Arcane Lord

Chapter 1160: It’s over for now, the eve of travel

In addition to the impact on the space-time status of the demiplane in the etheric layer, root transformation will also change the space-time relationship between the demiplane and the elemental plane.

For example, [Yellow Sand Demiplane], Xia Duo's transformation of its roots is to make its plane roots have the element of water through elemental transformation.

This transformation will bring the time and space levels of the demiplane and the elemental plane of water closer together, and the relative position with other elemental planes will also change.

This is only the preliminary conclusion that Xia Duo has reached by recording the changes in the six-dimensional coordinates of fixed positions within the demiplane during this period.

The time and space of the magic world universe is completely different from the time and space of the earth's universe. For example, two planes are very close to each other in the etheric layer, but they may be very far apart in the time and space level relative to the elemental plane.

Taking the earth as an analogy, it is similar to the fact that the earth and the moon are very close, but from another angle, they become very far away, which is very counter-intuitive.

Xia Duo still doesn’t understand the relationship between this!

More importantly, he had to figure it out on his own by analyzing relevant data. He was not sure whether he had figured it out correctly, but for now, the relationship between the planes, the ethereal layer, and the elemental plane was indeed very complicated. It doesn't matter if you think wrong.

Of course, no matter how wrong an inference based on the existing facts is, it is not too outrageous. Xia Duo is only worried that such inference will make his research in the plane field take a detour.

However, when the relevant fields are almost blank, detours are almost inevitable. Furthermore, in the long run, detours may not necessarily be important areas in the future.

In the yellow sand demiplane.

Looking at the slightly moist sand on the ground, Xia Duo felt quite emotional in his heart. The effect of the root transformation was quite good. So far, the plane transformation has made the plane root elements of the yellow sand demiplane more balanced.

Now, as long as the soil environment here is improved, it can be used for planting. Of course, the effect may not be comparable to ordinary farmland on the main plane.

Xia Duo has no interest in the subsequent transformation. Even if it is transformed into an arcane garden, what will happen?

It's just a piece of land the size of a basketball court. How high can the yield be?

It may take a hundred years to recoup the cost of renovation.

No, it should be that as long as the Arcane Garden is renovated, the cost will never be recovered. If it is not renovated, such a small and barren land may not be able to recoup the cost of the Sha Duo Root Renovation even if it is cultivated for a thousand years.

You know, when Sha Duo was transforming here, he used arcane energy to cast spells. In the past twenty days, he had consumed an average of two standard arcana energy crystals every three days.

Based on the current market price of nearly 5,000 gold coins for each arcane crystal, nearly 100,000 gold coins have been consumed in these twenty days.

Such a small piece of barren land needs an income of at least 100 gold coins every year to recover the cost within a thousand years!

"It looks like it can only be used as a warehouse!"

However, Xia Duo still hesitated about this idea. Although this half-plane is no longer the original ecological half-plane, it at least still occupies the title of "natural birth".

In the future, whether it is used as a research object or experimental consumables, it is better than being a warehouse.

If you really want a demiplane warehouse, you can have as many as you want after you learn to create demiplanes!

Thinking like this, Xia Duo quickly exited the yellow sand demiplane and closed the portal. It is conceivable that he may not come here again for quite some time in the future.

After returning to the Tower of Time, Shado did not immediately start researching how to create a demiplane. Instead, he found Nia and invited her to go to Severton to watch the snow melting competition.

In the study on the top floor of the Tower of Time, Niya did not agree immediately after hearing Xia Duo's invitation. Instead, she asked rather hesitantly:

"Can we both go over there?"

"Why not? Although Her Royal Highness the Princess has left, but with the incarnation incident, does anyone else think that she can't interfere in the mortal world? Besides, I am now a student of Lord Iolum, and I am a senior arcane practitioner. Master, who dares to embarrass me or us?”

Sha Duo gave Niya a relieved look and continued: "This time it's not just us. Uncle Aibo and Depak can also go there together if they want to. In addition, I am also planning to bring a few new mages with me. "

"New mage?" Nia was suddenly confused.

Among the contestants in the Snow Melting Competition, all of them on the Netheril side are arcane mages, and the elves on the other side are all elite mages. It would be fine if Eberk and Depak went to watch.

One of them is an arcanist, and the other is a high-level mage who is on his way to becoming an arcanist. There may be something to gain from going and taking a look.

But at higher levels, most people just watch the excitement, not to mention the new mages. They have been staying in the Tower of Time and never left, and they may not even understand the excitement.

And what Niya cares more about is that she originally thought that Xia Duo only called her, but she didn't expect that there were other people, more people, which made her a little irritated.

"Why bring those new mages?"

"Of course it's to increase their knowledge, but it's also a reward for their past apprenticeships!"

Of course, it's more than that. What's more important is to let these new mages get in touch with outside mages and the outside world.

Let them have a comparison in their minds, know how good the Tower of Time is to them, and know the superiority of the Tower of Time system, thereby enhancing their sense of belonging to the Tower of Time.

Although these new mages were all born in Savile Territory, there were also many mages who left Savile Territory in the past.

The outside world may not necessarily be a good one, but it is attractive enough with the unknown.

In particular, this batch of new mages trained under the new model are still young, and most of their minds are not yet mature, so they are even more outward-oriented towards the outside world.

Without personal contact, without seeing with their own eyes, without personal comparison, no matter how much they preach, they will think that there is something better out there.

If people's hearts are broken, it will be difficult to lead the team.

Contracts are not omnipotent, and they cannot stop a person who wants to be free. These new mages should be given the opportunity to contact the outside world.

Whether it is from the perspective of soothing emotions or guiding people's hearts, it is a good choice.

Even if there are a few stubborn people, it will be difficult to have a big impact on the mentality of the current Tower of Time members. Furthermore, although the contract does not stipulate that they cannot break away, at least the liquidated damages should be paid first.

If you can't afford it, there's nothing you can do.

Either get on the Lord of Glory's blacklist, or don't leave.

After listening to Xia Duo's explanation, Niya didn't say anything else. Even though she was still a little out of sorts, Xia Duo didn't know what was going on. She just thought that Niya hadn't been feeling well these past two days. After talking about the business, she left the study to prepare for tomorrow's trip. Be prepared.

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