Arcane Lord

Chapter 2482 New city construction begins

Xia Duo doesn't have the habit of going to bed early, and certainly doesn't have the habit of going to bed late, but because the dinner ended early, it's far from the time to rest. What's more, his energy is far beyond the average person now, and it doesn't matter if he doesn't rest for several days or nights. .

However, considering his daily spellcasting, he would not be so extreme and basically maintain a normal routine.

"I've read your recent research notes, and they're a lot better than before. I have a few opinions on optimizing the number of nodes recently -"

Sha Duo took out the research notes that Niya had given him before, and gave Niya guidance based on the specific contents of the pages. Niya sometimes frowned in confusion, and sometimes nodded in understanding.

When Xia Duo finished speaking, Niya asked all the doubts at once, then Xia Duo answered, Nia continued to ask, Xia Duo continued to answer, and so on until Nia had no more questions.

"I understand, this project can be completed within a week at the latest, but when the time comes to cast the spell -"

"I'll cast the spell!" Xia Duo agreed.

Niya has not yet sensed the tenth level of the magic network, let alone the top achievements of elf magic involved in the construction of the Mystery Lock. Before Niya can create her own incarnation in the form of a saint, it is basically impossible to build the Mystery Lock by herself.

Of course, after completing this project, Yiniya's arcanist foundation can be successfully transformed into a great arcanist as long as she performs a targeted spellcasting equivalent to ten rings.

Although there is still some gap between Yu Shaduo's own standards, in terms of current Netheril, he is basically qualified. His research ability is above average, and he only lacks some experience in spell duels.

"I really want to see what the communication mystery lock will look like after it is completed!" Niya murmured next to Sha Duo.

It is a bit of a pity for the researcher to not be able to build the things he studies by himself, but Niya now understands the meaning of social division of labor, so she is not too insistent on building it with her own hands.

Sha Duo could feel Niya's subtle mood, but deliberately pretended not to understand, "Then you have to hurry up. The faster you complete it, the sooner the communication mystery lock can be built."

"Well!" Niya shook her fist, as if she had made up her mind, "I have decided that I will study behind closed doors for the next week, and I will not participate in the construction of the new city!"

"Huh? Are you serious?"

"Yes, there are so many people building the new city, and I am not missing one. I have to hurry up and complete the final optimization so that you can build the communication mystery lock as soon as possible."

Although Niya is close to the Grand Arcanist, she only acts as a tool for casting spells in the new city construction ceremony. Even Savil, the Grand Arcanist, is also a tool.

Now that Niya wants to do something she cares about more, she naturally doesn't want to be a tool.

However, for Xia Duo, this is really not a question of one more, no more, and no less. Although the individual who assists in spell casting in the spell casting ceremony is definitely working as a tool, the current spell casting team is not large in number, and the impact of one less person It's still very obvious.

Niya not going means that the spell-casting tasks that she originally had to undertake need to be shared by others. As long as everyone makes no mistakes, this actually increases everyone's spell-casting burden.

Considering the possibility of mistakes by members of the spellcasting team, the absence of an excellent spellcaster like Niya will also greatly harm the team's error tolerance.

This situation is certainly not what Xia Duo wants to see, "Niya, don't be like this, I need your help~"

"Okay, I agree!"

Niya's sudden change of words caught Xia Duo off guard. He thought it would be difficult to convince him, but he didn't expect that Niya just played a little trick on him.

Xia Duo has finally remembered this "hatred" and will give Niya an unforgettable "lesson" when he returns to the bedroom.

Two days later, there was still no news from Severington.

Xia Duo didn't want to waste time, so he sent a message to Yin Oulem and told him that he might not be able to contact him in the next few days. If there was any progress in the negotiations between Severington and the Seven Towers, he could use the channel of the Austrian and French Federation to send the message until then. tower.

"If you have something to do, go ahead and get busy. It may take some time before there are any results from Severington!"

After receiving Yin Orem's reply, Sha Duo no longer hesitated and immediately led the Tower of Time's new city construction phase one team to the floating city construction base - the blue crystal plane.

Most of the people brought here this time have never been to the blue crystal plane. Of course, most of them have never been to an alien plane in the past.

The most experienced among them is of course Savile, who has been to countless planes and is now almost a natural candidate for a plane scholar. Shado is also more inclined to let this elder develop in the direction of a plane scholar.

After the synchronization of the blessing planes, everyone seemed to have become a natural water element creature, and they seemed to be able to navigate the unique underwater environment of the blue crystal plane with ease.

"This is the blue crystal plane! It really looks like a pure sapphire!"

The earth element in the blue crystal plane is scarce, and the gravity is negligible. The clear water is filled with weak positive energy, which brings light and makes the water particularly clear.

Being in it, you feel like you are in the sky, with nothing to rely on in all directions. This wonderful experience is very novel and wonderful even for high-level mages who have already mastered the art of flying.

Xia Duo immediately urged everyone, but they still wandered around the blue crystal plane to vent their fresh energy.

Except for the Fishman Island, the water part of the blue crystal plane is actually very monotonous. There is almost nothing else except water. After all, even fish and aquatic plants need nutrients to survive.

The water here is almost all pure water. Only on Fishman Island is there abundant nutrients such as humus and soil. On the vacuum side, although Shado has placed an air production device and a positive energy channel, the original negative Energy and vacuum environment have long exterminated all life forms.

Fish-Man Island can be said to be the most exciting place in the entire blue crystal plane. Other places may be interesting and novel at first glance, but after a long time, they are just like that.

And because Xia Duo plans to use this place as a secret construction base for a floating city or other large-scale magic facilities, he has no plans to build any entertainment facilities or underwater landscapes here.

Up to now, except for some equipment on the vacuum side, it has almost remained pure and original.

Soon, when the high-level mages of the spellcasting team finished visiting the entire plane and calmed down, they all returned to Sha Duo one by one.

"Lingsi Network public network new city construction channel, are you ready?"

Xia Duo has the authority to know the network access status of each person who accesses the network. After everyone puts on the inspiration ring and enters the public network new city construction channel, he starts to issue instructions through the Lingsi network.

"Follow the position rehearsed on the main plane."

In fact, there is no fundamental relationship between position and spell casting. The fewer the number of people, the less you need to care about the position when casting a spell. However, when there are more people, if only one spell source point is used, not everyone can perceive the spell. Source.

Then you need to decompose the spell, and break down what one spell source point can do into multiple spell source points. In fact, coordinated spell casting or ritual spells use the spell source point as the basic unit.

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