Arcane Lord

Chapter 1021 Anti-magic field, level 5 member benefits

Then an invisible field filled the area within a foot or so of Sha Duo's body, and within the scope covered by the field, the magic network almost stopped flowing.

Then, Xia Duo took a few steps in the reception room. As his footsteps moved, the invisible field would also move with him.

Even when Xia Duo is close to the three archmages, the magic aura of the three archmages will dim.

Such changes made the three great mages immediately nervous. They saw that the spells cast by Sha Duo were not just to hide the aura around him, but to suppress magic.

When Sha Duo approached them, all the magic items and resident spells on them were ineffective. Such an almost naked experience made them feel uncomfortable.

"Lord Xia Duo, you can put away the spell. I am sure this is an 8th-level spell!"

Xia Duo cast the spell for no other reason than to show it off. Now that it had been approved, there was no need to continue. He canceled the spell as he was told.

At this time, Brundes and the others suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, with a trace of fear flashing in their eyes, and then praised with a somewhat stiff expression:

"Lord Xia Duo, I didn't expect you to turn the calm field in the magic laboratory into your own field. This is really——"

It was so terrifying that Brundes could almost imagine that if the Shadow Assassin had this ability, then even the Grand Arcanist would probably have one eye open when sleeping.

"It's nothing, just a little trick." Xia Duo said modestly.

For him, such spells are really nothing. He has been interested in spells to calm the field a long time ago, and later obtained a lot of information in [Projection Plane·Arcane Empire].

There is even considerable research on instantaneous [dispelling magic]. It is a natural step to be able to create such a new spell that can exist for a long time and is close to its own field.

The only difficulty with this spell is not the spell itself. In fact, the spell itself is not very difficult. Sha Duo believes that even Brundes in front of him can cast a similar spell.

But the key is to be able to exist for a long time and be close to its own field.

Once such a spell exists, it is simply the nemesis of spellcasters. Not only is it immune to most change spells, it is also immune to most creation spells, and it also has a good resistance to psychic spells.

It may not be enough to use such a spell to confront the caster head-on, but if it is used for a sneak attack, it is quite effective.

The mage's body is quite fragile. Without the protection of various magic items and permanent spells, even an ordinary person may kill an archmage with his bare hands.

If it were someone who was proficient in killing, it would be more efficient.

Sha Duo once imagined such a scene in his mind - his enemy had just come out of a meeting of the Austrian Law Federation. He was waiting at the door, and when he was not paying attention, he killed him with a single blow.

In particular, he can first shrink the field to be close to his own skin, wait until he is close to the target, and then suddenly enlarge it. As long as the target's magic protection is suppressed, he can deal with it at will.

This approach is simply impossible to prevent.

The only thing to worry about is the arcanist. Although this spell may also be effective on the micro-magic nets deployed by the arcane fire, Shado has not yet tested it in practice, but he speculates that the effect should be very limited.

This means that although the affected arcanist can no longer cast spells with the help of external magic nets, he can still rely on his own arcane fire to develop micro-magic nets to resist.

However, everything will never be perfect. Xia Duo is already very satisfied with the current results.

Moreover, this is only a temporary creation based on his past accumulation. If he improves it in the future, he may not be able to make a decisive breakthrough.

Spell casting verification does not require handing over the mastered spell, it just determines whether it is an 8th-level spell. After Shaduo finished casting the spell, it was naturally confirmed.

As for the identification of level 5 members of the Austrian Law Federation, there are still some procedures to go through in the follow-up, but those are all side effects.

As a director, Brundes knew this very well. After the Secret Deacon finished recording, and after he and the Justice Deacon left magic marks on the relevant documents, they directly expressed their congratulations to Shado:

"Lord Shado, congratulations on becoming a level 5 member of the Federation. The Federation attaches great importance to every level 5 member.

"In addition to higher library reading permissions, additional mithril purchase shares, and [Nesecolor Scroll] reading times, level 5 members also have the right to upgrade the local mages' guild to a branch of the Arcane Federation. All expenses are borne by the headquarters. expenditure."

Xia Duo nodded. It is inevitable that the library's reading rights will be improved. Otherwise, who would upgrade the membership level?

The extra Mithril purchase share is understandable. After all, they are all at least Archmage level characters. They should consume a lot of Mithril. If the allocation through the Mage Tower is not enough, then upgrade the membership level.

However, the additional number of readings of [Nese Scroll] is very rare.

However, it is not difficult for a senior arcanist to read the [Scroll of Resistance]. In addition to the number of readings per year, he can also ask a great arcanist for recommendations.

Putting others aside, if you go to Congenio, such a request will almost 100% be fulfilled. If you are lucky, you may even be gifted a set of iron stone magic equipment!

Of course, for Xia Duo, the reason why he was able to read the [Scroll of Resistance] as a former pioneer was because the pioneers in the past were at least archmages, and archmages had reading permissions.

So there was a bit of confusion, it was a loophole, or it was an extra benefit given by the princess to the pioneers.

Now that he has become a senior arcanist, there will be no additional reading times. It will still be once a year like the pioneers did in the past.

The Arcane Federation can use the Nese Scroll's reading authority to win over level 5 members, which can be regarded as quite sincere. After all, if Xia Duo's own reading times are not enough and he wants to find someone to recommend, even if others are willing to give it, that is It's a favor.

It's very good now. He can get it with peace of mind by getting it in this way.

As for promoting the local mages guild to become a branch of the Arcane Federation, the Severington headquarters is actually allocating money and materials to invest in local magic education.

This is generally a good thing, but everything has two sides. If the Austrian-French Federation's influence in the local area increases, it will also lead to the loss of local talents.

For now, Xia Duo still needs to think about it again.

Moreover, Daxia Territory is still under development and is not considered a normal territory. If you want to improve it, you can only upgrade the Mages Guild of Savile Territory first. This requires communicating with Niya in advance.

It was impossible to make a unilateral decision without her knowing anything about it.

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