the Demon Dao, and it was best to unify the Immortal Realm, so they not only did not object, but also secretly gave Ye Shengtian their support.

How could Ye Shengtian not know the thoughts of Demon Dao, as long as he took down the Heavenly Court, and then went back to clean them up, and at this time, the major immortal sects kept silent. All of them wanted to protect themselves, they didn't want to participate in their fights, and they recalled the doormen who were active outside.

At this time, the situation has been formed. Not only Ye Shengtian opposed the heavenly court, but some forces also took the opportunity to rise and grow It's just that they are not destined to become a big climate. The obvious thing is that whoever captures the heavenly court will be the fairy world. dominate.

When Ye Shengtian was attacking Heaven, there were fifteen people sitting here in a dark void. Fifteen people formed a circle, and in the center of them, there was a long sword, and fifteen people were refining it.

This sword is a high-quality divine weapon, which they acquired by accident, and the sword Wuhen left early in order to win the map of Jiangshan Sheji, and now fifteen people are speeding up refining the divine weapon.

They already knew what happened recently in Heavenly Court, and that Jian Wuhen was dead, and they knew it at the first time. Heaven cannot perish, so they decided to send someone out.

So the spiritual thoughts of the fifteen people discussed for a while, and one person withdrew his palm and turned into a white light to leave. On the side of Heavenly Court, they are losing ground, and now there are only four of the twelve generals left. In less than a few months, the heavenly court will perish. Now the army transferred by Ye Shengtian has hundreds of millions, which is sweeping everything. No force can resist Ye Shengtian's attack.




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