Arcane Lord

Chapter 1130 Lessons from Elf History and the Arrival of the Great Arcanist

When Kabor's footsteps completely disappeared, Hechenis was about to report the arrival of Magna. Iolum had already asked first: "Magna is here? What did he say?"

"Sir, Grand Arcanist Magna said that he wanted to see Master Congenio. In addition, he also mentioned that other Grand Arcanists would arrive and that he should be notified immediately."

Upon hearing this, Iolum couldn't help but look a little gloomy, and then he suddenly said, "Hechenis, do you also think it's time to ask Master Congenio to come forward?"


How dare Hechenis accept this! One is the former president and the other is the current president. No matter how you say it, you have offended the other.

He could only lower his head and remain silent, just counting the lines on the ground. Seeing this, Iolum did not make it too difficult for this new subordinate who had not been with him for a long time.

After thinking about it, Iolum gave Hechenis a new task: "Go to Giles Tower to inquire about the investigation there, and also tell them that Magna has arrived and may convene a joint meeting of Grand Arcanists at any time. , In this case, it would be bad if the Seven Towers were absent!"

"Yes!" Hatchenis agreed immediately.

Although he didn't know why Magna didn't immediately convene a joint meeting of Grand Arcanists, but insisted on waiting for others to come over first, but since the president said this, he would just do it.

"Get out."


After Hechenis left, a sudden flash of light flashed in the study, and the strings of the magic network vibrated sharply. Then Brod, who had just applied for development permission not long ago, appeared in the study.

"Are you here too? If you are here, you can conduct a few more experiments with me. The two solutions provided by Xia Duo have very promising application prospects. I have been studying this recently!"

"Teacher, teacher, in this situation, you are still thinking about that experiment! I have heard about Cliff in Conchi City. Is there no explanation from the Seven Towers?"

Brod is not impatient, but he does pay more attention to this matter than usual. After all, he and even his teacher are not from the Seven Towers.

If it is true that the Seven Towers intend to eliminate the forces outside the Seven Towers, then he will also be greatly affected.

This incident reminded him of a period in the past history of the elves. When Arivanda had just won the Crown War, the Mianwang family couldn't wait to start purging the high mages.

This triggered a strong backlash among the high mages, quickly disintegrating a powerful empire that had nearly unified the entire elven world.

Now the negotiations between Netheril and the Northland countries on jointly establishing the Northland Alliance have come to an end. If nothing else happens, when the Northland Alliance is established, peace and stability will become the mainstream.

In this case, Seven Towers, which has sufficient foundation, may not think of becoming a dominant player!

In the long history of the elves, scenes that are very funny to future generations have been repeated countless times. Perhaps the biggest lesson of history is not to learn the lessons of history.

If the elves are like this, how can humans be spared?

As soon as he heard that Chris died in Giles Tower and disappeared, Brod realized that the drastic changes in the future, whether good or bad, would never be the same!

"Teacher, teacher!"

Brod's repeated urgings made Iolum frown. He had not rested since last night. Although he had lived for a long time, his body was still a mortal body.

With so many things pressing on his mind, he really felt exhausted mentally and physically. He just mentioned asking Congenio to come forward in front of Hechenis, not as a joke or a test, but from the bottom of his heart.

He now finally understands the difficulty of Teacher Ain as the arbiter of all parties. It is not just about calling a few groups of people together and letting them argue about the results on their own. It also requires him to judge the overall situation and make the most appropriate decision. Mediation and arbitration of parties and Netherese interests.

"I just hope that the Seven Towers will give a convincing result as soon as possible!"

As for letting the Austrian and French Federation lead this investigation, Iolum has also thought about it, but even Congenio can't do this, let alone him.

In a sense, the Seven Towers are equivalent to Netheril and belong to the official government, while the Arcane Association is just a communication platform spontaneously formed by spellcasters and belongs to the private sector.

If you want the private sector to replace the official government, it doesn't matter if it's a small matter, but if you do it on a major issue, it will almost subvert the foundation of Netheril's existence.

The consequences may be more serious than Cliff's death in Giles Towers.

Of course, the times are developing. If the proportion of the Seven Towers' Grand Arcanists drops to a certain level in the future, perhaps the Severnton Council will become a real official rather than a one-spoken organization of the Seven Towers.

By then, perhaps the meaning of the existence of the Austrian Law Federation will no longer exist!

"Teacher, teacher?"

Brod's constant calling woke Iolum out of his meditation. Iolum fully understood Brod's concerns, but at this moment, his identity was not only Brod's teacher, but also the United Officia and France. The president of the meeting.

He can't easily express his position on many things, even to his own students. "This matter is still under investigation by the Seven Towers. Just listen to the rumors outside and don't pay too much attention."

After saying that, Iolum mentioned the new experiment again.

Brod agreed immediately, but couldn't help but ask: "Teacher, what do you think of this matter?"

Iolum responded with silence, and Brod knew it was interesting and did not ask any more questions. However, when Brod left, Iolum still reminded him in a low voice:

"Wait with peace of mind for the investigation results of the Seven Towers, and don't express your position easily outside. This incident is just an accident, but if it is not handled well, it will be a disaster!"

Brod paused, then nodded and left the teacher's study.

In this way, after Magna, the Arcane Federation once again welcomed a great arcanist, and the identity of this great arcanist was quite special.

Soon, the news of Brod's appearance in the Alfa Union spread throughout the Sevington spellcasting circle, and then spread further.

Not long after, the great arcanists Braun and Vader also arrived one after another.

But for some reason, neither Magna, who arrived first, nor those who arrived later, had any intention of convening a joint meeting of Grand Arcanists, as if they were waiting for something in unison.

This is what Xia Duo learned after coming out of the laboratory.

Sha Duo did not doubt that several great arcanists were waiting for the investigation results of the Seven Towers, but he was more willing to believe that those few were secretly communicating together and preparing to join forces to attack the Seven Towers!

Regardless of whether Cliff's death is directly related to the Seven Towers, it is always an indisputable fact that he died in Giles Tower, and the Seven Towers must give an explanation.

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