Arcane Lord

Chapter 1180 Arrival coordinates, collective exorcism

"Nia, how are you feeling?"

"It seems to have suddenly become easier."

"Let's find a place to sit first, and we'll stay a little longer!"

With that said, Sha Duo took Niya to a stone bench at the edge of the square.

Next to the bench was a statue of a character. Xia Duo had never been here before, so he couldn't help but take a second look. Niya immediately introduced:

"This is the statue of Archbishop Anthony. This archbishop was sacrificed in a wave of orcs. It is said that he later turned into light and ascended to the Kingdom of Radiance."

She has visited here several times and is quite familiar with the statues and buildings here, but her perception of the holy power is not as strong as Xia Duo's.

"It turns out to be a person from three hundred years ago!"

Shado saw an introduction to the life of Archbishop Anthony on the base of the statue, but it did not turn into light and ascend into the Kingdom of Glory as Niya said.

It seems that this should be the difference between official history and legend.

Of course, it is not impossible for Archbishop Anthony to go to the Kingdom of Glory after his death. After all, the Kingdom of Glory does exist.

Before, he had seen Nese farmers pioneering in the boundless wilderness, and heard about Nese mages who studied magic in the Kingdom of Glory. He even heard that the underworld of the Lord of Death could be considered a destination.

Of course, there is also the new kingdom of God opened by Her Royal Highness the Princess [God of Development and Protection] in the outer plane, and there are also some Nese reincarnations.

However, Xia Duo still hasn't figured out where people will go to the outer plane after death, and what the mechanism is.

Maybe it has something to do with faith, but not entirely. It must contain secrets related to the nature of the world.

After sitting down on the bench, Shado told Nia to stay alert, and he began to retrace his memories, still retracing the memories of the morning in the arena.

Then, he was pleasantly surprised to find that when he traced his memory, the mysterious patterns left behind by the devil after his death were different from before.

Whether it was a line drawing that resembled a demonic image or those mysterious runes with unknown meanings, they had all lost the abnormal characteristics they had previously perceived - they no longer glowed, as if they had become ordinary patterns in ordinary memories.

Perhaps it was just as Iolum said, he was contaminated with the devil's aura when he passed by the scene of the demon's death. Now when he came to the square outside the Great Temple and was blessed by the Holy Power, the devil's aura was immediately cleared away.

Afterwards, Xia Duo concentrated hard and quickly entered a state of extreme concentration. The situation of the small space around his soul that was reflected by the glow was quickly included in his perception.

At this time, in the small space around the soul, there are still images of Nese villages in the endless wilderness that appear to be intermittent with unstable signals, as well as images of a swamp somewhere in the abyss.

This made Xia Duo a little disappointed.

He originally thought that the blessing of holy power could also clear away the abyss images in the small space around the soul!

However, although the abyss scene still exists, the mysterious patterns left behind by the demons after their death have disappeared.

At the same time, due to the premonition in the bloodline, if the soul goes to the outer plane, it will no longer be pulled by the abyss, but can freely decide where to go, whether to the boundless wilderness or the abyss.

Perhaps those mysterious patterns are the so-called "devil's breath", used to attract demon summoners and divert water into the abyss!

And those abyss scenes are just coordinates for his soul to descend to the outer plane!

If you understand it this way, Xia Duo will feel much better. Being contaminated with the so-called "devil's breath" has not caused any harm. Instead, he has gained a new coordinate for the outer plane to descend to.

However, when it comes to demons and abyss, he will not take it lightly. If there are two pros and cons, it will really be like "the business is half-finished and the middle road collapses"!

You will need to check frequently in the future to see if those mysterious patterns will reappear. This is probably the only bad thing about this experience!

Returning to the Austrian-French Federation, Shado heard someone talking about the snow-melting competition. After calling a grassroots deacon to inquire, he learned that the Sevington Council had officially announced that the snow-melting competition would continue to be postponed.

El Carmon, on behalf of Severton Council, previously announced that it would be postponed to two days, but now, it has been postponed to five days.

"Is it because of the devil?"

Shadonia looked at each other, and the two of them instantly made the same guess.

Immediately afterwards, the next morning, news came out from the Sevington Council that at noon, a blessing ceremony would be held in the Glory Square outside the Great Temple for the elves and humans who died unexpectedly in the arena yesterday.

Generally speaking, the great temple in Severton rarely holds large-scale celebrations, especially in the current situation where there are not many people, and the holy power obtained from the holy tide is often not enough to make up for the expenditure.

But now, at the request of the Sevington Council, the Great Temple has done so.

Xia Duo immediately understood the above idea. "Exorcism" for all potential people who are contaminated with the aura of the devil. Generally, such large-scale activities have many benefits.

Apart from anything else, even if you come to watch the fun, you can at least get some blessings, treat your illness if you are sick, and strengthen your health if you are not sick.

However, Xia Duo and Niya did not participate in this kind of event. Those who were related to them had been informed of the presence of demonic aura in advance, and those who were supposed to be blessed had already gone.

The two of them walked around the old city for a while in the morning. Niya went to Giles Tower to apply for advanced materials for magic network background fluctuation research, while Shado went to a tavern near Jilan Tower to go to Lord Collins. of appointment.

"Lord Xia Duo, I didn't expect that this year's snow melting competition would be more exciting than last year, and a demon incident actually happened!"

"Yes, who would have thought of such a situation!" Xia Duo sighed and drank the wine in one gulp.

According to the original agreement between him and Lord Collins, the two would discuss opening up the Cormanzo trade route after the snowmelt competition, but when this happened, they suddenly had five days left in between.

Not to mention a senior arcanist, even an ordinary mage would not waste it so casually.

Collins was very efficient and quickly made a more detailed summary and plan of the current and future output of spices in the general territory.

The main purpose of the meeting between the two was to exchange opinions on this matter. For this reason, Chateau also asked Oripus last night about the situation of the domestic spice market in Comanso, which was considered to be well-prepared.

In front of the wine table.

Chateau quickly read through the information brought by Lord Collins. Lord Collins was very sincere and the information he provided was very comprehensive.

There are many types of spices, including many of the ancient spices he mentioned before that have long since disappeared in the elven world.

It seems that not only ancient magic items and materials can be found in ancient ruins, but also ancient plant seeds.

Xia Duo did not ask where to find the long-preserved spice seeds, but raised a question based on the information the other party brought——

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