Arcane Lord

Chapter 1135 Collapse manifests, multiple cycles

At the beginning, Xia Duo did not try to control these forces of order that were not yet stable, but just constantly sensed and observed them.

Switching angles back and forth from a general macro perspective to a differentiated micro perspective.

It wasn't until Xia Duo thought that he had a relatively good understanding of these powers of order that he began to truly preview the construction of an order cycle.

But in fact, this can also be considered as formally establishing a cycle of order, at least that's what Xia Duo thinks. If it can succeed now, there is no need to take risks in the field granting ceremony.

Similar to some shows in hometown, in order to ensure the effect, they will be recorded in advance and then have the performers lip-sync.

The essence of constructing an order cycle is to push the power of a certain order to start from the leader of the order, go through the entire scope covered by the order, and then return to the leader of this order.

Xia Duo decided to start with the series of power of order [Development Department-Working Group]. The reason was naturally that there was a circle of people from the Development Department at the foot of the code sculpture.

Of course, this first step alone is quite difficult.

To build a cycle of order, you must start from yourself. Now, the power of order in Xia Duo is like a wisp of wavering smoke or some kind of indescribable electron cloud.

Looking at it in detail, it contains countless branch forces, which represent all the social relationships of Xia Duo in this world, and these branch forces are always changing, making people unpredictable. (Some are not led by themselves)

If you want to accurately find the power of order that represents the series of [Development Department-Working Group], without certain skills, it is like looking for a needle in a haystack, and it is almost impossible to find it.

And Xia Duo has reached this point, which is actually quite skillful.

First of all, the power of order dominated by oneself and the power of order dominated by others have completely different feelings at the perceptual level.

Secondly, Xia Duo's preview did not start directly with selecting a certain power of order component cycle, but chose to familiarize himself with these powers of order first.

As long as the perception is strong enough, even if the power of order is the same, the differences can be found.

And Xia Duo happens to belong to the category with strong perception!

But even so, knowing that there are differences, it is difficult to tell which one represents the [Development Department-Working Group] if we only start from ourselves.

The relationship between Xia Duo and Xia Duo is complicated, but the relationship between the people of Daxia under the sculpture of the Code is much simpler, especially with so many people. All they have to do is look for those with the same nature in the differentiated power of order.

"Sure enough, strong perception is good!"

Soon, Xia Duo found the power of order that represented the [Development Department-Working Group] and locked it in his perception.

Although this does not change its changing characteristics, Shado can also infinitely amplify the presence of this power of order dominated by him in perception.

It is almost equivalent to completely ignoring other powers of order for the time being, and only seeing it!

Since he could not directly control the power of order, Sha Duo still used the micro-magic net after the arcane fire was deployed to cast spells at the same time as the large magic net environment in the outside world.

Soon, regular and changing magic network fluctuations spread outwards with Xia Duo as the center.

At the same time, at the level of perception, the frequency of changes in the power of order in [Development Department - Working Group] began to drop suddenly, just like an electron that originally existed in the form of a probability cloud suddenly collapsed into a specific electron at the moment of observation.

As the spell continued, the power of order became more and more stable, but this was still far from reaching the goal that Sha Duo wanted to achieve.

In order for the power of order to be completely stable, it must be pushed to complete the cycle, otherwise once the spell is terminated, it will still return to its initial state.

However, for Xia Duo, he does not need to do anything extra now, he only needs to continue casting spells.

The spell used to construct a cycle of order in the Ascension Ceremony is a guidance spell. The principle is not yet clear to Sha Duo. He only knows that as long as the spell casting is not interrupted, a cycle of order can eventually be constructed.

Soon, Xia Duo's spell reached a critical moment, and the power of order had stabilized to the extreme. In his perception, there was no change in the power of order, but then, a new change appeared at the next moment——

The power of order has become less!

Since the power of order is a kind of power, it can naturally be quantified. Although Sha Duo has not yet found a way to quantify it, in perception, this "lessening" is enough for him to perceive.

Just like, which one weighs a pound of iron or half a pound of iron? Even without a scale, most people can tell their weight by feel.

As for the missing part of the power of order, Xia Duo speculated while casting the spell that it most likely went to other carriers of order in the [Development Department-Working Group].

As the spell continued, the power of order continued to decrease, and the speed was not slow. Just when Xia Duo hesitated to interrupt the spell, the power of order increased out of thin air.

Next, the power of order decreased and increased at the same time, but the decrease rate was much faster than the increase.

This was very similar to the swimming pool issue that Xia Duo had done when he was studying. He estimated that his "swimming pool" would be exhausted in less than two minutes.

Time passed little by little, and Xia Duo gradually became anxious. Although he knew that the power of order was born from order, and as long as order is immortal, the power of order will never be destroyed, but he still couldn't help but think about what would happen if the power of order disappeared. .

One minute, one and a half, two minutes, just before the last bit of Sha Duo's power of order disappeared, the power of order increased faster than it decreased.

"Do we have to wait until it is full before continuing to reduce it?"

In the God Ascension Ceremony, Xia Duo was not the leader of the power of order, but a participant who was dragged into the cycle of order. In the later stages of the ceremony, he perceived the growing cycle of order, and it was difficult to perceive the details.

However, in this situation, it is difficult not to remind him of the "swimming pool" issue again.

Sure enough, after another round of "full storage", the power of order in [Development Department - Working Group] began to decrease again. By this time, no matter how slow Xia Duo was, he understood that this was the so-called "order cycle".

At the same time, he also understood that the goal of building a cycle of order was not just to promote it to cycle once or twice through spells, but to make it realize an automatic cycle.

"Sure enough, the princess has already started the ascension ceremony since the rehearsal, or even before the rehearsal!"

After thinking about this, Xia Duo also temporarily stopped the spell. He knew that it was very unrealistic to allow the power of order to automatically cycle through just one spell.

This is probably also a relatively long-term plan.

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