Arcane Lord

Chapter 1010 Turn-based Crown King Playing Game

How to respond? No information is given, how do I know what to do?

Xia Duo couldn't help complaining in his heart, but after he complained, he discovered that with a little awareness, he could sense relevant background information from the surrounding environment.

The golden elf who just spoke is actually the crowned king of this virtual kingdom - that is, Shado's own agricultural consultant. However, the reduction in production in Seer and other plantations seems to be an agricultural problem, but in fact it also involves structural social contradictions.

In this virtual kingdom, the plantations, which are the sources of food, are almost entirely controlled by the Crown Prince and the upper-ranking families.

The lower-ranking families may be self-sufficient in food, but ordinary people have almost no land of their own and rely entirely on the state to support themselves, and they are just starving to death.

This reduction in production in the plantations was not caused by a natural disaster, but was caused by the Druid strike.

Most elves live in the forest. Although they can build houses and cultivate farmland, their damage to the forest is extremely limited.

If you want to use limited farmland to supply an increasing population, you must use more and more advanced agricultural technologies.

Mages are naturally skilled, but most mages disdain to engage in matters related to planting, so there are druids who specialize in agriculture.

Most of these druids came from the lowest level and made great contributions to the country, but they did not get the rewards they deserved. Whether it was social status or living standards, they were almost at the bottom of society.

This time should be the event where the long-oppressed druids rose up to resist.

Chateau recalled the relevant situation of Cormanthor in the main plane and found that the situation of the druids had not improved much. Of course, the living standard should have improved a bit, but the teachings stipulated a poor and primitive style.

As for social status, it should actually have risen a bit, but even if the heir of a small family became a druid, it would be generally considered by society to have ruined the family tradition.

Cormanthor on the main plane should have been nearly a thousand years since the Trial of the Divine Sword. This problem has not been solved yet. If the contents of the trials are the same, then there is no better answer than Kefumu.

Of course, it may be that Kefumu's words and deeds are inconsistent. The trial is one thing, but becoming the crowned king is another.

Or is continuing to oppress the bottom class the “right answer” to the trial?

After thinking for a moment, Xia Duo decided to follow his inner choice. At the same time, he also wanted to verify his assumptions about magical civilization.

When he sensed the background information, he understood that his orders would be executed, and this illusion would continue to play out until he passed the trial or failed.

He would not miss such a good opportunity, and he would not hesitate even if it led to the failure of the trial.

After all, magical knowledge can be obtained normally through various normal means, but related social experiments rarely have the opportunity for trial and error.

Even if there were, it wouldn't be like in this trial illusion where you could quickly adjust and then experiment again.

However, Xia Duo did not issue an order immediately. Instead, he asked other consultants to speak out their problems. It would not be too late to make a decision after he had a more comprehensive understanding of the virtual kingdom in this illusion.

Illusion accepted his way of dealing with it, and then, the advisors of the Crown Prince under the throne began to speak one after another——

"King, your treasury was patronized by High Mage Taras, and several secret scrolls, books, gems, swords, and armor were lost!"

"King, the Muhi family has merged many plantations and unilaterally increased the price of food purchased from the kingdom."

"King, the border towns cannot bear the harassment of the orcs, and I request to be moved to the vicinity of the Mystic City."

"King, many civilian girls have gone missing in the capital recently. It has been found that they were maliciously kidnapped by children of multiple high-ranking families."

"King, traces of the drow sacrifice ceremony were found in Yisi City!"

Many problems involved all aspects, and through the perception of the surrounding environment, Xia Duo received more information, and for a while he felt overwhelmed.

Xia Duo breathed a sigh of relief when no consultant spoke again, but before he could think about it for long, a new message suddenly appeared in the surrounding environment. It was nothing else but a countdown.

If no order is issued within a day, it will directly enter the settlement stage. Of course, if the order issued is too outrageous, it may also be directly judged to have failed.

However, after knowing that there was at least one day left, Sha Duo completely relaxed. However, relaxation did not mean slacking off. It was just that Kefumu failed in a short period of time, which gave him a very strong sense of urgency.

But now it seems that there are obviously different concepts of time inside and outside the trial, so it can be considered carefully.

From this perspective, Kefumu in this projection plane may really not be suitable to be the master of the Sword of Domination.

As time passed little by little, Xia Duo's thoughts gradually improved. Without really waiting for the deadline, he began to issue orders——

First of all, they announced the wanted order for High Mage Talas, but they also left a loophole. As long as the other party could find out the whole story behind the sacrifice of the drow in Yisi City, they would be exempted from the wanted order.

Secondly, Chateau proposed the formulation of relevant laws, stipulating that druids could be exempted from compulsory military service as long as they met certain standards.

This step can be regarded as improving the status of the druid, but it is not excessive. It does not restrict the forced recruitment of the superiors, and has little impact on the real power.

Afterwards, Chateau announced the establishment of the Higher Magic Academy, opened up higher magic, tried to win over spellcasters, and developed magic.

Since the Crown War, whether it is the main plane or the projection plane, the elven kingdoms are generally in decline, and this virtual kingdom in the illusion is no exception.

If you want to grow and develop, you naturally need to develop magic.

Xia Duo is confident that he can accomplish this. After all, elven society advocates art, and the subversion of art is magic. Of course, there is resistance, but experiments always have to be tried.

Nowadays, the countries in the Listal Forest in this projection plane are actually not living well. Not to mention that Uweilun was destroyed by a meteor a thousand years ago. Such a major event, the Drow War four hundred years ago alone caused countless bloodshed. .

Four hundred years is only more than half of the life of the elves. The elves who experienced the war and survived the war should now be regarded as the top leaders in various countries, and they should still have a sense of crisis.

In the face of life and death, Xia Duo believes that conservative forces will never gain the upper hand.


Halfway through issuing the order, Shado suddenly thought of the Drow War in the main plane Cormanthor. Could it be that someone deliberately released it to "persuade" the conservatives?

This is not impossible. After all, Cormanthor on the main plane has been established for nearly a thousand years. It is inevitable that conservative forces will rise after a long period of peace.

The Cormanthorian King has lived from thousands of years ago to the present. He may not have a transcendent perspective to see through everything, and then guide the drow out of the underground and let them wreak havoc in their own country to achieve strategic goals.

It's not impossible!

Xia Duo kept these speculations in mind, and when he returned to the main plane, he might be able to find some clues by asking around.

After that, Xia Duo continued to issue orders. In addition to allowing border towns to move inward and punishing dandies in the capital, he also gave specific instructions on some ordinary government affairs.

Just like a turn-based game, although this illusion is given one day to issue orders, it can actually end early.

After this "round" ended, the scene around Sha Duo suddenly changed.

"Fortunately, there was no failure!"

So, round two came.

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