Arcane Lord

Chapter 1144 Worst plan, successful spell

The so-called [Root Transformation] is actually a 9-ring transformation spell that aims to use the law of element transformation to adjust the elemental nature of the plane's roots.

It can be to adjust the proportions between elements, or to derive new elements that were not available before through transformation.

For example, in the [Yellow Sand Demiplane], the water element is missing from the source of the plane, making it impossible for water in the plane to exist stably for a long time.

If it is a plane with complete elements, even if all the material water is artificially removed, water will eventually reappear due to the transformation of elements, with the same proportion as before.

Although this natural transformation may take a little longer, it is still much better than the constant loss of material water in the [Yellow Sand Demiplane]!

Before carrying out the formal root transformation of the Yellow Sand Demiplane, Sha Duo returned to the Tower of Time, rested for a while, and temporarily used more than ten standard arcane crystals from the Tower of Time's strategic reserve.

Xia Duo has now been exposed to the ninth level of the magic network, and can save a standard arcane crystal in four or five days on average. However, because he upgraded too quickly and his previous savings were small, he had to call it from the Tower of Time first.

A standard arcane crystal is almost the actual consumption of a ten-level spell. That is, an arcanist can consume a standard arcana crystal to cast a ten-level spell without a magic network.

Xia Duo originally had four or five crystals in his body, and with the addition of the dozen or so temporarily transferred from the Tower of Time, he had twenty standard arcane crystals in his hands. No matter what accident happened, he could handle it calmly!

After completing the material preparations, Xia Duo returned to the core of the plane exploration array and recorded the signal patterns of the interplane guidance beacons.

If you mess up and end up in another world, you can still have something to look forward to.

Of course, this situation will most likely not happen.

Generally, the alien world that can be wandered to is definitely not too far away from the main plane in terms of time and space. In this case, it is enough to teleport back directly. There is no need to use ultra-long-distance navigation.

Only someone like Savile, who is exiled as a result of divine punishment, would use this thing.

Similar to deep space voyages in the Earth's universe, if you can't find some special markers (such as pulsar arrays) in an extremely distant and unfamiliar star field, it is almost impossible to return home.

But out of caution, Xia Duo still made such preparations. Of course, if he were more cautious, it would be best not to conduct similar experiments, but how could he not take any risks in life?

It’s possible to choke to death even when eating, just be prepared with adequate countermeasures!

When he was preparing for the teleportation hall, Xia Duo was still a little nervous, but when he stepped into the yellow sand demiplane, his mood quickly calmed down.

This time when he cast the spell, he did not go to the farthest place from the teleportation gate. Instead, he chose a location near the teleportation gate that was not affected by the teleportation gate and had high terrain and no water accumulation.

After going through the details of the spell casting in his mind for the last time and confirming that there was no problem with the spell itself, Sha Duo slowly unfolded the arcane fire into a miniature magic net.

Just as he was about to cast a spell, he seemed to have thought of something, and took out five standard arcana crystals from his portable space. Four were placed in the inner pocket of the robe, and one was converted into arcana and re-integrated into the micro-magic network.

After that, he began to cast the spell slowly and slowly.

Casting arcane fire and arcane energy spells does not require adaptation to the local magic network, and Shado does not need to specifically contact the adapted spells.

With his spell-casting ability honed in the main plane, although it is not as good as those experienced arcanists who have been working for many years, it is still relatively smooth and does not have any stumbling points.

Typical academic spellcasting style. (Strictly follow the spell-casting steps stipulated in the magic principle, and focus on the word "steady". There is insufficient flexibility, and the speed may not be as fast as the specially explored quick spell-casting.)

As the spell progressed, Shado found that the surrounding magic webs were experiencing stress reactions. Although he did not directly control the magic webs in the demiplane, the magic webs were still affected by his spell.

The stress reaction was so severe that it almost caused changes in the celestial phenomena.

Immediately, countless illusions of elemental transformation appeared in the demiplane. Of course, it was not just illusions. If Xia Duo still had the energy to spare at this moment, he could transform these illusions into real existences.

But he didn't have the energy to do this, and it was even more necessary to do this.

He just allowed the illusions produced by these stresses to increase and fill almost the entire demiplane.

These illusions surrounded Sha Duo's body, and even made him feel that he had traveled to a new, extremely dangerous, and almost elemental riot world.

Once a change of this magnitude comes true, even if Xia Duo has layers of protection at the moment, he may not be able to withstand it.

But he also knew that as long as his spells were not out of control, there would be no possibility of these illusions turning into reality.

With this thought, Xia Duo cast the spell more carefully. After squeezing all the distracting thoughts out of his mind, the spell soon reached the critical moment——

The huge arcane energy that only circulates quietly in its own miniature magic network finally has an outlet to vent, a complex structure woven by a large number of magic network strings, and a 9-ring spell energy circuit with many elements!

With the completion of the spell, Xia Duo finally breathed a sigh of relief. At this point, he only needed to maintain the existence of the miniature magic network to support the existence of the spell, and there was no need to do more.

Next, it depends on whether the transformation process is intense or not!

Out of sight.

The moment Xia Duo's spell was completed, a powerful force emerged out of thin air. As soon as it appeared, it penetrated into an unpredictable place and produced incredible changes.

Not long after, Xia Duo felt a slight tremor on the ground, and the illusion caused by the stress of the surrounding magic network environment was gradually fading.

"That's it--"

Xia Duo was obviously dissatisfied.

He had already made plans for the plane to collapse, and he was just trying to see whether the plane would collapse into elements or break into multiple smaller demi-planes.

But he didn't expect that the final result would be so bland and uneventful, which really disappointed him.

However, this also proves the feasibility of [Root Transformation] in practical application to a certain extent. As for the effect——

Xia Duo has already seen that the magic network environment in the demiplane has undergone some subtle changes. After a few attempts, although the elements related to "water" are still unable to be expressed, compared with the previous [Elemental Infection], which remained unchanged. , change is the biggest gain.

The [Source Transformation] performed by Sha Duo may also be called [Water Element Transformation], which aims to transform other elements at the root of the plane into water elements.

The impact of this spell on the material level is very small in the short term.

More water did not emerge on the ground in the demiplane. Instead, there was less water due to the elemental transformation caused by the lack of water element roots.

Casting a spell to explore the elemental nature of the plane's origin, water element did appear, but the proportion was extremely low, which was far from enough to support the proportion of existing material water in the demiplane.

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