Arcane Lord

Chapter 1025 Return to Heaven and Enter the Kingdom of God

Looking around, Xia Duo noticed that the location he appeared this time was obviously different from the last time he came here. He did not appear in the wilderness again, but next to a familiar farmhouse.

Two young men dressed as Nese farmers were taking a nap on the deck chair at the door. At this moment, they seemed to sense someone approaching and opened their eyes almost at the same time.

When he saw who it was, one of the young men immediately went down again, and the other stood up and said politely to Xia Duo:

"Hello, traveler, we meet again, welcome to the home of our four brothers!"

"Hello there!"

Xia Duo looked at the young man in front of him carefully, as if he wanted to find similarities between him and the four young people in his memory, but he remembered very clearly that the people in front of him were not the four reincarnated people in his memory. Any of them!

However, the attitude of the young man who was still lying on the recliner was almost exactly the same as the strong reincarnation in his memory, both of which were very unpleasant.

Moreover, this farmhouse, as well as the mill, stables, and farmland around the farmhouse, are also very similar to those in his memory.

Not to mention, the person in front of me directly said the words "see you again".

Therefore, Xia Duo had to admit that this pastoral area was probably the same one he saw when he came here last time.

I just don’t know why, but many details including the people have changed.

Thinking of this, Xia Duo couldn't help but ask: "How many days have it been since I last left?"

"Traveler, why do you ask this? Didn't you just leave yesterday?" The young man asked with a strange look on his face, "Didn't you come to stay with us temporarily because you didn't find the Kingdom of Glory?"

Hearing such an answer, Sha Duo immediately realized that these suspected reincarnations should be different from normal humans. Even if the time flow rate of the outer plane is not considered, they have become something else. Is it still yesterday?

However, Chateau also suspected that this pastoral area might have some connection with himself.

Only when he comes here will these reincarnated people have normal human wisdom and be aware of the flow of time, otherwise they will still be in their original robot-like state of ignorance.

This guess is difficult to verify, because Xia Duo could not find another main plane observer to stay here to observe for him, but he came here twice when he entered the outer plane. To a certain extent, at least it shows This is no coincidence.

Otherwise, the outer plane is so big, why doesn't he go to other places but come here.

And the most important thing is that this time he entered the outer plane on his own initiative, and through a scene that occasionally flashed through the mysterious space around his soul.

The scenes that flashed in the mysterious space were somewhat similar to here, but not exactly the same. If they were exactly the same, Xia Duo wouldn't have to guess. There was definitely a connection.

Next, Xia Duo didn't stay in this pastoral area for long. He just walked around and found nothing special, so he left quickly.

Although the princess is currently out of contact, the relevant teachings of the "God of Development and Protection" are quite complete.

Half a month ago, the Alfa Federation was entrusted by Severton to send out notices to all parts of Netheril, inviting new priests to attend training in Severington.

After that, only two days later, when Sha Duo was still considering whether to send a few new priests over for training, the Arcane Federation had already passed on the teachings of the "God of Development and Protection".

Therefore, Shado gave up the idea of ​​sending anyone, and instead transferred the teachings to Leiden, so that he could have a further "law" to follow when instructing the new priests in the territory.

Xia Duo has also read those teachings, and he doesn't know whether they were determined before the princess ascended to the gods, or whether they were discussed by Severington afterward. There are contents that explain the concept of the new gods, but they are more like a "Pioneering and Protecting" "code.

This includes various regulations in the entire process from obtaining pioneer status, to specific pioneering, to becoming an official lord.

As for the protection, it is clear that what is protected is the private property of all Nese people, including land, money, rights and personal attachments, rather than the existence of concepts such as faith and justice.

And this is the main reason why Chateau believes that this teaching is more like a code of law.

Speaking of which, his familiarity with the teachings of the "God of Development and Protection" may be among the best in the entire Netheril.

No one else, because many of the contents of these teachings came from his "Daxia Territory Standard Development Manual", and they were not even modified, and the original words were used directly.

At this moment, Xia Duo is walking in the boundless wilderness of the outer plane, stepping on shallow or deep weeds under his feet, softly reciting the teachings in his mouth, and his heart is constantly conforming to this kind of development and protection that he himself identifies with. idea.

Unlike the last time he went to the Kingdom of Glory, which took a long time, this time he only walked for less than half a day. The vast wilderness that was supposed to have only weeds and lone trees quickly changed.

Pieces of farmhouses and farmland similar to the previous homes of the four brothers appeared in front of Xia Duo. Looking from a distance, there were many people in the fields, and it seemed that many people were working outdoors.

When he got closer, at the gradual boundary between this home area and the boundless wilderness, Sha Duo clearly sensed the princess's divine aura.

It was no different from what he felt during the celebration of the ascension ceremony.

However, what is here is not the divine power itself, but only the influence and radiation of the divine power on the outside world. If you feel it carefully, you can even experience a familiar power of order, as well as the concept of development and protection.

The Kingdom of Glory also has similar characteristics, allowing people to distinguish the essence of the Kingdom of God at a glance.

But compared to the agility of the power of order here, the power of order contained in the divine aura of the Kingdom of Glory is very mechanical, without any emotions or ideas at all.

In Xia Duo's view, to a certain extent, the Lord of Glory is more like a god than this "god of development and protection".

In fact, it is difficult for him to regard the princess as a supreme being, even though the princess at this moment is likely to have supreme power relative to him.

The ascension of mortals to gods has indeed lowered the "powerfulness" of gods.

Suppressing some bad thoughts, Xia Duo quickly walked into the princess's kingdom. He had not forgotten the purpose of his trip.

It is to contact the princess and exert influence on the main plane.

As for the rest, if he can gain the ability to return directly from the outer plane to the main plane the next time his bloodline awakens, then he will come back to the outer plane more often in the future. He will have enough time to do whatever he wants to do. thing.

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