Arcane Lord

Chapter 1102 Return to the Southern Territory and sort out memories

Thanks to a special blessing spell in the secret room, after Xia Duo calmed down, he soon entered a state of tireless, non-hungry, non-thirsty, and non-sleeping concentration, until -

"Respected Level 5 member of the Arcane Union, Mr. Xia Duo, your reading time has ended. Please put the Nether Scroll back to its original position and exit in time."

"So fast?!"

Three days passed unknowingly. In fact, if it weren't for the reminder of the tower spirit, Xia Duo felt that he could fight for another three days.

However, after the tower spirit reminded him, he had noticed that the magic net strings around him were countless times denser than in normal environments, and some unknown trend of change appeared faintly.

It's time to leave!

And he also understood after having experienced it once. Although he didn't feel hungry, thirsty, or tired in the secret room now, he would feel better after he went out!

Following the instructions, Xia Duo put the golden page back to its original position. A trace of reluctance flashed in his eyes, but then his eyes blurred and he appeared in the library, standing at the door of the secret room, just like when he came in three days ago.

At this moment, a deep sense of fatigue came over me, and at the same time, my head was a little dizzy and nauseous.

However, for a spellcaster, physical or mental conditions do not directly affect spellcasting. Compared to the last time when he was almost unable to cast spells after reading, his condition this time was relatively normal and he could still cast spells normally.

Therefore, there was no need to stay in the Union of Arcane Law for one night this time.

After coming out of the library, Xia Duo casually took out a bottle of elven fruit wine from the dimension bag, drank a few sips, and went to the teleportation room.

After a short teleportation, he returned to the Tower of Time.

As for the registration of the patent for "Eternal Magic", he didn't need to worry about it. When he was in Congenio's study, he had asked Iollum to handle it for him.

And Iollum had promised to complete the registration for Xia Duo before the patent application publicity system appeared to avoid complications.


Tower of Time, Niya's study.

Xiaduo and Niya sat opposite each other under the projection window, with a waist-high tea table in the middle. On the table, there was a cup of steaming Bonu tea in front of each of them.

"This is what happened. In short, I can now call myself a student of Lord Iollum. I believe this news will appear in the monthly magazine of the Austrian Federation this month."

"You really are——"

Niya looked at Xiaduo in surprise. She always felt that this matter was a little incredible, but the fact was that she had to accept it.

But then she thought of a question, so she hurriedly asked: "What are your plans next? Are you going to stay in the South or go to Seventon?"

"Of course I'm going to stay in the South!"

Xiaduo noticed some nervousness in Niya's eyes. It was not until he said that he was going to stay in the South that Niya seemed to be relieved, and Xiaduo's heart couldn't help but warm.

So he leaned forward a little, stretched out his hand on the table and held Niya's hand, and said softly:

"My student status is just a temporary means of shelter given by Lord Iollum. Even if it is true, the South Territory is still my home, and you are still my wife."

Hearing the last sentence, Niya felt her cheeks burning hot, and her heart was beating fast. At this moment, she almost dared not look directly into Xia Duo's eyes.

She just lowered her head and murmured, "It's night, it's time to rest!"

Seeing this, Xia Duo laughed immediately. It was rare to see Niya so proactive. Naturally, he would not be unromantic. He held her and teleported back to the bedroom amid Niya's exclamation.

As for the original plan to sort out the contents related to the Naise scroll, he had already thrown it behind his mind. Anyway, he could trace back his memory, and it didn't matter if it was earlier or later.


No words were spoken all night.

The next day, when Xia Duo woke up, Niya was no longer around. Looking at the time again, it was already afternoon.

However, the sun cannot be seen inside the Tower of Time, and once the light is turned on, it remains constant, so it doesn't matter whether it is afternoon or not.

I had read the Naishe scroll for three days before, and then I was active for a night. I should rest for a while. Thinking back to the details of last night, Xia Duo couldn't help but smile.

As usual, he finished the meditation training first, and then slowly started the procedure of getting up.


Daxia Territory, Lord's Villa, Study.

Xia Duo occasionally flipped through various documents generated in the territory during his absence, including the minutes of the routine meetings of the heads of various departments, the daily administrative records of various departments, and the records of the newly established public security office and the supervision team, etc.

It was still winter when he left. Although the weather is starting to warm up now, it is not yet early spring, and the land outside that has been frozen for a whole winter has not thawed yet.

Without the main task of development, the territory is actually quite idle during this period. Of course, there are still many things to do.

But compared to the pioneering period, most of the things that happened in winter were trivial matters, such as gossip or fights among the people.

These records were not uncommon in Gibb's sheriff's log, and they appeared frequently. He was really idle.

One of them was that two people quarreled in the literacy class for the most words they knew. The class was taught by a clerk under Leighton, who lacked prestige, and finally the two people even fought.

Of course, the final result of that incident was that the two people who disturbed the public order were each whipped 10 times, and the clerk was also deducted 1 small merit.

And since that incident, every time there is a gathering where people gather, Gibb will send security guards to maintain order.

When various other incidents occur, officials in the territory can quickly find the corresponding responsible person or key elements, and promptly handle the incident in compliance with territorial regulations.

When the official code is promulgated, territorial officials will be even more comfortable in the administrative law enforcement process.

While Shado was flipping through the documents of the territory, in his consciousness, the communication process with the two great arcanists Congenio and Iolum not long ago, as well as part of the third volume of the Nese Scroll, were also in his mind. Keep reappearing.

The information that should be attributed to common sense and passive aspects was quickly assimilated by Xia Duo, accepting what should be accepted and discarding what should be discarded, and transformed, or updated into, evolved a brand new three-view cognition.

Those specific and clear knowledge were separated and sorted out by him separately, and turned into specific plans to be verified and processed. After the verification and processing were completed, they were included in the knowledge system of self-awareness.

The former, as well as the first half of the latter, were completed after Xia Duo completed the process of tracing and sorting out his memories over the past few days.

There are only some new plans, and it will take some time to actually verify and process them.

And since most of these new plans are related to the plane field, they can actually be regarded as updated versions of previous related plans.

Of course, the new content involving the updating and evolution of the three views of cognition will also lead to some fine-tuning of some previous plans.

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