Arcane Lord

Chapter 1014 Coman explores doubts and the second stage of the trial

So far, Xia Duo is still in the trial. He thinks that nothing major has gone wrong and everything is happening unswervingly according to his expectations.

Of course, this is just a trial after all. Behind this is either certain reactions preset in advance, or real-time control by a high-level mage. It will definitely not be able to completely simulate reality, and it will definitely need to be simplified a lot.

But looking at it from another perspective, this also means that Sha Duo's approach satisfied the senior mages who presided over the ceremony and witnessed the trial, at least not to the extent of objecting and suspending the trial.

After a few rounds, Xia Duo had gradually figured out the trial routine, but changes soon followed.

"King, the crown prince of the Northwestern Kingdom of Lys once again summoned us to question whether we are determined to expand, and asked us to immediately withdraw from the neutral zone that serves as a buffer between the two countries."

To quit or not to quit?

Shado thought thoughtfully, this so-called Kingdom of Northwest Lis must be the Kingdom of Akora that reflects this projection plane.

Originally, this large area was called the Listal Forest, but after Uviron was destroyed, the forest was divided into two parts. The smaller one was the Akora Kingdom, and the larger one was home to the Jelenstads. Waiting for the multiple forces that are now going to merge.

However, the name of the Listal Forest was inherited by the smaller forest.

When it comes to history, Akora was established hundreds of years earlier than Jelenstad. Apart from the Elf Court, it seems that the Kingdom of Akora is more representative of the Listal Forest.

For this reason, Akora is very resistant to the unification of Listal Forest. At least they believe that the unification should be done by them, rather than being attributed to a created Cormanthor.

From this, Xia Duo understood that his trial was about to reach the second stage.

Since King Oxensi predicted that the future King Cormanthor would unify the entire elf world, Listal Forest should be just a piece of cake for elves who want to pass the trial.

If we can't even unify Listal Forest, how can we unify the entire elf world?

Sha Duo didn't know how King Cormansomian of the main plane passed the test, but it was obvious that almost a thousand years had passed and Akora still existed.

Not to mention, there is Elfaran, separated from Netheril and Ellan in the west. This ancient country that survived the Crown War, although it is also a country of golden elves, they have always been hostile to Erevandar who harmed them. Have great hatred.

Cormanthor on the main plane is undoubtedly dominated by the golden elves, and it is also the hiding place for many remnants of Arivandar.

In fact, there are not a few hiding places like this. After all, Arivanda in its heyday almost unified the entire elven world.

Even Ilfarang, who survived the Crown War, was at that time in a state where the high-end forces were slaughtered and the low-level forces were enslaved.

However, the leader of Arivanda later became too ambitious and began to secretly clean up the high mages who threatened the rule of the empire. After the matter was exposed, he received backlash from nearly all high mages.

This is also the origin of the last Crown War.

In fact, there is another elf country in the main plane that is closer to Arivandar than Cormanthor, and that is Sluvend. However, this country had been defeated by Erlan long before Cormanthor was established, and was defeated by Erlan. became a vassal of the latter.

Ilfaran did not show much hostility towards Sluvende. On the one hand, Sluvende was basically no longer a threat. On the other hand, Comanso was too high-profile.

From this perspective, the crowned king of Cormanthor in the main plane not only failed to complete the unification of the Listal Forest, but also laid hidden dangers for the division of different ethnic groups within the elves.

At this stage of the trial, Shado really couldn't figure out how the Cormanthor crowned king of the main plane, Kefum Elisir, passed the trial!

Unifying the Ristar Forest is beneficial to Cormanthor. If it can really be done, it will not be done. There are only two possibilities now. Either the trials in the projection plane and the main plane are different, or the trials are different from reality. The gap is too big.

Even if they can be unified in the trial, they may not be able to do it in reality.

However, Cormanthor in the main plane has a tendency to follow the old path of Arivandar, "Great Elf Imperialism", and does not advocate harmony among all races. This is obviously very different from the trial that Shado is currently experiencing.

In the projection plane, although Arivanda has been falling apart for thousands of years, and the elves' impression of Arivanda has improved a lot, it is not so good that they have forgotten history.

Especially for high mages, they definitely don't want to live in such an empire.

Therefore, even though most of the superiors in Listal Forest are golden elves, and there may be a preference for golden elves, no one will mention the glory of Arivanda.

In earthly terms, this is called "politically incorrect".

So, what happened a thousand years after the establishment of the main plane Cormanthor to make it so different?

The only explanation is probably that the contents of the Divine Sword Trial in the main plane and the projection plane are different!

This may also explain why before Shado, Kefum Elisir in the projection plane failed and died.

Going back to the trial itself, if the first stage is to test whether the trialist has the basic ability to govern, then the second stage has reached the trial of the Unified Star Forest.

Direct conquest is the fastest way and can be defeated, but it is not the best way. Not to mention being directly sentenced to failure, at least it will leave a belligerent impression on the high mages.

I don’t know how many trials there will be in the future, what if this is the straw that breaks the camel’s back!

Moreover, doing this is not the style of a king, and it is actually not in line with Xia Duo's wishes.

In his hometown, there is an old saying that "the way of a king is to educate all directions." Xia Duo agrees with this sentence and is disgusted with unjust wars.

Therefore, for the second stage of the trial, he wanted to adopt a more royal approach, which was also a practical and successful case in his hometown.

After careful calculation, Xia Duo issued the latest order——

“The development in the northwest direction has been temporarily stopped, but there is no need to withdraw from the land already occupied by us;

“Secondly, entrust the Magic Academy to prepare a communication and transmission plan between the Kingdom of Tar and the Kingdom of Lis;

“Thirdly, the trade consultant took the lead and organized domestic business representatives to visit the Kingdom of Lys, focusing on recording its relatively scarce supplies;

“Once again, order the Second Theater of the Capital to step up the creation of works about the major decisions of the Elf Court in history, especially the highlight moment of the meeting between the countries of the Listal Forest and the resistance of the Drow 600 years ago, and the Akora representative;

"Finally, contact the Great Elder of the Elf Court for me and ask him to invite King Rismian's foreign affairs advisor to visit Taal in the name of the Elf Court."

After issuing a series of orders, Sha Duo stopped and thought for a moment before ending the round.

Then, the scene changed and a new round began.

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