__________ POV Narration__________

"How are you guys doing?~" Beru's question went unanswered for a bit, as the students all looked at the insectoid with an odd gaze.

"Well, we are preparing to go home at this point... Classes are almost done." Momo was the one to speak up. This was their last class, that was also why they could be so relaxed. And it was also why Aizawa was sleeping.

Their homeroom teacher didn't actually need a reason to sleep, he was always sleepy, but it was much worse after a full day of classes with them.

"Well~ There are still 15 minutes left~ You guys aren't really an orderly bunch~," Berus said while still stretching on his chair.

"Stop acting all high and shit! You're only like, two years older than us!" Bakugo once again felt the need to speak his mind.

"Well, yea~ But I've taken down more villains than the majority of Pro Heroes put together.~ I do have qualifications to stand in this seat~ Although I never actually finished high school ~" Beru said as he rested his head on his palms.

"So what if you took down a few extras? I'm sure I can do the same given the opportunity!" Bakugo still insisted though. He was quite clearly trying to incite Beru, he actually hoped that he'd get to fight Beru, that he could prove himself that way.

To whom exactly? Well, that was a bit more difficult to answer. It was to none other than himself. Bakugo, like most young hero students, was aiming for the very top. He wanted to be number one.

And he hadn't really seen Beru in action, as he was knocked out when he had fought villains during the USJ incident. So, he needed to personally see how large the gap between him and the top actually was.

Unfortunately for him, he tried provoking Beru, a person more used to people trying that than anybody else in the whole school.

"So, anyway, what does Aizawa teach?" He knew exactly how to ignore Bakugo, and he could even tune out his irritated shouts and grunts.

The rest of the class just watched as Beru paid no mind to Bakugo. They all already knew how powerful he was. They all saw him fight, and they knew just how powerful he was.

They saw Beru rise an entire lake and trap that strange Bird villain in it, to them, the insectoid's strength was almost surreal.

"Oh, he's just our homeroom teacher..." Izuku was the one to respond this time.

Beru could see that most students were just speaking to each other about random things. All until one of them raised her arm. Beru instantly noticed that she was invisible, which he found somewhat interesting.

"Beru! I've got a question for you!" She waved her arm in the air a few times before Beru finally responded.

"Go on~ Not like I've got anything better to do~"

"Are you truly as strong as All Might?!" She was clearly curious. There were many articles written about the strongest between Beru and the Symbol of Peace, but there was no real conclusive answer.

That was because the question itself couldn't be answered unless the two actually fought to the death.

"Yea~ I'm a bit more versatile though~ I've got a few quirks in me that kinda make his attacks ineffective~," Beru said while he waved one of his hands dissmisevly.

"W-Wait! So you have more quirks in you?!" Hagakure asked with some confusion in her voice.

There were very few articles on Beru's powers. The fact that he was experimented on was public knowledge, but his possessing multiple quirks wasn't really all that public.

"... Wait...~ Was that supposed to be kept secret?~ Ah, it doesn't matter~" Beru just shrugged at his own question and moved on.

Shock appeared on the faces of every student present. They didn't quite know what to make of the information. Although a few had already guessed that he had more quirks.

"Yea~ I have more quirks~ At least a few hundred~ Why are you guys even surprised? I used some of them in front of you all~ And on the news, I used different abilities depending on the situation. It's a bit too much for a single quirk to cover, isn't it?~"

Momo just nodded, he was seen using countless different abilities while fighting villains. And she was one of the people that followed Beru's exploits quite closely.

In fact, only five people in class 1-A knew about Beru's multiple quirks. That was because they all followed the news and read stuff online about the youngest Hero in Japan.

"That's awesome! How do you even train all of them?! It's gotta be so difficult!" The invisible girl continued talking.

"Oh, I kinda stopped training already~ I only ever train combinations in between them from time to time at this point.~" Beru's words made some eyebrows raise.

"But... Aren't heroes supposed to constantly train? What if one day a villain stronger than you appear?" Asked Momo. She was also a bit curious as to Beru's opinion on training and the way he managed his time.

"Listen, kid~ If, at random, a villain stronger than me appears~ This country's doomed~ Any powerful villain is already made a name for himself~ A newcomer with more strength than me appearing is quite impossible in this generation (or the ones to come considering my rate of growth)" Beru's words did manage to give the students some perspective.

Although some parts of his speech were quite sad to hear for them. To some of them, it gave them a feeling that Beru was arrogant.

But, in truth, Beru was completely right.

Currently, he already had enough strength to destroy Japan, if a villain stronger than him could just appear out of nowhere, then the world was simply doomed.

Even then, it was near impossible for that to happen. He grew stronger and stronger each day. Even when he wasn't training, and, after getting High Spec, he was confident that nothing would ever be even close to matching up to him.

"Why would the next generations have more of a chance? Do you think we'd be able to defeat you?" This one was asked by none other than Kirishima. The red-haired teen still hoped to one day be able to become Beru's equal, even if he wasn't able to ever apprehend him.

"That's unlikely~ But quirks do get stronger with each generation~ Sooner or later, there will be a time where everyone will have as much strength as All Might..." 'And they'd all die because of it'.

Beru left that last part unsaid. He was well aware of how dangerous the evolution of quirks was to humans. If a regular(untrained) person suddenly got a strength-enhancing quirk that made him as powerful as All Might...

Well, there were a few possibilities for that person. Either all of their limbs explode when the quirk is awakened, that would be as a child. But it could also manifest later and the user would be unable to use it properly, like Izuku.

But Izuku was lucky that All Might's quirk was actually flexible in power output. Otherwise, he would never actually be able to use it. Well, he would've needed to constantly break his arms until he became able to hold back naturally.

But the process would be excruciating and time-consuming.

Beru looked at the discouraged students for a bit. Bakugo was about to start raging again. So the insectoid decided to offer some reassurance to the students.

"Don't get too sad about it~ Some of you still have some chances~ But if you reach that point, fighting villains will become more of a game of holding back than anything~"

Beru obviously lied, none of the students could ever actually hope to fight him equally. But didn't need to know that. He also didn't care, if they got a bit of encouragement out of those words, then all the power to them.

But, otherwise, they were just empty words. Still, they made some of the students smile. But there were also those with weaker quirks. They always felt inadequate when there were talks about strength.

"Also~ To those that have quirks unrelated to fighting, don't get too discouraged~ We live in modern times~ Fighting strength doesn't really matter much~ You can also always be a rescue hero~" Beru's words didn't quite seem to reach all of the students though.

"But teacher, isn't fighting strength important to all heroes?" The one asking this time was Iida, he had been quite interested in the conversation, and he ended up butting in when Beru's words confused him.

"Nah~ There are plenty of heroes focused solely on rescuing civilians and doing anything other than fighting villains~ Those that fight villains are just the ones more talked about~"

Most of the students were quite satisfied with those answers.

"Well~ I think classes are almost over~ I'll head out now~" A purplish mist slowly seeped out of his mouth and started covering his body.

"Hey! Bug Freak! Don't get any ideas about being the strongest! I'll definitely surpass you" Bakugo finally slammed his hands on his desk and shouted to the disappearing Beru.

"Good luck with that~," He said as he waved goodbye to the rest of the students.

Beru spends the rest of the day hanging out with Toga and reading hero comics that he had 'borrowed' from Izuku's home.


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