Arcane Lord

Chapter 1028 Return to the main plane

Regarding Sha Duo's question about returning to the main plane, Byron did not answer immediately. Instead, he looked at the Kaffa Divine Envoy. Even if he did not consider the situation in the Kingdom of Shia, he must seek to return to the main plane. Kaffa's help.

Byron didn't know how Xia Duo came to the outer plane, and how he returned last time, but he couldn't return by himself.

"Kaffa Divine Envoy, to me, worldly affairs are as important as heavenly affairs. Now that the Elf Divine Envoy has retreated, if possible, can you please ask Kaffa Divine Envoy to send us back to the mortal world?"


The envoy of Kaffa gave an affirmative answer, and then said, "But it cannot be done here. You need to go to the square outside. In addition, he and you cannot leave at the same time."

The "he" mentioned by the Kaffa Divine Envoy refers to Xia Duo, but as the person involved, Xia Duo did not feel that it was the Kaffa Divine Envoy who was making things difficult for him because of the last incident.

If he had the intention to make things difficult, he wouldn't have sent someone to send him back to the main plane last time.

In fact, Xia Duo had already guessed the real reason. He was different from Byron. He came here as a soul, and the outer body was just a disguise and a kind of protection.

Byron's real body left the main plane and came here.

The Envoy of Kaffa can be sent by the Lord of Glory to protect the new god. His strength is undoubtedly strong. It is reasonable to be able to see the difference between Shado and Byron.

Byron also had some guesses about this, but since the matter involved secrets from three parties, he did not go into details. Anyway, as long as he could return to the main plane.

Soon, the two of them came to the square outside Nese Palace together.

Xia Duo was not sure whether it was due to etiquette or the real difference between the inside and outside of Nese Palace, which prevented the Kaffa Divine Envoy from taking action in the reception room just now.

But when he came to the square, Kaffa seemed to be no longer restricted. He took off the code from his waist, and under a silent command, a portal composed entirely of light appeared in front of Byron.

"Arrogant Byron, walk through the Gate of Light and you will be able to return to where you came from."

"Thank you for your help!"

With that said, Byron strode towards the Gate of Light, as if he couldn't wait to return to the main plane.

In Sha Duo's eyes, as soon as Master Byron's body came into contact with the light on the door, his whole body instantly turned into a beam of light and merged into the door of light.

Then the door of light gradually shrank, from the shape of a door to the shape of a point of light, almost instantly, and finally even the point of light disappeared into the air.

Just when Xia Duo was waiting for the Kaffa Divine Envoy to send him back, the Kaffa Divine Envoy did not act immediately. Instead, he said one more thing, "You are not an ordinary mortal!"

"Not an ordinary mortal?"

Xia Duo was about to ask, but all he saw was the other person's broad palm and a bright light bursting out of it. He subconsciously wanted to dodge, but he couldn't dodge it.

In an instant, he once again experienced the feeling of returning to the main plane last time, as if he was pushed into an inexplicable void, and then his body (consciousness) kept falling.

The light above the head also became farther and farther, until it was submerged by all the darkness.

Immediately afterwards, Xia Duo woke up suddenly like a drowning person. He sat up from the bed and took a big breath. Even if he had such an experience once, it was not a wonderful experience.

But fortunately, we returned safely!

Then, without bothering to check the current time, he immediately sent a magic message to Master Byron, asking: "Master, have you returned to the main plane?"

Almost at the same time that Shado sent the message, Master Byron gave a reply:

"I just came back in the afternoon and everything is normal."


Only then did Sha Duo notice that the time at this moment was exactly between midnight and early morning, and the time for him to go to the demiplane was actually in the afternoon.

In other words, if the time in the main plane is exactly the same as that in the outer plane, then Master Byron will come back as soon as he arrives in the outer plane.

But he himself spent half a day longer.

what is this?

Is the time difference caused by different return methods, or is the return time difference amplified during the return process?

Chateau was puzzled, but now was not the time to dwell on these issues. He noticed "everything is normal" in Byron's reply.

Does it mean that everything is normal during the return process? Would you also say that Sevington has now returned to normal?

But before he could continue to ask, Master Byron's message arrived first, "I heard from the Arcane Federation that you have become a senior arcanist and have taken another step forward on the path of magic. I am very much looking forward to your becoming a... I will also attend the welcome night dinner of the Austrian Law Association, and we will talk about it then.”

Let’s talk again then?

Since Master Byron has said so, Xia Duo will naturally not disturb him anymore, but he can also roughly guess that Master Byron returned to the main plane in the afternoon and has not rested until so late. He should have been busy until Now.

And from Master Byron's tone, it seems that he will be busy from now until the Oriental Union's welcome night dinner.

"It seems that everything he just said is normal, and maybe there are some things he didn't mean." Xia Duo thought carefully in his mind.

After all, Chaos is also a great arcanist. If the opponent is determined to take over, Master Byron will probably be difficult to deal with.

The so-called Seven Towers decision does have a very strong binding force, but when a great arcanist is determined not to abide by the rules of the game, he may have to resort to force.

Thinking of this, Shado couldn't help but frowned. If that happened, it would be a disaster rather than a blessing for Netheril!

For a moment, he wanted to go to Severton immediately to find out what was going on, but his reason told him that it was definitely not a wise move to go there now.

Even if, as Byron said, "everything is normal," he would inevitably be considered to be in bad shape if he hurried over in such a hurry.

As a senior arcanist, you still need to keep calm!

"Hey, I seem to have forgotten something?"

Although he had just gone through a trip to the outer plane and it was late at night, Sha Duo was not sleepy at all. He suddenly thought - where is Niya?

You must know that the room he is in now is not the room assigned by the Tower of Time when he first became an official mage, but the bedroom that Niya used before inheriting the Tower of Time.

Of course, the same goes for inheriting the Tower of Time.

But later Xia Duo also moved in, and this bedroom was actually their wedding room.

Sha Duo tried to enter the outer plane here, also thinking that if there was an accident and he couldn't come back in a short time, Niya could take care of his body.

But now, what about Nia?

Recalling that Niya had previously considered going to Severton alone, Sha Duo suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

But when I just contacted Master Byron, the other party didn't mention Niya. Maybe Niya didn't go to Severton, but she was so obsessed with research that she forgot to sleep.

Moreover, Xia Duo didn't believe that Niya would choose to leave when he was "in a coma". Thinking of this, he suddenly felt much more relaxed.

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