Arcane Lord

Chapter 1166 Balance and Request

But no matter what, Sha Duo was very happy to see the Tower of Wisdom and Vader being punished. At the same time, he also realized how troublesome a great arcanist opponent would be.

Unless there is an absolute reason for the opponent to offend the public and then attack them in groups, there will be almost no one to cure them, and they can only be punished without pain or itching, and it is difficult to injure them.

Of course, relatively speaking, as long as you become a great arcanist, no one can cure you.

This situation made Xia Duo think of the five gangsters on the earth again. With nuclear weapons in hand, I have the world.

Fortunately, the Grand Arcanist does not have the absolute ability to suppress people under the Grand Arcanist, otherwise he might be even more hooligan than the five hooligans.

After all, the permanent members of the Security Council on Earth are a collective organization composed of many people, and all factors will be taken into consideration when making decisions.

Even though it sometimes seems to be an irrational approach, it is actually the approach that is most beneficial to the ruling class after repeated weighing.

And every Grand Arcanist is an independent individual. Of course, what he thinks and does will be restricted by the external environment, but if he really wants to do something on a sudden whim, the change of concept may be just a matter of a thought. thing.

Mage and arcanist are just the result of knowledge and wisdom, in which rationality plays a very important role. However, it would be a big mistake to think that mage and arcanist are absolutely rational people.

But everyone will have emotions and feelings. If they are absolutely rational, they will become robots. Rationality also needs the nourishment of sensibility.

On the contrary, sensibility also needs rational guidance. If emotions are overflowing and words and deeds are completely driven by emotions, as capricious as a child, it will be too dangerous.

Sha Duo has not come into contact with all the great arcanists, but judging from the great arcanists he has come into contact with so far, these people have a good balance between rationality and sensibility, and are neither extreme nor mediocre.

“Maybe it’s because of this that Netheril has a relatively stable ‘Fifteen Constants’ structure now!”

After the meeting, each of the great arcanists teleported away as they came, and only the old and new presidents of the Arcane Federation, as well as Sha Duo, were left in the venue.

"After the snow melting competition, I will send people to the Tower of Time to take Aquilaine away. Doleson's matter will end here. As for Vader, he will not trouble you."

Seemingly thinking of something, Iolum smiled again and said:

"The news of the fine of the Smart Tower will be announced soon. There is a high probability that the exchange price of the exchange vouchers issued by the Smart Tower will drop slightly. If you want to make a small profit, you can try to collect them."


Is this considered insider trading?

Xia Duo immediately became interested. Although he could not let the Tower of Wisdom be run into bankruptcy, it was appropriate to cut some flesh from this matter.

After all, it is still uncertain whether the 200,000 gold coins demanded by the Severnton Council will be sent to Savileland?

Even if you get it, you have to deduct the operating costs of the Severnton Council first, and you have to collect the points with Rodney. If you really get it, it will be included in the finance of Savile, and it will not be counted as Shado's own. .

But now, if you only exchange vouchers for bargain hunting, you may really be able to make some small money for yourself.

However, after Xia Duo thought about it, although this approach would indeed reduce the credibility of the smart tower's redemption voucher in future commercial activities, it would not have much impact.

Strictly speaking, this is not cutting the flesh of the Tower of Wisdom, but cutting the flesh of those businessmen.

In his opinion, this kind of thing is quite demeaning. He doesn't know whether this is Iolum's temptation or whether he really intends to teach students to make money. Anyway, Xia Duo chose not to follow.

"Teacher Iolum, not long ago the Tower of Time signed a purchase agreement with the Mingshui Chamber of Commerce with an annual turnover of over one million. The small amount of money needed to exchange the voucher is really not worth my time. Furthermore, the prosperity of business is conducive to With the development of magic, this kind of practice of knowing inside information and bargaining will only dampen the enthusiasm of businessmen, which will be detrimental to the long-term, and I don’t want to do it.”

"Oh, that's my fault." There was no sign of anything strange on Iolum's face.

But Xia Duo felt that Iolum seemed to be very satisfied with his answer, but neither of them went into too much depth on this topic, and Xia Duo quickly left.

However, before leaving, Iolum asked Shado to help pay attention to methods that could reduce the frequency of elemental transmutation of mithril, or alternative mithril materials with a lower frequency of elemental transmutation.

"This matter is very important to you and me, and even to the whole of Netheril. I also asked Seven Towers to help pay attention to it. If you find anything, you can contact me at any time."

new technology? new material? Very important?

Such a description made Sha Duo immediately think of the independent arcane fire device and the [Myser Energy Core] that may not even have a name yet, so he tentatively asked:

"I wonder how much arcane energy flux the new technologies and materials you need, Mr. Iolum, need to withstand?"

Under normal circumstances, even the foreign trade mithril currently obtained by the Arcane Federation is enough to carry the core energy circuits of most magic items, but it cannot be made very small.

But since Iolum specifically mentioned new technologies and materials, the requirements must be higher than Mithril. The so-called reduction of element transmutation frequency is actually to reduce the energy resistance.

When Shado asked how much arcane flux he needed to withstand, he was asking about Iolum's requirements for "resistivity".

This kind of inquiry is normal. Iolum didn't think there was anything wrong with Shado asking this question, and directly provided a piece of data:

"At least a million times more powerful than the current standard mithril."

The so-called standard mithril refers to the largest amount of conventional mithril obtained from dwarves and elves through foreign trade.

If the arcane energy flux is a million times that of standard mithril, Shado can't think of anything else except an independent arcane fire device that needs to exist for a long time and needs to circulate a large amount of energy.

Although he had come to a conclusion in his mind, Xia Duo did not immediately take out the experimental records of the Demonic Network String's materialization that he had already prepared.

When I took out the experimental records at this time, the pertinence couldn't be more obvious, and taking it out so easily didn't show the importance of my plan.

In addition to David's plan to materialize the Magic Network's Strings, there is also a plan to replace mithril with mixed crystals brought out from Master Innocent's Tower.

The results of both may meet Iolum's requirements, but the materials themselves are extremely difficult to preserve, and Shado needs to think again before he can come up with a plan that looks more complete.

"Teacher Iolum, I have written down your request. I will pay attention to it, and I already have some ideas. After the snow melting competition, I will study it and report back."

"Already have an idea?"

Iolum is quite interested in this, but he has no intention of asking Xia Duo to talk about it now. After all, there is still a long way to go from idea to practice!

He has new ideas every day, but most of them have been proven to be unfeasible, and the few that are feasible have unsatisfactory final results. In his opinion, Xia Duo's ideas are more of a newly emerged inspiration, far away. The idea is still some way off!

"As long as you have an idea, go back and study it carefully. I'm waiting for your good news!"

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