Arcane Lord

Chapter 1039

Of course, Shado did not want to dismantle the statue to make physical code materials. In fact, he suspected that this Saruk witch statue was made of living Saruk witch petrified.

After all, ordinary statues only look similar in appearance, but this statue is not only lifelike and imposing in appearance, but also has countless complex structures inside.

For example, muscle texture, tissue organs, bones and blood vessels, although they are made of the same black stone similar to obsidian, people can easily distinguish the differences.

If this is just a statue, is it necessary to make it so complicated?

As long as the appearance is in place and the magic effects are available, what the inside looks like is not important at all.

With Shado's current magic level, it is not difficult to see that the fine structure inside is not set up to achieve a specific magic effect. In his opinion, these internal structures are very redundant.

So it is not difficult to associate these statues with the possibility that these statues are made of living Saruk witch petrified. Only in this way can the fine structures inside the statues be realized more easily without additional measures.

Although Shado was not going to dismantle this kind of statue to make a codex material, the petrification magic on the statue was the main target he needed to learn from this time.

At present, the mainstream petrification spell of Netheril can only perform some relatively superficial transformations within the earth element field, such as transforming loose mud into solid stone.

Even the transformation of metal into stone is very rare, not to mention the transformation of flesh and blood into stone. Shado has only seen descriptions of petrification magic from some great wizards' travel notes.

Of course, since there are real cases (such as petrified lizards), there must be related spells.

It's just that these spells involving the essence of the [element-matter] relationship are not so easy for Shado to obtain.

Even the Tower of Time only has some [mud-stone] transformation spell information, and there is no deeper one.

However, he found a more in-depth petrification magic in the earth element field from the Saruk witch statue. This magic can transform human flesh and blood, even close-fitting leather armor and short blades, into stone.

This point has been personally verified by Jabas and his adopted son Pok, who discovered the ancient Saruk witch snake ruins in the territory.

In addition, the petrification magic on the Saruk witch snake statue has a high efficiency that ordinary petrification spells do not have!

General petrification spells, such as [Turn Mud into Stone], can transform ordinary mud into stone, but this transformation is incomplete.

Not only will it leave obvious magical aura residue, but it can even easily reverse this process by suppressing the magic net, turning the stone back into mud.

If you want to completely transform, you can basically only rely on time to slowly wear it out, and this process takes about one or two years!

Imagine if Xia Duo used such a spell to make a code stone pillar or stone tablet, if someone cast a spell from the side and interfered with the stability of the petrification magic, causing the code to collapse, it would be too funny.

The high efficiency of the petrification magic on the Saruk witch snake statue is reflected here. It only takes a week at most to completely transform and completely turn into real stone.

If Jabas and Poker had not been rescued in time and delayed for more than ten days, they would never be able to change back. Even if they could find some flesh-and-blood spell to restore them in the future, those body tissues would not be the original version.

Of course, it is more likely that they could not hold on for more than ten days. The connection between the petrified part and the flesh-and-blood part was transmitting severe pain all the time. Perhaps they would die of pain after only three or five days.

After re-examining the obsidian-like stone properties of the Saruk witch statue and confirming that it was no different from what he remembered, Shado took some samples for the permanence test.

What the Ion Stone brought to Shado was not just three pieces of magic equipment and three relatively rare transformation spells, but also all kinds of ingenuity behind the production method.

In the past, Shado always believed that magic items made by magic permanence were easily disturbed by the outside world, and even their service life would be greatly reduced.

But now, he no longer thinks so, especially after the [Projection Plane·The Birth of Comanso]. Many magic items from the elves are difficult to adapt to the form of mithril components in terms of their shapes in order to pursue the so-called artistry. Therefore, many magic items are made through the method of magic constancy.

Of course, this is also a form of art in elven culture, and even a higher form. After all, magic is a high art.

The more difficult it is, the more it shows that the artistic attainments are superb!

Compared with mithril component magic items, magic constancy magic items have a higher production threshold, but the performance stability of real high-end products is not inferior to mithril component types.

There are many such magic items in the knowledge of high-level mages in [Sword of Domination], and in Netheril, Ion Stone is an outstanding example of magic constancy magic items.

The physical Daxia Codex is prepared to be placed in the territory for a long time, and it is also required to be a magic item, so choosing the easy-to-maintain magic constancy type is almost a must.

If you choose the mithril component type, due to the existence of element transmutation, the mithril components will definitely deteriorate over time. Once they deteriorate to a certain extent and affect the flow of elemental energy in the magic circuit, the magic item will be considered broken.

And because mithril components often need to be encapsulated, maintaining them is almost as much as making a new one.

If you choose the magic constant type, it will be much simpler. Although the threshold for production and maintenance is high, the high threshold does not mean that the process is complicated and time-consuming.

Since magic is constant, only spell casting is required, and no additional consumables or equipment are required.

For Xia Duo, it is more trouble-free.

As for the permanent magic technology developed by Tilak, although Sha Duo attached great importance to it, strictly speaking, he only valued the cost reduction brought by this technology, and he did not attach much importance to the technology itself.

Basically, this is a reduced version production plan that takes into account the characteristics of mithril component type and magic constant type. Apart from lower cost, there are almost no other advantages.

Of course, in many cases, the best product may not be the best-selling product, nor may it be the most profitable product.

However, the physical Bactrian Code erected in the territory is not a commodity that can be sold, but as a symbol of the territory's laws and a symbol of the lord's authority, so naturally it must be as good as possible.

To this end, Xia Duo is willing to make more attempts.

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