Chapter 16 Manju Shahua

Rested for one night. When I got up, I found that the two snakes were so tightly entwined to protect the flower.

It’s as if this flower will run away.

The task in the morning is to make traps and ambush in advance. The main evolutionary is to maintain physical strength.

After setting up the traps, I waited for noon.

The waiting time is so long, it is very difficult.

At noon, I waited for a shot to lure the snake over.

Ready to launch, aim, aim, hit, hit.

The shot successfully hit a snake, and then the two snakes began to separate.

The injured snake stayed in place and continued to guard the pearl flower.

The uninjured one came in our direction.

One kilometer, five hundred meters, four hundred meters, three hundred meters, two hundred meters, one hundred meters, the preset land has arrived.

Huang Xiao entangled in the distance directly, falling thunder, and both abilities injected tremendous energy.

At the same time, the three of them also detonated explosives and landmines.

Both sides fired at the same time, plus armored vehicles and tanks,

At the same time, hit the snake.

Although this snake is a second-level evolutionary beast, it can’t stand the damage. It was skinned and wounded instantly, and it was seriously injured. After all, it will be melee. After all, there is one more. This time the team came out with ammunition Many, I have to leave it to the latter one.

Five evolutionaries attacked at the same time.

Huang Xiao put a thunder shield and a wooden shield on himself when he attacked, attached a thunder sword to the Xiaoyao Sword, and rushed directly to the snake with them.

Although this snake is already in a state of dying, it is still a second-level evolutionary beast. It hits Huang Xiao with its tail directly. The double shield on Huang Xiao’s body is directly broken, and a flash of thunder blows off for the second time. At the same time, the other four people also Attacked the snake.

The snake’s tail drew directly towards the four of them, and the weakest one couldn’t get out of the way and was slapped into the ground. It seemed that it should not work.

In this way, Snake Tail finished his final death and died.

Another snake seemed to feel the death of his companion coming towards here.

Huang Xiao directly took out an energy essence and began to absorb it.

When the snake arrived, he directly served as a natural guard, entangled and thundered, and then went to the side to continue to recover.

The other three also went to the side to rest after putting off their abilities. The rest were armored vehicles and tanks, so they didn’t save ammunition and output crazy output.

The snake itself was injured and was tied to this place and was hit with a lot of shells, thunder, and other injuries. It was basically in a near-death state.

But the second-level evolutionary strength is still a natural guard directly.

After rushing into the convoy, preparing for the final struggle, the four evolutionaries joined forces to resist the final blow.

All four of them were seriously injured and vomited blood directly after the snake fell.

After all, Huang Xiao still had the strength to dig away the evolution crystal of this snake by herself.

The remaining one is left to them.

After finishing the convoy, he moved towards the nuclear power plant.

There were still some zombies in the nuclear power plant, which were easily cleaned up.

Although the four evolutionaries were all seriously injured, this was still very strong for Huang Xiao, who also had willow and wood abilities.

It was discovered that there was a mysterious businessman with a second-level white quality inside the nuclear power plant.

Huang Xiao entered the trading space directly.

second-level evolution potion: a thousand evolution crystals,

Second-level standard combat uniform: 400 evolution crystals.

The second-level standard sword: Seven hundred evolution crystals.

The balance is more than 1,200.

Directly a second-level evolution potion, and a second-level standard battle suit.

A total of one thousand and two hundred.

After exiting the trading space.

Directly guarded by the willow.

After taking the second-level evolution potion, he became a second-level evolutionary after suffering.

Put on the combat uniform and let the willow tree absorb the corpses of the two snakes.

The wood type ability has more growth, and the thunder type ability has more thunderstorms.

I went to the flower, and when the willow came back, let the willow communicate with it,

Knowing that this flower is called Manzhushahua, the pollen has the effect of illusion, and the fruit can enhance energy.

This flower also wanted to leave, but couldn’t leave without transformation, Huang Xiao directly used Growth and Wood’s Awakening.

Inject energy with the willow.

Let the manjusawa fruit ripen completely.

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