Apocalypse Rebirth: Commander, Don’t Move!

Chapter 297: Bai Shan's condition

  The thing Bai Ling hopes most now is that Bai Shan can find a mobile phone to contact them and tell them the specific address. Otherwise, besides the destination, it is like looking for a needle in a haystack, with too many possibilities.

  The place where Bai Shan arrived in her previous life. . . . It was the place where she died, Bai Ling bit her tender lower lip, her eyes were extremely sharp.

   No, we must find Bai Shan before she arrives in Yanjing City, she is not willing to let the two of them take any risks.

   "Uncle, let's bypass Fengcheng and go directly to You County, Jingshi!"

  Li Zhenghao was taken aback for a moment, not understanding why Bai Ling changed his mind again.

   "You County is not small, there must be people around at this time, Bai Shan is outstanding, and she has a child with her, if someone sees it, we can follow the direction to find it!"

   "Yes!" Li Zhenghao nodded.

  The reason why Bai Ling believes that Bai Shan is not in You County is very simple, because they have been disconnected for too long. Bai Ling has already affirmed that Bai Shan is still on the track of her previous life.

  Thinking of this, Bai Ling felt a little relieved, but most of them were worried about his own sister. Especially her death. . . Bai Ling's heart sank again.

  The sky is full of stars at night, accompanied by the sound of unknown insects, deep hoarse and sharp, and there is a cool breeze on the tail in spring, which is very refreshing.

  In a walled yard on the outskirts, three buses, two off-road vehicles and three cars can be seen parked outside. Several people with guns and various weapons came and went around the yard.

   Just stepping into the yard, many tents have already been set up outside. The chaos brought by the large population broke the silent night, and it was accompanied by the crying of children and the sound of insults from time to time.

   There are six rooms in the three-story small western-style building, and only those with special abilities and abilities can live in them.

And in a small room on the second floor, there were five people lying on a big bed, a chubby woman in her fifties, and Xiaojia Biyu who was holding a three-year-old child who was still white and tender and well-dressed. A woman, and the other one is a woman with a mean face who is also holding a seven or eight-year-old white and tender child.

   Under the big bed, there was a blanket, and on the blanket lay three men, a lame man in his fifties, but with a serious face.

  The other two, one was thin but rather handsome, his eyes still had an uncomfortable light, and the other was a dark-skinned, tall man who seemed to be strong and strong.

   This group of people was sleeping soundly, but suddenly there was a cry of a baby, one minute, two minutes, and finally crying out of breath.

"It's so annoying, can't you cover his mouth? We have to hurry tomorrow, how do you let us sleep?" At this moment, a chubby middle-aged woman who dressed herself up sharply yelled out , stood up directly, staring at the corner with a pair of eyes.

   It turned out that there was a frail woman huddled by the corner of the door, holding a nearly six-month-old child in her arms.

The person being yelled at should have a round and fair face that is haggard, dressed in embarrassment, with hair cut into short hair like a dog chewing on it, and holding a very sad crying child in thin clothes in his arms. The child's face is dirty. , it can be seen that he hasn't washed him for a long time, and his little face is red from crying at this moment.

   "Mom, the child is starving!" The woman's voice was low but she seemed to be suppressing something, lovingly touching the child's face, and when he cried, her heart ached.

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