Arcane Lord

Chapter 1001 Mirror of the Star Boundary, the Truest Self

After sending Dwayne away, Shado began to explore alone. The scenery in the star world was very monotonous, and as far as the eye could see, there was a silver void.

At the same time, because of its spiritual characteristics, Xia Duo's consciousness is deep inside, as if he is facing a mirror reflecting himself, and all inner fluctuations are clearly revealed.

Xia Duo is an independent individual. Because of certain unique personalities, or personality traits, he subconsciously chooses to ignore certain thoughts during self-analysis during meditation training.

Although he can trace his memories back to his subconscious and analyze the specific information of his subconscious at a certain moment, if he doesn't want to trace it back from the source, then these thoughts will never see the light of day.

But here, the silver void will not accommodate him. Even the psychology that he least wants to face will be truly reflected in the rise and dissipation of the wind of the star world.

During the explorations again and again, Xia Duo's perception and experience of the external star world itself did not improve much. Instead, he took a step further in the process of inward self-analysis.

In this process, he saw a more real self, with all kinds of negative aspects - laziness, laziness, weakness, pride, evil, etc.

During his daily meditation training, he could indeed see some things and even analyze them a bit, but this was just like when ordinary people write diaries, they are always worried about being seen and subconsciously cover up their mistakes.

I think, therefore I am, but if you emphasize the self too much, you will have a strong personal tendency. This is not bad. Human personality lies in this, but it will also cause blind spots in thinking.

Xia Duo once arrogantly believed that if he could trace his memory, he would be able to eliminate all blind spots in thinking and eventually achieve omniscience.

But in fact, as long as human nature remains, with joys, sorrows, inclinations and rejections, it will never reach that point.

A person's greatest enemy is himself, this sentence is really true!

Of course, understanding this does not mean that Xia Duo will give up his human characteristics. He is taking another step forward on the road to understanding himself, rather than taking another step forward on the road to giving up himself.

Only by understanding oneself more clearly can one better improve oneself, and this improvement does not mean eliminating negative emotions.

As the saying goes, "Yin cannot grow without yin, and sunshine cannot grow without yin." Negative emotions and positive emotions are actually different manifestations of the same source of human nature in different things.

If there is no laziness, how can we embody the meaning of diligence; if there is no pride, what is the meaning of humility; if there is no evil, there is no recognition of kindness.

Eliminating the negative will only lead to more serious and dire consequences.

The so-called self-improvement actually means understanding oneself more clearly and taking full control of oneself.

A sage from Xia Duo's hometown once proposed a state of mind - "follow your heart's desires without exceeding the rules." Now, he can finally touch the edge.

In Chateau's view, the so-called "moments" are actually personal characteristics, or human nature and personality, while "doing what one wants" represents a high degree of freedom.

This is actually another description of “unity of knowledge and action”.

If you have your own rules in your heart and practice them, no matter what you do, you will feel at ease and calm.

Xia Duo was previously unable to look directly at his truer self during meditation training, which was actually a manifestation of his uneasiness. This not only caused hidden losses in real interests, but also affected the healthy development of the self.

Before perceiving the astral realm, Xia Duo never thought that the astral realm would bring him such a special opportunity. At first, he even regretted it and even wanted to give up.

But in the end, the human instinct that originated from his heart and wanted to be perfect drove him to continue. It was also in this process that he had a clearer understanding of himself and a more perfect personality.

Of course, Xia Duo's current personality is relatively mature and is in the stage of development and perfection. If he were on earth, he might not dare to look directly at his true self like this.

Maybe escaping is his only option.

Now, Xia Duo's exploration of the star realm is not just to find a projection plane for him to enter to study upgrade matters, but also a process of self-improvement.

In a sense, Xia Duo, who has a perception potential that is not inferior to that of a powerful cleric, may be able to go further than a plane scholar on the path of an astral mage.

However, strictly speaking, Xia Duo is not considered a plane scholar. After all, the main purpose of his research is not to discover more sub-planes, but to understand the nature of the planes so as to better utilize the portable space.

It can be said that he is neither a plane scholar nor an astral mage, but he can be both.

In the next ten days or so, Xia Duo spent most of his time in the plane exploration layer. The long-term astral perception made his spirit become excited, and he was tired without realizing it, just like Devine more than ten days ago.

But Devine has the glorious holy power in his body, which can restore his physical strength and spirit to the maximum extent, but Xia Duo has nothing and can only rely on his strong body to hold on.

But to find a priest to take care of him, he is not that luxurious.

If it weren't for Niya's interruption, Xia Duo himself probably didn't know how long this state would last. On this day, he was preparing to go to the plane exploration layer as usual, but found that his authority had been suspended.

No one except Niya could do this kind of thing. Sha Duo immediately approached Niya and asked impatiently:

"Why did you suspend my permission? I have almost found the projection plane!"

This is actually not an exaggeration. In the past ten days, he has indeed made considerable progress. From the beginning, he was very ignorant and confused when facing the astral world. Now, he can barely be regarded as an experienced driver of the astral world.

No worse than Devine, who has been studying for more than a year.

After all, he is also an arcanist, and he also has a stronger consciousness than Dwayne. As long as he is familiar with the perception skills, he can easily catch up.

But Niya shook her head firmly, "I just received a summons from Ms. Greta. She is at Giles Tower. Although there is a slight accident, it will be resolved soon. You don't have to work so hard anymore!"

Niya knows that astral perception is actually the same as the projection plane, and it also has a real time passage effect on the main plane.

But compared to the projection plane, which can clearly perceive time. If it feels like the time is too long, you can get out in time. But when you perceive it in the astral world, the concept of time is relatively vague.

It’s easy to lose track of the exact time.

Although Niya has not seen obvious signs of the passage of time on Xia Duo these days, the two are husband and wife after all, and she still knows her husband's mental state very well.

Now Xia Duo is obviously a little too fanatical.

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