Arcane Lord

Chapter 996 Tradition, one month deadline

"Low-key? Not suitable to stimulate the elves?"

Horn let out a weird scream, "It's hard to imagine that such words would come out of your mouth, Badigal. You must have been possessed by some elf's mind magic!"

"Hmph -" Badigal snorted coldly.

When Horn saw this, he immediately stopped and did not overly stimulate Badigal. After all, there was no substantial conflict between the two parties.

Just because he married two of Badigal's apprentices made Badigal unhappy, and the two often quarreled.

But this time, he actually sided with Badigal and opposed allowing Chaos to take charge of Giles Tower again, and his reason was quite simple. It can be summarized in one sentence——

"Kaos is no longer the lord of any territory. It is untraditional to be in charge of Giles Tower!"

Of course, Kaos was a lord in the past, but dozens or nearly a hundred years later, his territory has long been inherited by his grandson.

Although his grandson did not inherit his talent in the field of magic, he was still a member of the Sevington Council. His identity as a lord was protected by the council and could not be taken away by force even if his grandfather arrived.

Of course, Horn's reason can be easily solved. As long as the territory is re-inherited, didn't Kaos say that he is willing to appear in a new identity?

How about letting him be his grandson's heir?

Of course Horn did not say such meaningless and insulting words, just because he understood one thing——

Before the leader of Giles Tower actually takes office, the Severton Council cannot make any decisions related to the leader of Giles Tower.

This is naturally to ensure that the internal inheritance of each department in the Seven Towers is orderly and not affected by other factors, but this becomes the biggest difficulty before Kaos can regain control of the Giles Tower.

Sure enough, after he finished explaining his reasons, everyone fell silent. Only Badigal's eyes lit up, "Yes, that's it! Horn, you finally did a good thing this time!"

In fact, being the master of the Seven Towers is not just a matter of strength. Although strength is also a necessary condition, it can only be ranked second.

The first thing on the list is to get the support of the internal lord alliance of the Seven Towers and the first series, and the procedures must be compliant.

Before Chaos appeared, Skoum undoubtedly met the first condition, but lacked a little strength. If Master Byron was still there, it would not be a bad idea to even force him to take over.

After the appearance of Chaos, Skoum may not even be satisfied with the first one. After all, the influence of the Grand Arcanist is still very large.

But Kaos obviously does not meet the first condition. He does not have the status of a lord of the Giles family. At the same time, it is difficult to obtain a legal lord status before the leader appears.

Of course, the Grand Arcanist has extraordinary power, and it is normal to have privileges. He can use a subtle method to make Giles Tower and even the entire Seven Towers camp accept it by default.

But the premise is that there are no clear opponents, but obviously, let alone the Seven Towers, there are many opponents within the Giles Tower.

In particular, the disappearance of Master Byron made this opposition more obvious.

Next, Horn also raised the same question:

"There is another question. Chaos appeared just after Master Byron disappeared. Is that true? Or did the appearance of Chaos cause Master Byron to disappear?"

As both a Grand Arcanist, Horn is naturally not afraid of making Chaos angry with such speculations. He and Chaos are not very familiar with each other anyway.

And most importantly, Chaos' actions are destroying the traditions of the Seven Towers, which is difficult for him to accept.

"Didn't Master Byron leave a message saying that Princess Xia was looking for him?" Harris replied.

In response, Horn immediately retorted:

"A message? Left for you or for me? Can the message left in the communication circle of Giles Tower be called a message? How do you know it was not forged by Chaos?"

"I understand. You and Badigal are biased against Chaos. I won't argue with you. You just tell me what to do now? Are you just going to let Giles Tower remain in chaos?"

"Where is the confusion? Isn't Greta acting as the tower master? She is a follower of Her Royal Highness the Princess, and she has always been responsible for the internal management of Giles Tower. Let me ask you, where is the confusion?"

"After Kochaos appeared, didn't she hide in Nese Palace?"

"You also know that Chaos is the source of chaos! Then what are you talking about here!"

Seeing that Badigal and Harris were about to get into a meaningless quarrel, Randall slammed the wine glass in his hand onto the table with a loud bang, and the unfinished wine in the glass immediately spilled out. .

As a Grand Arcanist, naturally he would not be hit by this small droplet, but the scene of such magical aura blooming made everyone calm down a little.

"Okay, stop arguing. Since Horn and Badigal insist on objecting, let's just stay here today! I have two suggestions -

"One is Horn and Badigal. You must find Master Byron as soon as possible. As long as Master Byron appears, all the current problems will not be a problem;

"Second, Hadrian, Harris, and Pastor, the four of us will go to see Kaos tomorrow and invite him to the Green Field Plane as a guest. There is plenty of positive energy there, which is suitable for someone like him. Elders take care of their bodies.

"Finally, I want to say, just for one month, if Master Byron is found within the next month, there is no doubt that Chaos will have to retreat again, and Master Byron will not be found within the next month. , then Horn and Badigal, you can no longer stop Chaos from taking over!"

"Okay, I agree!" Hadrian and others agreed.

Horn and Badigal looked at each other. Although they were still a little dissatisfied, if Master Byron never showed up, they really had no better solution.

No matter what you do, it will easily cause greater chaos. Although traditional rules need to be adhered to, if you don't know how to change, it will go against tradition.

Later, Horn and Badigal agreed, but also put forward their own conditions:

"I hope that in the next month, in the process of searching for Master Byron, you can provide necessary assistance, and at the same time eliminate as much as possible a series of impacts caused by the appearance of Chaos!"

Randall thought for a moment and then agreed, "Yes, but if Master Byron is still not found after a month, I hope you can still remember today's promise!"

In this regard, Horn didn't say anything, just nodded slightly with a cold face, while Badigal vented his dissatisfaction very passionately:

"Do you think I am Chaos who has come back from the dead? If one day I don't keep my word, you can come and slap me in the face!"

"Of course I believe you, I'm just reminding you!"

Randall sighed, and then said:

"Currently, Cormanso's side is a bit strangely calm, while Ilfarang's side, although still close, is also inquiring about the matter of ascension to the gods from time to time!

"Besides them, I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at us! Under such circumstances, the problem of Giles Tower must be properly resolved as soon as possible, and the Seven Towers must be closely united to better cope with future challenges!

"I think this is what Her Royal Highness the Princess wants to see!"

Although Randall rarely participates in discussions on Seven Towers affairs in normal times, he does not lack decisive decisions at critical moments.

And because I don't always favor one side on weekdays, I can get more people's approval.

Soon, everyone dispersed and the fire in the tavern gradually went out.

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