Arcane Lord

Chapter 1019 Senior Arcanist and Elf Advantages

After the upgrade was completed, Xia Duo did not leave the spell laboratory, but continued to test the specific energy consumption of the 8th-level spell.

When casting spells with the help of magic web, all energy consumption is paid by the magic web. The caster does not need to think too much, but if it is a micro-magic web that uses its own arcane fire to cast spells, or pure arcane energy to cast spells, then it needs to be considered. .

Xia Duo has conducted relevant tests before, and the tests only go up to the 7th ring. As for the 8th ring or even higher, he has speculated, but there is no actual data to support it.

This time I did it by the way.

After slightly sensing his own arcane fire, Xia Duo discovered that, just like the previous upgrade processes, after sensing deeper levels of the magic network, the arcane fire automatically derived more complex structures.

When it is unfolded, the arcane fire, which could only be unfolded into a maximum of 7 layers of magic net, can now be unfolded to the eighth layer.

It's like the arcane fire combined with its own will automatically replicates the newly contacted level after its own will comes into contact with the deep magic network in the environment.

At the same time, the coverage area of ​​the Micro Magic Network has also suddenly increased compared with before the upgrade. If it did not rely on such a leaping growth during the upgrade, the coverage of the Micro Magic Network under normal circumstances could only increase slowly over time.

Then, Xia Duo used the unfolded micro-magic network as a tool and the arcane energy stored in the arcane fire as energy to start casting spells. From level 0 to level 8, the energy consumption gradually increased.

Level 0 aside, it can only slightly touch the surface of the magic network. When the energy consumption is low, it is almost negligible, and when it is high, it is very close to a level 1 spell.

But starting from the 1st ring, almost every ring level is upgraded, there will be an obvious step-like growth trend in energy consumption.

This is in line with ordinary people's simple intuitive understanding, and through many tests, Xia Duo has figured out the approximate energy consumption range of each level of spells.

If the true energy consumption of a level 1 spell is 1 arcana point, then——

2 rings is 2;

3 rings is 3;

4 rings is 5;

5 rings is 10;

6 rings is 20;

Level 7 consumes about 50~80 arcane energy;

Although mastering 8th-level spells means becoming a senior arcanist or archmage, in fact, the real energy consumption of 8th-level spells is between 100 and 200, which is not absolutely different from that of 7th-level spells.

Xia Duo tested multiple versions of the 8-level [Mage Armor]. If it was extremely simplified and only maintained at the 8-level level, the consumption of arcane energy would be at least 100.

And even if it is extremely complicated, it is difficult to break through 200.

This is very consistent with his previous speculation, and if based on this speculation, the real energy consumption of a 9-level spell is between 200 and 500.

As for the higher 10th level, which is the level of power mastered by the great arcanists, Xia Duo speculates that there will be a big improvement, at least twice as high as the 9th level.

As for the specific height, he could not speculate yet.

However, Shado had just returned from [The Birth of the Projection Plane Cormanso], and in that projection plane he obtained a large amount of elven magic information.

Therefore, he knew that the 10th ring was a rather special level and could almost be considered the end of magic.

In Netheril, there is a similar statement, and the consumption of this magic, which can be called the ultimate magic, is difficult to infer using common sense.

Perhaps like a 0-level spell, there is a basic consumption and an infinite consumption, but the consumption of a 0-level spell can be infinitely small, while the consumption of a 10-level spell may be infinite on a certain basis.

As for levels above 10, the elves are collectively called high magic, which is the power that only high-level wizards can master, up to 12 levels.

As for Netheril, Shado only knew that the level of the Tower of Time had reached level 11. As for the specific upper limits of other great arcanists, there was no record at all.

From this point of view, it seems that the elves are more advanced, but the achievement difficulty of the great arcanist and the high elf mage is completely different.

As long as an arcanist lives long enough, even a humble arcanist can eventually become a great arcanist, but an elven high mage needs to work day and night to sense the magic network and at the same time study the principles of magic.

Of course, since elven magic is largely passive spellcasting based on the automatic response of the magic network, elven mages may not be as good as human arcanists in terms of magic principles.

When Shado communicated with his high mage follower Elfich in the projection plane, Elfich mentioned more than once that almost none of the elven high mages were less than 300 years old.

If this were a human being, his bones would have melted when he was 300 years old!

And this may be the real reason why Netheril finally gave up on elven magic. The elves blocking magic knowledge may be only one aspect, and the slow upgrade speed is the key.

If human mages kept learning elf magic and had no additional means of extending their lifespan, it would be almost impossible for a high-level mage to emerge, and the human race would be suppressed by the elves for life after life and would not be able to stand up.

This is like a life-and-death battle between a strong person and a weak and sick person. Under normal circumstances, the strong person will always win an overwhelming victory.

Unless innate factors such as physique are not taken into consideration and the competition is purely about intelligence, then it is possible for those who are innately weak to win.

The Nese magic system exists like this. It almost excludes any innate factors. As long as you study hard, you can gain strength. Knowledge and wisdom are the ultimate magic weapons for victory.

Knowledge and wisdom are fair to all races. Any individual who wants to acquire knowledge and wisdom needs to accumulate time, and the time required for this accumulation is just within the tolerance of humans.

Of course, elves can also learn Nether magic, but the tradition of tens of thousands of years cannot be broken so easily!

However, when elves give up tradition and start learning like humans, the elves at that time are undoubtedly extremely terrifying.

Although Shaduo regards elves as future opponents in his heart, he does not want to meet such elves. There is no other reason, it is really too great for the race advantage!

Although elves are officially considered adults at the age of 100, in fact, elves are sexually mature at around 25 years old. As long as they are willing to train their minds, they can also mature quickly.

It’s just that in a long-lived society like the elves, people before the age of 100 will be regarded as children, so the elves who grow up like that will naturally be immature.

Even humans have similar phenomena. A society with an expected life expectancy of 80 years and a society with an expected life expectancy of 40 years are completely different.

The latter may need to breed the next generation and bear the responsibility of life at the age of 14 or 15, while the former may still be a child in their 20s.

Once the elves learn from humans, they can give birth at the age of 25, and then give birth every 25 years. As for education, they are completely the same as humans.

Such elves are almost the long-lived version of humans, and the more they grow, the greater their potential and the faster they develop. How can short-lived species be their opponents?

Therefore, Xia Duo sincerely thanked the traditional power of the elves. Because of this, the main plane was not completely occupied by the elves, and there were humans, and there was room for him to play.

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