Arcane Lord

Chapter 1104 Thought transformation, advanced methodology

"In addition, there is another thing you need to pay attention to. There are nearly ten thousand people in Daxia Territory today. As the territorial consul, you need to appear in various formal occasions. It is somewhat inappropriate to wear this old leather armor.

"You can go back to Saville through the Tower of Time in the next few days. I will ask Mayor Thain to arrange for someone to tailor your clothes and customize several sets of dresses suitable for formal occasions."

After Sha Duo finished speaking, Leiden suddenly said "Ah", then looked up and down at his old leather armor that he had worn for a long time, and said rather annoyed:

"Sir, I should have thought of it earlier. I will go to Savileland later."

"Well, this matter is not just your business. Officials from all the territory's ministries will also take time to go there. I won't talk about it. You can inform them when the time comes!"

"Yes, sir!"

After thinking about it, Xia Duo still felt that it was not enough, so he added: "The security officers of the public security station and the soldiers of the territorial guard usually have standard combat equipment, and the office staff of various departments in the territory also need a set of neat and decent work uniforms. , the style is tentatively decided as the Tower of Time apprentice robe, with their names and positions embroidered on the chest.”

In fact, the apprentice robes of the Tower of Time are not very formal, neat, and decent, but compared to the various attires of those people now, they are still a lot neater, more decent, and more formal.

Moreover, Xia Duo's intention was not just to change the uniforms of those clerks, but to break some of the sacredness brought by the identity of the spell caster.

Of course, this cannot be changed with a set of clothes, but it can continue to be subtle. Today it may be "So this is what it feels like to be a mage apprentice", and tomorrow it may be "Maybe I can also become a master mage."

And the day after tomorrow, it may become "that's what a mage is like"!

The Tower of Time now has nearly a thousand apprentices. In two or three years, a large number of formal mages will emerge. At that time, some mages will inevitably be assigned to various departments in the territory.

Academic teaching can be called quick success. The mages trained in this way may no longer look down upon ordinary people as they did in the past, because they know that their achievements are not as difficult as they thought before. From an ordinary person to an official mage , in just a few years.

In addition, they are all children of various families in the territory. After destroying the sacredness of spellcasters in the territory, ordinary people in the territory can get along with them better.

Of course, friction and even conflict will almost certainly occur, but in the early stages, everything in the territory is under Sha Duo's control, and he has enough time to slowly adjust.

Find out the best distance and relationship between people of different identities in the future magical civilization.

Although Xia Duo feels that arcanists will definitely become a mainstream in the future, similar to college students on Earth, almost everyone can go to college as long as they are willing to train.

But even in the most developed areas on earth, not everyone can become a college student. Resources are limited, and priority must be given to cultivating those who perform better.

The same is true for universities, high schools, and junior high schools.

In the magical world, unless there are unlimited resources and unlimited time to accumulate, the coexistence of ordinary people and spellcasters must be a very long historical process. (Ordinary people have received magic education and even master some spell-casting abilities, but compared to real professionals, they look amateurish and ordinary)

If the relationship between ordinary people and spellcasters is not properly handled now, when the number of people increases in the future and internal factions become intertwined, although it may not be impossible to deal with it, the cost of dealing with it will be much higher than it is now.

Of course, ordinary people in the future may not necessarily be the group of non-spellcasters referred to now.

In the future, magic education will definitely be popularized. Ordinary people will also receive magic education and even master quite a few spell-casting abilities. However, compared to the truly professional ones, they will look amateurish and ordinary.

In the same way, spellcasters will also be subdivided into various new professions that adapt to the needs of civilization development. It is completely different from the spellcasters mentioned today, which only refer to people who can cast spells.

Perhaps the relationship between spellcasters from different professions is more difficult to coordinate!

Xia Duo has real experience of this. Before traveling here, his two identities - programmer and Internet writer, often suffered from various prejudices.

Even among programmers and writers, there is a chain of visible or invisible contempt.

You can imagine how difficult it is to create a brilliant magical civilization that does not belong to the earth's civilization.

Of course, Xia Duo does not need to handle everything personally, strictly control all variables, and shape the future magical civilization exactly as he wants.

His ideas are largely influenced by earth civilization and are not necessarily suitable for the development of local magical civilization. They must be combined with reality and adapted to local conditions in order to truly cultivate the fruits of sweet and wonderful civilization, rather than the stinky and depraved distortions. fruit.

Fortunately, Chateau's education taught him that a correct methodology is far more important than countless specific and clear methods.

The scientific concept of development can undoubtedly be used to guide the development of magical civilization.

And a harmonious society may not only appear in the technological world.

In fact, in Xia Duo's understanding, magic is science, it's just a difference in terms of nouns. Who can say that a knowledge system like magic that can be repeatedly verified within a certain range is not science!

You must know that at the beginning of the birth of earth science, it was also called "witchcraft" by others. It became a "science" because of the formation of a verifiable system.

If we push the time forward tens of thousands of years into the future, the science at that time might also be called "magic" by the people of Chateau's era.

Real science is not just a system of knowledge developed in a certain era on earth, but also a methodology for developing a verifiable knowledge system.

There are many primitive magics that are completely different from Nese magic and elven magic in the Shadonai scrolls. Those magics may be called "witchcraft".

There are also many magic systems that have taken shape, but unfortunately, they have not developed to the present, and can only become a mark of a certain era recorded in the [Nese Scroll].

The reason may be attributed to being confused by various specific and practical spells, thus ignoring the principles and essence behind these spells.

After all, the magic of this world (as considered by intelligent creatures) is often first born in the form of some practical technology, such as a shaman who communicates with the will of the elements and is able to cast elemental spells.

Often more emphasis is placed on the appearance of magic rather than its essence.

In other words, it emphasizes technology and neglects theory, let alone summarizes a methodology specifically used to guide development.

This is actually a bit similar to the various "black technologies" in Xia Duo's hometown in ancient times. The technology is very powerful, but it is the lack of scientific methodology that has led to real science being many years later than in the West.

The Nese magic system is a relatively mature magic system. Although the Nese mages have not clearly proposed any methodology, they are actually applying it unconsciously. (Elves too, but on the decline)

Without Shado's intervention, Netheril might have been able to stumble and develop a magical civilization, but with Shado, its development speed would definitely increase significantly.

And it can avoid many unnecessary disadvantages in the development process.

This is the confidence and confidence that mastering advanced methodologies brings to Xia Duo.

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