Arcane Lord

Chapter 1086: Evacuate and share the spoils, what a wizard

Furthermore, the existence of this burning man is not meaningless. Isn't this a ready-made example of a failed immortality ritual?

In today's era, all spellcasters who can perform immortality rituals have a profound background. Even if they fail, it will not be Sha Duo's turn to study them.

Although he is not interested in the immortality ritual of transforming himself into a non-human being now, who can guarantee this in the future?

Perhaps we can work out an improved version that will transform gradually and have no impact on self-awareness!

If you take advantage of it first, it won't be a loss.

However, the existence of Pyro Man was indeed something Sha Duo had not thought of before. He was no longer sure whether Rodit and others could continue to keep the secret.

After all, the burning man is likely to be involved in the immortality ritual. Even if the immortality ritual is not involved, the status of the burning man itself is very worthy of study.

This is even more true for the Kiran Tower where Rodit is located.

Who knows if this is the beginning of a new fire elemental bloodline!

All the way out, Shado kept thinking about whether to inform Greta about the situation here, but thinking that the princess had ascended to the gods and the incarnation was about to leave, Greta's identity in Giles Tower would be somewhat embarrassing.

If someone from Kiran Tower comes forward to seize this ruins, Greta personally can't really say anything. The most she can do is consume the favor left by the princess or the intimidation of the New God.

But in this case, is it worth it?

What price do you have to pay to let Greta make such a sacrifice?

Perhaps if you still want this ruins at that time, you will have to choose to join the Kiran Tower. However, there is still a big difference between the Seven Towers camp and joining the Kiran Tower for a person with far-reaching ambitions like Sha Duo.

A mere demi-plane experiment accident relic is not worth Xia Duo's actions.

After thinking about it all the way, Sha Duo quickly left the mage tower, and then continued through the portal provided by Rodit and came to the forest outside the ruins.

According to the previous agreement or the general exploration process, even if the exploration is over here, it is time to divide the accounts.

Xia Duo put out the bookshelves and supplies he had collected from the mage tower, along with a large amount of gravel, filling the forest glade where the six of them were filled with decay.

"Master Rodit, these are all the harvests. You can count them first. The materials will be divided here. Books, manuscripts, notes, etc., I will bring them back to the Watchtower first. You can send someone or go to the Watchtower yourself to copy them."

Rodit glanced at the harvest on the ground, looked at each other with Abner, and then said: "If it weren't for Lord Shado this time, we wouldn't have these harvests. The supplies will all belong to Lord Shado. As for these books, ——”

Having said this, Rodit paused and said, "These books may contain some ingenious ideas of ancient mages that are not out of date yet. This is also the main purpose of our exploration. Let's share them as agreed. We will need them later." Sorry to bother Lord Shado."

"Since we have made an agreement, let's follow it!"

Xia Duo did not accept half of the supplies that Rodit deliberately gave up. Although it was calculated to be worth tens of thousands, failure to abide by the agreement would leave hidden dangers.

Who knows if Rodit said this on purpose to induce him to abandon the agreement, and then turn around and leak the existence of the ruins and the Burning Man.

Although the agreement between spellcasters is rarely witnessed by the Lord of Glory, and many times no written contract text is even left, there are only a few who play with the contract, and it is not popular to directly violate the contract, but to find loopholes.

This is essentially a game of wits. Violating a contract can lead to loss of social reputation and direct anger from the other party, but using loopholes can win applause.

Even if the other party to the contract is angry, it is difficult for him to express his anger directly. He is more likely to regret that he did not think carefully.

Although the agreement between Sha Duo and Rodit was a simple verbal agreement, due to its simplicity, there were some loopholes that were not easy to exploit.

On the way to evacuate the ruins, Sha Duo had been thinking about how Rodit and others would breach the contract, so when he heard Rodit say that he would give up his half of the harvest, Sha Duo was particularly sensitive.

Perhaps Rodit could give up on his own, but Xia Duo couldn't ask for it, otherwise there would be a risk of giving up on the agreement on his own.

As for bringing the books back to the Watchtower, the original agreement did not mention how to share the knowledge gains, so as long as Shado did not refuse Rodit to copy them, it was not a breach of contract.

Even if he does something in the middle, it won't be considered a breach of contract, but if he wants to delay time, it will be a direct breach of contract.

The simpler the agreement, the freer it is for both parties, and the less likely it is for "secret operations" to occur.

For Rodit, even if he asked for on-site transcription, Xia Duo could not refuse. After all, the sharing of knowledge was part of the agreement.

However, Rodit did not copy it on the spot. Instead, he and Abner began to count all the books, manuscripts, notes and other harvests.

As for the remaining three people, under the leadership of Wei Ji, they counted the supplies that Sha Duo brought out from the mage tower warehouse.

It is very easy to count ordinary materials. Just calculate them according to the approximate market price. It is more troublesome to count the knowledge harvest.

If nothing else, at least write down the quantity and title of the book, or be more careful and write down some specific passages in the book to prevent Xia Duo from taking it back to revise or change the package.

Although Xia Duo may not necessarily do this, when the agreement is not specific and there are no contractual constraints, it is natural to give full play to the freedom of both parties to the contract.

Seeing that the other five people were busy working, Xia Duo didn't want to wait, so he rummaged through the books that Rodit and Abner had checked.

Shado had too many doubts about this mage tower, "Hildalanna", and the burning man. During the rummaging process, he first excluded the well-made original elf books, but Specially selected books on Nese native parchment with not very exquisite binding.

"Nese Scroll Record·02", the name is very straightforward, but Xia Duo doesn't see it like this now.

"The Advantages and Disadvantages of Elf Magic" and "Advanced Application of Levitation", these were all very interesting to Xia Duo, but they didn't seem to have much to do with this mage tower, so he could only continue to skip them.

In this way, after flipping through more than twenty books without finding anything directly related to the Mage Tower, Sha Duo began to re-examine the contents of these books.

Simply turn over the pages one by one, and then use memory retrieval to achieve fast reading in consciousness. Of course, if you only do this once, you will still miss a lot of information, and it may not be much faster than direct reading.

But if the time is extended, the efficiency of memory tracing can be revealed.

After flipping through all the books that had been counted, Xia Duo stepped aside and meditated, with countless words circling and shuttling in his mind.

Finally, he found several names that appeared frequently, including "Hildalanna"!

It’s really an elf!

And she is also the aunt of the owner of this mage tower!

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