Arcane Lord

Chapter 1152 Ownerless order and missing elements

Therefore, [New Natural Concepts·Doctrine] actually has a corresponding order power.

Xia Duo cannot directly observe the power of faith for the time being, but through the power of order, he can also indirectly obtain some of the situations of this kind of faith power of the same origin.

Soon, Xia Duo distinguished [New Natural Concepts·Doctrine·Order Power] from the numerous subdivided order powers.

This order power born from the new natural concept doctrine is different from [Land Granting System·Order Power] or [Development Department·Order Power], which are completely dominated by Xia Duo.

The relationship with Xia Duo is not dominant and dominant, but ambiguous, with influence, but the influence is not obvious.

The most important point is that this order power cannot build an order cycle!

Xia Duo found the reason after a little thought. Generally, doctrines or decrees have a subject or source, but this new natural concept doctrine is more like a moral code, with neither a subject nor a source.

In other words, this is an ownerless order created out of thin air, a consensus initiated by Atwood and temporarily recognized by the people.

The people can admit it or not, and Xiaduo has no much restraint on it. If it is mandatory and enforced, it will be a decree.

If the subject and source of the doctrine are attributed to "nature", although Xiaduo is said to be the spokesperson of nature in the propaganda, he is not actually nature, and he cannot lead this order.

At the same time, there is a risk of faith-making gods, so Xiaduo naturally cannot do this.

In fact, all the propaganda of the new natural concept has never mentioned any "natural god". Even if there is a discussion about God, it is only to support the view that "everything is natural".

In the new natural concept, nature is greater than God, higher than God, and contains God, not the other way around.

Carefully perceiving this elusive [New Natural Concept Doctrine·Order Power], Xiaduo soon discovered the same existence in Atwood.

Since he could not directly control this order power, Xiaduo could only try to use other order powers that he and Atwood both possessed to aggregate with it, so as to indirectly interfere with it.

The first is naturally the [Land Granting System·Order Power] that has been completely controlled by Xiaduo.

Under Xia Duo's intentional control, the perception angle gradually "pulled up", and the boundaries between different order forces began to blur gradually, and there was no obvious distinction between [land grant system] or [development department].

In this process, [New Natural Concept Doctrine·Order Power] inevitably merged with other order forces and barely belonged to the "Daxia Order System".

Then, Xia Duo began to cast spells to promote such a relatively macroscopic order power cycle. This idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

First of all, such a macroscopic and even grand order power is not easy to form a cycle. If Xia Duo's territory is not relatively small and it is relatively "politically stable and harmonious" for the time being, it may not even be able to complete the first step.

But now, the first step of the cycle is indeed successful, but in the subsequent subdivision of the order power, [New Natural Concept Doctrine·Order Power] has not changed at all compared with before!


Xia Duo sighed in disappointment, then stopped the spell and observed the state of the order power again.

However, there is not much previous information available for reference in the study of the power of order. There is only a book of ascension rituals, and there are only specific practices, but no detailed principles and demonstration processes.

"I am afraid that we still need to incorporate natural doctrines into the system first!"

However, this kind of thing cannot be accomplished standing here. For the time being, the way to indirectly obtain information about the power of faith through the power of order is not feasible!

We still have to go back to the way of facing the "natural will" directly!


After a while, Atwood woke up. This time he still couldn't sense the holy power. After waking up, he asked Shaduo immediately:

"Lord, I still couldn't sense the holy power this time. Did you find anything?"

"The time is too short, nothing is found, let's do it again!"

Atwood didn't think there was anything wrong with this. When he was in the Golden Oak Cult in the past, he often prayed for half a day at a time, and some elf druids could even immerse themselves in the spiritual world for several days.

Soon, the two started again.

Having had this experience, Xia Duo did not choose to completely substitute into Atwood's perspective this time, but hid "behind" him and observed the projection of "natural will" on "Atwood".

This time the effect was much better, without losing real-time and reducing the risk of a large amount of information impacting the mind. The only shortcoming was probably the alienation of "natural will" after being filtered by "Atwood" and the problem of information loss.

But under limited conditions, it is good enough to have the current situation, and there is no need to have too much extravagant expectations.

In this state of perception, Xia Duo soon discovered a completely different situation from the past.

In the past, he had no problem facing the so-called "natural will" directly, and Atwood would naturally not have any new changes, but now-

Atwood's consciousness seemed to be incorporated into a special system of changes, in which information exchanges were very frequent. Xia Duo, as an existence "coexisting and independent" with him, saw this very clearly!

Shado tried to access more perceptions shared by Atwood, beyond the scope of "shadow", but there was still a long way to go before a complete first-person perspective.

At the same time, a large amount of information flooded into Sha Duo's consciousness again, but compared with the previous full first-person perspective, it had been reduced countless times.

Xia Duo tried to parse the information, but failed to gain anything.

It’s not that this information cannot be parsed, but that this information is only part of Atwood’s understanding of the world and nature, and part of the corrected information fed back by the so-called “natural will”.

This information has been obtained by Xia Duo in several previous shared perception experiments. Although not as much as this time, there is essentially nothing new.

Then, Shado did not continue to increase the perception ratio, but maintained this state, but he also did not continue to analyze the new information that was constantly pouring in.

Rather, it is in a more detached way, from a more macro perspective, to perceive the macro trend above the details of this special changing system.

Gradually, Shado seemed to have a realization. He found that Atwood's communication with this system did not have much of a problem. Perhaps this corresponded to the fact that natural responses were always normal.

But at the same time, he also found that the communication was incomplete and gave people a feeling of lag.

Similar to a program, the user has obviously made a new request and the program has responded, but the result is constant resets and loops.

There seems to be some necessary element missing.

Is it because the power of faith is insufficient? Or is there some kind of flaw in the Holy Power conversion mechanism?

At this point, Xia Duo still couldn't come to an accurate conclusion.

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